Imagine this being your whole career. Him and Dawkins and Sam whatshisface. Embarassing.



Hes reel4me ; - )

Dawkins actually is a legit respected scientist (or used to be) but has severe weaponised autism that got triggered hard by American anti-evolutionists.

Sam Harris, Bill Maher, Christopher Hitchens, Ayn Rand, Dave Silverman, etc. are just subversive kikes.

At least Dawkins has actually accomplished things, invented terminology, has respect in a scientific field. Sucks to be the face of "DUDE ATHEISM LMAO" but he's got other stuff going for him, unlike the cringy Bong in OP



But, they can't prove that God isn't real

Do you have proof that he does?


>Another insecure alt right-JW circlejerk
If you don't want to be made fun of, form your beliefs using logic instead of fee fees



It is impossible to prove or disprove God at this point

shuddup cuck

exactly, there's no proof either way. So why even discuss it?

I think it’s hilarious on Sup Forums you can’t even casually mention you don’t believe in god without a legion of faggots tripping over themselves to make a hilarious and original fedora joke

Why wouldn’t you be agnostic

Desu atheism didn’t become a thing with him until around the time of Derek.

>Basing your reasoning off of completely flawed societal values and norms and not from an omnicient bring


its something for people to always chew on and i like the minds battling with eachother
and i have a front row seat

Being agnostic is stupid. Yes I don’t believe the possibility a god could exist has been disproven beyond a shadow of a reasonable doubt, because I’m not stupid, but I also don’t actually BELIEVE in god, because I’m not stupid

If God doesn’t exist then how does Ricky explain Karl saving his shitty podcast? If that wasn’t a miracle I don’t know what is.


because im not a dribbling retard and think theres a big man that lives in the sky

Why does believing in God make someone stupid?

It shows they lack the ability to think critically.

I wouldn't say stupid, but it certainly shows mental weakness and cowardice.

Atheists are degenerate and downright evil. If you don't believe in God then you believe man is the most superior being which is so arrogant and pretty much what leads to all evil crimes in the world.

I'm of the same opinion, just providing the other viewpoint in the argument.

>lmao god isn't real
>I can do anything I want
>Spend a lifetime paying for your mistakes


>Live justly for justice's sake
>Die and are rewarded, or not. Doesn't matter either way.

>not believing in god leads to all the crime in the world
This is why people think religious folk are retarded

>London's shit innit

people are evil with the faith of god too user
both atheists and religious people know that in this plane of existence humans are the superior on this earth. god wont intervene irl affairs even if it exists

Morality is an evolutionary byproduct. Only defective humans are evil

>pick wrong religion out of the hundreds that exist
>wasted life having no fun and still either cease to exist or go to hell

Turns out... lil monkey fella

It's fine to say "Absolutely he might." But to believe with 0 evidence is dumb.

The implication is that if you need an omnipresent and omnipotent being that created you and has given you specific instructions to be carried out, in order for your life to have meaning, then you are weak willed. I have plenty of family members that are like this, the tiniest crisis of faith nearly destroyed an uncle because he is completely directionless in life without adhering to the words of a 2000 year old book.

That's not how it works. I didn't say follow a religion. I said live justly. It's up to you what that means. I assure you, if you think it's the right thing, it is.

>I didn't say follow a religion. I said live justly
there are atheists in this world who are just user i assure you. if that is news to you, then you really must have a black and white view of everything

>there have never been religious thinkers
>if god is real, why does he allow evil to exist
Brainlet (your) response
>durr, he's testing us!!!!

Do you really think atheists just do whatever they want and are completely deprived of morals or ethics?
What you're describing is sociopaths.

That is not news to me and I think they are doing the right thing.

IT requires a massive suspension of logic and and giant leap of retardation

Plenty of moral people will do immoral things if they know there are no consequences. Or are they then not a moral person? Idk, it's tricky. I don't think you need religion to be moral, but I do wonder what keeps an athiest moral when no one is watching.

european here

why are american atheists and religious people both so cringeworthy?

But he doesn't

he needs to find God.

