Eastern and Central Europe thread

Let's be honest here. Western Europe can't uncuck itself anymore, the liberal cancer destroyed it. Paris, London, Berlin, Stockholm and a bunch of other major Western European cities are multicultural shitholes where the sound of muezzin is more common than church bells.
Americans still unironically believe that Trump can save them, but they are too deep in the demographic death spiral already. A president like Trump could've saved them 10 or 15 years ago, but now it's too late. Not to mention the possibility of Killary winning.
Canada is also fucked, it's just a matter of time before Trudeau floods the country with the rapefugees.
Australia... well, if they don't fuck it up, they may actually survive.
What should we do? At this rate the West will end up in a civil war, or just silently become a caliphate. Either way, we are fucked.
Maybe we should call the Russians back?

Other urls found in this thread:


>call the Russians back
>2$ added to your account



Socialism was shit, but at least it saved us from the Western degeneracy.

I witnessed you, now tell me how you did it

eastern europe will die out because of western corporations taking our youth via the EU. its all fucked. chinks will take it all.

Kys kremlin shill

Also Crimea is Ukraine.

>Maybe we should call the Russians back?
>see flag
>calling Russians back
Either you are fucking proxy or commie adoring cuck.

>Canada is also fucked, it's just a matter of time before Trudeau floods the country with the rapefugees.
He already done that. Canada accepted 300k immigrants last year and will accept another 300k this year. And remember, that the pop of Canada is about the same like of Poland.

Trump is going to deport something like 10mln mexicans, it will buy them some time. Niggers are killing themselves because of an abortion, which is a true blessing for Americans.

Australia is going to deport all refugees that came there since 2013. But still Melbourne needs to be nuked.

Tbh the biggest problem are millenias. They are fucking blue pilled and lefty. They will be voting for idiots like Trudeau which will completely fuck their countries.

What should we do? Revive Common-Wealth, Austro-Hungarian Empire, and start crusades in Germany. Import all of feminist trash to Turkey.

>Trump wins
>Russian-American alliance established
>Be pro-Russian & anti-EU since forever
>Become 51st American state
>Love my president first time since the 1980's

feels good man.

>doesn't get sarcasm
Also, you wouldn't believe how many Hungarians are pro-Russian. 1956 was mostly against the communist kike government, the Russian intervention is a different topic. Hungary was called the "happiest barrack" because of it's relatively good quality of life, so many people think of the socialist with nostalgia.


Right fucking now.

>muh dying west, muh aryan genes
nice meme bro, now go back to working for 400 euros/month you dumb fucking cunt

OP is a paid Putin shill



>implying this is normal

there is no such thing as norm when speaking about countries you idiot. all places in the world are fucking shit, some are just less or more shitty than others. and western europe is not a fucking messiah saviour or europe, its just such a poor shithole that even sandniggers dont want to come here.

*eastern europe is not

We need a fuhrer to lead our people to the promised land by any means necessary.

stop with that self hating you faggot
and western europe is indeed shithole, and you cannot even tell which side of the world you are living in you fuckin cuck
now go to church and visit graves of your beloved

Yesss. Visegrád must rise. We'll wall up, dig in and sit out the collapse of the world in comfiness.

what I said is objectively true. muh degenerate west is falling, yet half the fucking people from Poland and their mothers still choose to go there and work low paying jobs, instead of staying in this superb, whitestest country. even fucking Syrian refugees are running away from here.
face reality and stop living in a fantasy about being a saviour of the world, it was not true when Slowacki wrote about it, it is not true now. it is just inferiority complex compensation. and read some Gombrowicz, he made good fun of idiots like you, maybe you'll get smarter.

Fuck off. Russkies don't want to walk smack into shit again.

Nah a better plan is to jew all the money we can out of the west. Improve our economies and just make alliances like in the past. With minor exceptions that invovle Ukraine we have no land disputes so we can get along.

>Paid Putin shills

>fell for the paid by Putin meme

We are the last bastion of white men on this planet.
The future of this world is in ou hands and if we fuck up in the upcoming war the world will be overrun by niggers and jews and white people will die out.
You better answer the call.

austria-hungary again when?

>Implying entire Eastern Europe is a Moldova tier shithole.

Where's transcaucasian?

I doubt anyone would want to live there

Does your proxy have to be in Brüssels for this flag to appear?

why not

*Eastern and Central Europe
This fucking minority complex is what pulls the entire region down. Why are people acting like we are on the same level as the Middle East?

Yeah they do check Facebook they're contantly pushing pan slavic nationalism but most of our governments are cucked. Also take your proxy down you ugly fat shit, you're not fooling anyone

From an outside point of view easter europe posters always have either a huge superiority complex or an equally as big inferiority complex, there's no in between

I'll take western cucks over russia any day

Well then you're part of the problem, why don't you go back to sucking mohammed's dick instead of shitposting here

This. We need to stop with the self pity and self loathing and start loving our countries because despite all the corruption, all the shit there are plenty of reasons to appreciate our homelands.

Rome wasn't loved because it was big, Rome became big because it was loved.

im so fucking nervous about the survival of australia. luckily we have high as fuck standards for people who come in and demographically its still pretty white but political correctness has started to cuck our politicians and corrupt normies. we also have this huge issue where our far right party is (while right on immigration and islam) run by a fucking retarded red head with no charisma so she would never be able to win over the majority. the only hope as i see it is culturally we have alot of casual racism and are generally pretty apathetic to politics and also pretty prosperous. so its harder for pc bullshit to infect people and by the time it starts to get bad(say 10-20 years) odds are either america or some cucked euro country will get so fucking culturally enriched that an ethno civil war breaks out which would redpill every other country on (((multiculturalism)))


Do not fear my Australian comrade, Pauline Hanson is starting to increase in popularity. In the recent elections she managed to win a seat in the governemnt, and I'm sure she will influence Australian politics more. Where I live (perth) people are starting to wake up.

im hopeful for the most part but all it takes is one leftie pm to take in a huge wave of shitty refugees then its over

>More Muslims than we, France and the UK have together
Kek, enjoy your cucktopia

>our far right party is (while right on immigration and islam) run by a fucking retarded red head with no charisma so she would never be able to win over the majority

Pauline might not have the charisma of Trump or Farage, but she does have that aura of being genuine like they do. the reason she has a hard time is due to the media and well all know it. if they supported her like they support the left she'd reach new heights.

we got her into the senate despite all the pc bullshit going around. i hope Trump wins and shows everyone that the right isn't what the media says it is. Pauline may be able to slipstream on that.

Yeah, thats the problem but the good thing is that the labour party is dying right now, I doubt there will be another leftist PM for at least 8 years

When the time comes, I think the ruskies will be able to defend themselves, unlike a certain Sweden tier state.

Comparing Germany to Sweden seems to be unfair to Sweden by now.


Memes aside, Russia needs as much assistance as the rest of Eastern Europe, Putin is good with foreign policy but not that good domestically.

All the green areas in your pic need a complete structural overhaul, all the disastrous commie block "cities" need to be razed, a crackdown on localized corruption needs to be implemented as well as an actual re-integration into post-commie economic markets (NOT what the EU did to the new East EU states by defacto putting them on welfare and making them buy German shit while making it impossible for them to sell anything in return).

If Trump gets elected and makes peace and trade deals with Russia and Eastern Europe, he could actually revive the European economy and make us competetive with Asia again, especially with automatization making low wage slaves obsolete.

We should build a wall around Czech republic and the western part of Slovakia and don't let anyone in or out DESU.

i doubt it too, unless more shit like this continues and sjws can indoctrinate the youth