>Roos have no future Speak for yourself Tyrone. 92% white country here.
Caleb Thompson
I love russia
Hudson Cruz
Hi Hillary
Bentley Wilson
Lincoln Stewart
Trusting Aussie to count is like giving a suicide vest to a mussie at the Christmas parade.
Landon Gray
But Russia has open borders with Asia and the most popular interracial couples are Chinese man and Russian woman. That's not very "white" for the saviour of the white race, I'd say more so they are the saviour of Hapas.
Brandon Powell
Go pucker up your asshole for Your boss >pic related
Christopher Flores
not if they are planning to floodgate the fifth columns. >my country is fucked >yours is fucked >yfw seriously thinking of moving Ruskie
Henry Lee
First, it's not rape and second, eastern Russia is just asian people
Juan Barnes
Chinese and white have closer links than you realize. There has been minor race mixing for eons. >what people don't realize is there are subgroups in race >easier to just wall it off with culture barriers >What u are talking about doesn't even compare to sending in 500k young rapists into a completely retarded unaware community
Yeah no Russia is worse off than Germany and Sweden
Samuel Cruz
>most popular interracial couples are Chinese man and Russian woman literally bullshit This chinks flooding Russia meme needs to end.
Joshua Miller
It's true, I'm neet since I refuse to support this state and nation suicide.
Hunter Cook
Sorry bub. Just cause some muzzles live there (they are everywhere) means shit >"I swear if Muslims bomb Russia within a half hour every Muslim will die" youtube.com/watch?v=HHUbvCqotRQ&feature=share
Russia is as white as Americans. Their western slavs have severe mongoloid admixture, their cities are infested with causasoid/arab/balkan people and 100% asian people. No niggers yay! But still not white.
Jeremiah Price
>Some random blog post article from 2003 about an armenian marrying a russian >somehow an indicator of a massive interracial mixing of Chinese men and Russian women M8 if anything more Russians in the far east are fucking off to China.
Robert Hall
>Putin >no white genocide lol >this is what Americans actually believe