So Sup Forums, is based fbianon going to deliver on his forecast today? He guaranteed that the first big drop would happen today, and since he was right on everything else over the past few months, I have no reason to think he's a lying LARPer, yet. What does everyone else think?
11am EST November 1st
Other urls found in this thread:
Why would FBIanon be anything other than a lucky larpfag
he delivered on every occasion that he said he would
Was it established that it's EST? I thought he just kept saying 11am but not which timezone.
I assumed 11 since Washington is on EST. Could be wrong though.
He said Trump would say nigger.
Today is the first day of the Islamic month of war. Last time was 13th of November 2015.
I expect an attack to cover leaks, honestly.
That was some larper
There they are. I should have posted this shit earlier.
what does this mean?
They promissed "Ima gorilla fuck nigger, I make the pussy wet"
Turned out he said "Uncle Tom" "dont call me that" "oops really? Ok then."
It was nothing.
The problem is that FBIanon did not use a consistent ID, and therefore cannot be totally confirmed thread after thread.
That's not him. He posted in a different format.
true true
All of this LARPfaggotry.
FBIanon was proven fake: he said 33k email release IN 4-5 SETS "by November 1st". So that prediction is already wrong.
Predicted Obama would start a war with Russia, wrong.
Predicted the Apprentice tape was real and would leak, wrong. (and what the fuck would FBI know about that)
You guys are gullible. None of what he said was stuff you couldn't obtain publicly, or make up, and most of what he said matched Sup Forums zeitgeist anyway (Obama war with Russia, etc, stuff designed specifically to appeal to us).
You're all forgetting that FBI user didn't know Comey was dirty though.
I feel like I'm the only one on Sup Forums that actually pays attention
Everyone else is here for the memes
News conference? I didn't see one.
By includes November 1, retard.
You aren't intelligent enough to reply to me. Reread what I wrote.
Don't play yourself dude. It's not happening.
Everyone remember, it's the Clinton foundation that is the real story.
Wiener is even a distraction.
Watch what the other hand is doing.
White house a Comey are willing to throw Hillary under the bus to put on the show in the spotlight, while the rouge FBI with the independant prosecutor is being denied a grand jury on the Foundation case.
Obviously the CF can take down them all if they're willing to give up Hillary to take the pressure off.
But assange was indicating he would release them
There was some other guy on here a few nights ago claiming an 11am EST release of Hillary tapes, something about a phone exploit and lollipops.
Dude don't be so gullible. He wont release them. It's not happening.
IIRC the person saying 11 EST November 1st wasn't FBIanon.
>FBIanon was proven fake: he said 33k email release IN 4-5 SETS "by November 1st". So that prediction is already wrong.
That was not FBIanon, that was a dude larping as a Palantir employee.
Signs that point to that:
- He says ~25k Podesta emails were released, and ~50k emails were still To Be Released (he didn't specify Podesta for the To Be Released, so could include the 33k emails too, or other sources entirely)
- Kim Dotcom also indicated Assange had the 33k emails, and he would know.
- Cernovich says someone has the 33k emails, doesn't want to tell who
- Kim Dotcom says more leaks coming this week, Hillary will get destroyed
So probably true.
But Dotcom has been talking about the Hillary "birthday surprise" since early this year, so it doesn't prove FBIanon wasn't a LARP.
fbianon isn't the one who posted this shit. fbianon said the 33k emails wouldnt be released because it contained SAPs which would cause a civil war and other countries to declare war on us if they were released, and that putin was going to use them to blackmail hillary clinton in case she became president. he said putin probably just gave wikileaks just enough stuff to try to tip the scale into a trump presidency, but he really had no idea what wikileaks had
Actually yeah you're right. I'll check if FBIanon made any provable predictions.
The stuff FBIanon said came true IIRC. But, it was all stuff that someone could make educated guesses on, desu.
It is HAPPENING. Trump will hold a NON-PUBLIC MEDIA ONLY event exactly at 11 am on November 1st!
anyone have any caps of his previous statements on here? I am out of the loop when it comes to this guy. I am sick as fuck today so would like something to make my mind off of this shit. Someone please help me get comfy.
No no Im talking about back when he started releasing the podesta emails he was being ambiguous as fuck about whos stuff was being released when so initially it seemed as though he was going to dump clintons stuff with podestas or exclusively clintons then podestas
I'll make a rigorous document with all his claims, so people can make their minds up.
Classic bants
Trump at 11, Okeefe at noon.
Interesting. Trump made this post.
And he used you're instead of your.
thanks user. As OP, I really should have had this shit together before I made this thread.
>le fbi user
You guys are dumb. Half the shit he said barely fits the actual course of the election and the other half just straight up didn't happen.
Something about General Rossi
Just found that someone already made that list:
Interesting: FBIanon claims (on 7/2) that agents received gag orders, but there were no rumors of that at the time. First allegations of this came out in the press on 7/7, later confirmed by Fox News on 7/14.
Trust me this guy is a role player, I can spot em from a mile away.
the crypto LARPer is not fbianon
nothing will happen