Huge march in Poland organized on 11 november (National Independence Day)

but this march is not only about independance, it's also against european laws, against islam and immigration

this qt explain it better than me


Last year's march

I'll come and do my part, for Europe, for France, for Poland, for the color of my skin, my religious beliefs and for what my ancestors died for

Other urls found in this thread:


Can i come too? Waving your opressors flag?


Reality check. Weight of these demonstrations is greatly exaggerated by biased media supporting this case, people tend to cherry pick their sources so it appears that it's supported by most of the polish people.

While the video editing makes these marches seem big, they aren't very widely supported and honestly from my experiences most of the people deem whoever participate in them hooligans or even criminals.

Don't fall to this illusion that nationalism is on the rise in Poland, it's still only a marginal phenomenon and there's still a lot of work to do, getting complacent and going with confirmation biases is the worst that can happen to these causes.

>While the video editing makes these marches seem big

Wave a portrait of Otto III, the last (and only) German ruler that we liked

>Reality check

Congratulations, Poland, on an excellent choice!

The time is finally upon us.

>The scum of europe
>complaining about immigration

The march is big by western european standards (nationalist) no matter how you edit it its tens of thousands of people.

Political nationalism may be marginal but casual opinions of Poles are very right wing by western standards.

None of my friends vote nationalist, everyone openly hates niggers and muslims. Mainstream parties here do what fringe parties in the west want ( blocking thirld worders.

>fled like a pussy
>liked by poles
No surprise there

pretty sure you are a butthurt subhuman. hope the real irish treat you like shit

We never fled from good fight.

> leafposting

So many racists who aren't even white, I hope Hillary will nuke us!

Poland belongs to african men who built it !

March of subhuman nationalists

The true Red Pill is being a regionalist

Decentralized, representative government with real causes to be solved and real identities is the goal

Abstract "nations" are a meme

As we say, we send our human waste to west eourope. We dont want get another one from east. U dont get it?

polan truly on their way of becoming 4th reich

So Poles hate the EU except the ones in the UK? Esentially then the sponger claims are true. Fuck the EU. I hope you die.

Only Poles in Poland hate EU.

>The true Red Pill is being a regionalist

What's redpilled about it exactly?

> Decentralized, representative government

97% of people in the country identify as polish you cretin, why would I need dozens of regional parliaments bickering over meme issues? Even the Silesians are a tiny minority there, regionalism is an abstract meme pushed by dogmatic brain dead anti-centralist ideologues, usually lolbertarians. Decentralized regional leadership is good for bored wealthy countries debating local tram colors and holding referendums over public parks not for a developing homogenous country in a difficult geopolitical spot.


not even once xD


>I'll come
pls don't
it is Polish Independence Day
we do not need you here on that day




It's a standard thing. Tv always expects butthurt and riots.
They were steaming mad when last year nothing happened despite "fascist deranged government full of extremists!!!"