The the burden of proof is on the one making the grandiose claim. Post as many ebin hat pictures as you want, but in thousands of years of human history not one shred of proof has been produced that a Godlike being exists.

Karl is a gift from God.


>he only does good things because his god said he'd torture him if he didn't
Maybe YOU'RE the sociopath, user. Are you telling me that if God was proven not to exist, you'd just go full rape murder crazy?

explain how life came to be then?
algae ate rocks and other rocks and algae then they just started walking?

>what are miracles

I already do.

At a guess I'd say it's because as a country we came much later to a subject that's long since ceased to be an issue in Europe.

Who created God?

God I hope this is a parody of how stupid religious people are

Tricks meant to fool the gullible.

Unironically if karma and god were disproven, as in inarguably false, the world would descend into chaos. But it won't because it can't.

Healing spells

we don't know, I am not the creator
it's ok to not know, if you created something, you set limitations, like a computer program.
you don't have to know everything, and you never will

Crazy how miracles used to happen all the time then suddenly when cameras and shit were invented they just suddenly stopped happening. I guess god works in mysterious ways

Dude, don't even seriously respond to "why do americans" posts.

i'm really scientific, but religious, most youngfags are non religious or jews.
Do you know how a transistor works, I do.

>What is a metaphor?

Have you ever heard of Philosophy? Morality can be taught in a non religious way. What's the consequence for an atheist who acts like a cock? They get to live with knowing the one live they will ever lead was one where they were an asshole.

I'll just use modern chistianity as the other point since that's what most of the religious 4channers are. You can stray from the book; you can be a dick, pollute the earth, sin, fuck over the generation below you like boomers did, and it literally doesn't matter because as long as you go to church on sundays and ask forgiveness then all your sins are washed away when you die and you live eternally in Paradise. For being a dick who happened to have the right god to pray to.

explain to me how a cathode ray tube produces video and then you can argue about religion with me.

You do realize you are being Islamophobic with that microaggression?

>science have all answers

>being a dick who happened to have the right god to pray to.
Well I don't buy that at all. More of a believer in karma. Every bad action is a tally mark, they don't just go away except by doing the reverse, good deeds. At the end you have a positive or negative score and are either punished or rewarded.

That just depends on how you define 'God'. If you take the definition of god being the creator, then to a scientist the Big Bang could be considered God.

Religious people don’t think miracles are metaphors they think that shit really happened

I mean, dumb people, yeah. There are dumb athiests too. I met a guy the other day who didn't know why wwii happened.

Your personal religious dogma may not be so, but this is definitely a side effect of modern american christianity, absolute mongoloids who think that reading the right book once a week absolves them of being bigots and fools the other 6 days. I think there's a lot that would be lost if society as a whole discarded every idea in religious texts, but belief in higher powers and afterlifes and things of that nature should not be taken seriously in the modern world.

You got worked brother

Because it's retarded to believe something exists when there's nothing pointing towards it being the case.

>when people pronounce yin as ying

so if you fart, is that a negative karma mark?

The proof of a god like being is felt. How can you even prove it with science

you were born, that was a miracle, explain that you stupid fucking retard know it all

>feels before reals

Sad to see what Ricky ended up as. I still regularly listen to the XFM recordings.

What about the The Office has anything to do with his atheism?

projecting much? not everyone is like you man

If you like farted on someone purposely, then yeah I guess.

>being born is a miracle
You can’t make this shit up, folks

Because you've never seen a miracle

Literally you right now

>you were born, that was a miracle
My life sucks though. What’s the opposite of a miracle?

Imagine all the circumstances that lead you to shitpost this hard.

it's a miracle
your birth, your abusive dad, or no dad, surviving to the age of 13, and then at that moment when you got to school early to log into Sup Forums

Pain and pleasure are the same thing. Learn to love it. Amor Fati.

Bring me an estus flask.


Nope, he wasn't.

He published like 12 or so papers on bumble bee digging patterns most of them as second author then moved on to being a edgey atheist as a career.

There are phd students with more published work than Dawkins.

>I don't know the answers but it's DEFINITELY not a higher being

Every atheist says this until they're on their deathbed. Then the possibility creeps in.

Everyone comes home eventually.