Just saw Dunkirk

just saw dunkirk


fuck, made me kek

this is so stupid its funny

I don't get this kid. Is he Asian or what?

kino dublin half breed

One of the worst war movies in existence. No coherence, bad acting, horrible music, bad CGI.

>Director Christopher Nolan

On of the best war movies I've ever seen, nothing comes even close, the realism, the music (Hans Zimmer), great CGI and the acting was out of this world.

>god, those Germans really dunkirked us.
whoa a bit on the nose nolan

Great aerial combat though


the modern warehouses in the back triggered my OCD during that scene

>british movie
>it's shit
every time

the film rightfully won the best film editing oscar, a masterful tension filled ride

That kid should not have been in the movie.
He seemed out of place and his death scene was completely retarded.


they would have been easy to cgi out surely. sloppy work nolan.

one of the most boring and stupid movies I've seen in a long time

while I was watching I was sure it was 3h long, couldn't believe it when I saw something like 100min running time

The "stupid" way George dies is literally the point of that whole scene and the character of George.
Nolan used his character to show the juxtaposition of a senseless and pointless death of the boy with the senseless and pointless deaths of the soldiers on the other side. To show what stoicism is with the Rylance's son saying to the shellshocked soldier that the boy is alright. To show that in war old men get young men to die for them.
To show that not all "war heroes" are the usual true heroes we all imagine them to be because more people will remember George who didn't even see the war, while all those soldiers bombed/torpedoed on the other side just became a mere statistic.

Also without George, Cillian Murphy would've overtaken the boat and all those boys would never be saved from the oil spill fire.

Looks like a traveler

Boring" is not a valid argument, it only says what your mood was while watching the film.
Same as saying "it was fun", that does not indicate anything about the actual quality of the film whatsoever.

What you find boring others can find riveting and vice versa. Some people are immensely bored by Marvel flicks, some of them think they are just pure fun.
Get better arguments

nah, it's an objectively boring movie, there is slow but interesting and then there is shit like this

good for you if you can find enjoyment in this turd but the majority of people are not into scat

Cillian Murphy was pointless too.
Should have focused on the brit and the french desertor.

>nah, it's an objectively boring movie
I literally explained how it can't be an "objectively" boring movie, like any other movie out there also, otherwise there wouldn't be people who went to see it five times in the theater and the film would've never made more than 5 times of it's budget. It's only a personal statement of your own mood, nothing more.

>but the majority of people
The majority of people find films by Tarkovsky "boring", probably because they are a bit slower than todays films. Are they bad films then?
The majority of people find flicks by Marvel "fun", probably because it's non stop braindead quips and mindless CGI action. Are they good films then?



Tbh found the film more relaxing than tense.

this scene was kino

Nah Baby Driver deserved the editing oscar. But since Kevin Spacey was in it they had no chance.
Dunkirk was the second best choice though.

It's amazing how a movie that tells three dramatic moments for humans is devoid of human emotions.
Is Nolan already a full robot?

That is objectively wrong.


You're either a sociopath or straight up lying if you didn't find Rylance's character and performance emotional at any level at all.

I love the way he acts and talks, seems right out of that era.


My man.

Not at all, and I'm not a sociopath and have a lot of empathy for characters in movies and series, sometimes even more than irl since irl is fucked up too many times
That's why I was so surprised, and I did talked about it with other people (4 or 5 people, irl) and it's was a consensus

La ogre creature....

Yeah the film tried to do too much and insert some needless sentimentality.
Still a great film, but with some obvious flaws.

Bravo Nolan.

i had to look up who that is, literally nothing emotional about him or his performance

best character was probably capa and he was barely in the movie

The two Sound awards plus Editing is bretty good this year. Cinematography was surely Dunkirk as runner up in vote totals, Deakins just couldn't lose.

>tried to do too much
How do you do "too much" when there is absolutely nothing in there?

BRAVO NOLAN really makes you think.

>he actually had to look up who Mark Rylance is
god I hate when this board get's infected with braindead facebook casuals after the Oscars

Only on the ride home after my second viewing did the sadness of Georges newspaper obituary really hit for me. Fuck.


I'd have preferred just a story about the soldiers toughing it out on the beach.


Which is better?

the black bars add more tension

>e's done kirked 'is 'ed so 'e 'as

jesus christ nolan

There are no "black bars" when you view it projected in a theater, who cares about the Netflix audience

Who made this horrible reeditt? It's a dumb re edit of a scene, there is no cross cutting like that in the film, once the aspect ratio switches it stays like that for the scene

That's the scene as it appears in the film dipshit.

t. hasn't seen Nolan in IMAX.

When I saw it the first time I hated it. After I saw it the second I genuinely liked the film a lot.

fucking kek