Austrian cardinal claims many Muslims want an 'Islamic invasion of Europe'

Austrian cardinal claims many Muslims want an 'Islamic invasion of Europe'

Post yfw this guy becomes the future Pope and starts a Crusade

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apparently this guy is next in line to be pope:


'Stria mate

Is time for MCGA?

I hereby claim this sacred data ground as the territory of God

Based Australians, even their clergy are shitposters

Based esterajh

I hope he doesn't decide to shoot himself in the back of the head on his way home one day :^)

Is he in Opus Dei though?

Australian cardinals have absolutely no credibility with the general public here after it was revealed that almost every one of them systematically covered up child abuse

Thank you based catholics for letting me have a holiday today here in bavaria even though I'm protestant


The only cardinal to have been accused of covering up child abuse is George Pell and, despite the repeated attempts by anti-clerical leftists to assassinate his character, it has never been proven that he covered up anything. It was a baseless accusation promoted by the Victoria Police in order to draw attention away from their own failure to respond adequately to complaints of sexual abuse.

You all miss a reason for allow to muslimans into europe. it isn't to revive christianity, but to destroy it and the other abrahamic religions. europe will awake to how retarded these religions are.

>many Muslims

Still a cuck


fucking nazis

>>You all miss a reason for allow to muslimans into europe.
What do you mean? Everyone knows it, it's been described so many times.

The first link is an official European Commission document built upon the foundations of all the attempts described in documents linked in the second article.


need to get rid of the current pope ASAP, fucking jesuit illuminati cunt

>Austrian cardinal claims many Muslims want an 'Islamic invasion of Europe'

you dont say, but meahwhile pic rel does this

While i agree 99% of muslims are terrorists, theres 1 or 2 that arent and we cant lump them in with the rest. Its just semantics.

deus fucking vult then

Good. Catholicism needs to uncuck itself.

deus vult right now.

I would bet for Cardinal Sarah or this guy to be the next Sanctus Papam

deus vult, ave maria

i will start going back to church once the reconquista of europe starts

>These two future developments will have a number of positive effects on the prospects
for immigration and on the place of Islam in Europe. First of all they will show that a
European Islam has come into being, thus dispelling the image of a rampant Islamisation
of Europe. This European Islam is developing its own characteristics which increasingly
distinguish it from Islam as lived in Muslim countries

These people are mad. Criminally insane. The EU must fall, and people like this must be banned from politics and bureaucracy for life, jailed, or even executed. It's a small consolation that this shit is 13 years old, and European politics have changed massively since then. But they are still talking about turning Europe islamic.


But that's the exact same plan that's been pushed since WW1 - a unified Mediterranean (north and south side) Europe, with 3 major religions melding into some kind of a bland slop.

And every time it's revived, they make a new batch of various financial foundations, media organizations, NGOs, etc.

To be honest, theoretically the "European Islam" did still somewhat exist until the war in ex Yugoslavia. Bosnian Muslims were perfectly normal people, it was more of a cultural Islam so to speak. Obviously, you can't get that back, ever.

He's Austrian not a fucking kangaroo

First Hofer, then the world.

saoudis wahabit (or whatever it's called) dont even hide their intention to take control of europe
and our governement in europe let them build islamist centers

from the man that said refugees are an enormous chance for Austria

That "European Islam" also existed in the Dutch East Indies. We were officially the largest Islamic country for four centuries straight. Yet they were not muslims as we know them, but all that changed when America first forced us out of the colonies, and then backed the islamists against the communists. now Indonesia is rapidly islamizing, compared to its relatively secular past.

And they actively work against their "European Islam". To promote it, they constantly choose sides with the worst islamists you can find in Europe. Maybe they are misguided, or maybe they are only paying lip service, but one thing is sure: They do not do what they claim to be doing. They are, in fact, agents for the most radical form of islam we know today, as is confirmed time and again by them protecting radical muslims, such as those returning from Syria after fighting for ISIS.

dropped, those quasi germans are as evil as their northern cousins

That has been happening in Bosnia too, suddenly Saudis started funding mosques, combined with the fact that they got a bunch of mujahedin to fight for them during the war who mostly stayed living there in various villages, and are now "coming out" so to speak, it's a rather interesting situation. People who haven't been to Sarajevo in a while say they can hardly recognize it anymore.

>liberate the holy land

so more foreign wars in the middle east. no thanks.

Make this guy the Pope

Filth, you don't deserve your lederhosen

What are you? a fucking heretic? Once we take the holy land, there will once again be peace to the middle east. mecca will be nuked and islam will die


This is what we call a "Frankensau". They are literally worst Bavaria. Altbayern is best Bavaria.

I'm converting to Catholicism

Ratzinger did nothing wrong. We need to uncuck the holy see.

I love this shit despite being Saupreiß.


crusade when?

Jewsuits won't let him.

So, what exactly happened to him? Why did they remove him? I haven't looked into that at all at the time, but I'm not really buying the "health reasons" story.


based Cardinal Schoenborn

>sack one of the most conservative popes
>replace him with cuck stain from argentina
>new commie pope acts all less pompus than benedict
>gains positive reactions from liberals, leftists, muslims etc.
>has gay friends

his endgame pic related

Yes, House Saud. Also responsible for radicals infiltrating the West. They fund many mosques here, and our government just lets them.

Ironically I'm now more of an environmentalist than I've ever been. The sooner we stop depending on oil, the sooner the Saudi's lose power. And the entire islamic world with them. Nuclear power and renewable energy, let's build this hippy future!

Hell, with luck we can get all the green lefties on our side, if they only just fucking finally swallow the bitter pill that Saudi-pattern islam embodies all the worst stereotypes they have about religion.

Old news. Won't change the fact that ALL christian denominations in Western Europe are cucked and at the centre of the problem.

How's Plenki working out for you? After he visited Sarajevo, bosnian-croatian general and his men got caught by SIPA.

All you deus vult faggots , the pope lost his power in the middle ages and he will never get this back

Glad to see the redpill in the comments.


Deus fucking vult!
I don't think Christians have ever been so abandoned in the world as under the Catholic Church right now.
There are strategic errors being made all around: letting some animalistic crap seep into the official dogmas in Africa, letting the Philippines alone in their isolated position in East Asia, not getting shit done in South America and being a general cuck vis-a-vis muslims.

Indonesians make up the largest group of people walking around this black shoe box for some time now.

It's really a shame. It has been a nice Buddhist country like Thailand on Burma today. There are still tons of pagodas and golden Buddhas standing around there. Eventually they probably won't survive like the statues in Afghanistan.

I will join Christianity the moment humanity needs to purge the camel jockeys.

>Deus Vult