Sargon of Cuckad finally admits that he was wrong about leftism and they are all crybabies
>I am glad to see it broken

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have we broken him, Sup Forums?

It wasn't us. It was the unscrupulous left who broke him.

bump for good video

It was only a matter of time, really.
You can't stay exposed to the shittyness of today's left wing, especially if you yourself embrace some of the values traditionally associated with leftism.

Sargon of Akkad was always right-wing. He was just a deep-cover leftist. That should be obvious to anyone who has listened to more than a few of his videos. Generally I frown upon such tactics...but I like Sargon, so he gets a pass.

Hes just trying to jump ship from the inevitable demise of hyper liberalism. But it takes balls to do that nowadays, I tip my fedora in his general direction.


What he is saying here is that the movement does not correspond to the leftist views and policies he has in mind, thus he is glad to see it burn. He is in no way saying that he has conservative/right wing views as his main views now.

I would like to remind you that he believes that low/middle class people are likely to rise in riots and kill their employers unless the state forces said employers to limit the money they take for themselves and give more to the workers. He is a leftist through and through.

Sargon has uncucked himself. Good stuff.

Was only matter of time

I like how suddenly everyone is attacking the "left wing media" but a couple decades ago and all before that when it was all unequivocally right wing propaganda and didn't waste any opportunities to belittle lefists and liberals in general none of you even cared about the bias. I know a lot of you are underage but there are some grown ass people here who definitely have lived in that time and now suddenly forgotten all about it

He's just another rat jumping a sinking ship.

>muh working class stiff
Why are British so obsessed with this?

Sargon is based britfag

I'm not watching this shit. Go back to 8gag and take your quadroon with you.

Because the tables have turned and the establishment is now left-wing while right wing ideas are considered marginal.
Not to mention for the case of the USA that the identity politics tards have taken the role of moralizing everybody that religious conservatives had in the 80s and 90s.
The dynamic is still the same (underreptesented ideas taking on the mainstream status-quo), the positions have simply been reversed.

CNN has become everything everyone accused Fox News of.

What we've learned from this is that you should never trust the faithful hound of the incumbent Party. They have less incentive to be honest when the lie benefits them.

As far as I'm aware, there is no faithful Trump Hound, yet

All these "people" you're talking about on here were all opposed to the right wing media back when there was an extreme right wing slant.

The truth of the matter is that Sup Forums and Sup Forums in particular are just contrarians.

Most of us were eating out of plastic bowls 20 years ago. We weren't commenting on the state of the media and politics, not that you'd know either way.

What makes this any different for all his other vids?

He's always talking about how the Nu left disgusts him.

Isn't Sargon's kid not his? He already himself is a cuck.

he's still left wing, he just doesn't like the people on the left
>inb4 implying hillary is left wing

The media has never had a right wing slant you fucking twat, just read H.P. Lovecraft complain about the Jews controlling the newspapers in New York during his time.

po-ke-mon-blow-to-the-polls :)

im convinced that video is trap.

now that he knows trump is gonna win

fucking faggot

Damn I love Sargon

Wow he's angrier than ever

He backed Trump when he was way down, monkey

Why was he a cuck? He's always been pro trump

Societies are class-based. Hierarchy is a thing, my little not-good-enough-for-Europe genital mutilating cattle-goy.

He was a cuck because there were people disagreeing with him.

>I would like to remind you that he believes that low/middle class people are likely to rise in riots and kill their employers unless the state forces said employers to limit the money they take for themselves and give more to the workers. He is a leftist through and through

What if I told you that was the one reason I and many other people call ourselves leftists?

I don't like blacks, I love guns and I think the gays and trannys shouldn't be considered normal - but when cuckservatives tell me that I need to work harder when I'm making $180/hr and still can't pay rent, I turn into a raging Communist.

But I don't blame the white racists - pure white nations tend to be very socialist for their own people, and even foreigners. If they didn't think their money would go to niggers, they'd be happy to assure me a good place to live.

The stickler seems to be drugs, to which I can only respond that back during the 19th century it was all legal, women banned it all, and meth could be bought at the corner store in America until the 1950's.


Both are bluepilled fucks who are alex jones tier, who thinks george soros is a nazi, nazis are bad, holocaust happened, jews dont control anything, nothing wrong with it.

I dont know who michael is tho, but sargone cuckboy is a massive faggot

You sound more NatSoc 2bh.

Why do you faggots keep bringing your jewtube stars here?

When Sarcuck gets it right, he gets it right. Almost makes up for the mediocre video where he shat on John "Cum cereal bowl" Green but danced around the core issue.

Sargon took the JQ and HBD redpills years ago but spat them out.

Thank him for sharing his Candid(tm) opinion.

and I'm glad they are. It's important to have competing ideas and swinging pendulums. checks and balances bitch

I believe he is called, "Sarcuck of Blackdad"

He's a nigger lover who hates white pride, thinks preserving his culture is stupid and is raising his wife's son

thats pretty hot tbqh

>just contrarians
No we are against Lying

Has Sargon become the new Garrison ?

Will he be our guy?

No, it's "Our Cuck of a Fraud".

>tfw oldfags don't understand the pendulum that is politics


A Trump supporter in sheeps clothing.

He is going where the money is, the right wing. He doesn't have any principles. I watched this dude in the early days.

At first, I liked how he was able to clarify from the regressive left and moderate left. Recently, his criticism has been all against the left mainly because he started gaining an Alt-Right crowd.

I would not be surprised if this clown claims to have found God as well.

Dubs say Sargon can fuck off and will be shut up by Kek.

check 'em

>yfw leaving liberalism would be punishable by death if they had their way
>yfw you now realize why liberals sympathize with muslims so much

I've always put it to leftists like this:

If you refuse to compromise, if you insist that it's your way or the highway, then I'll strap on my jackboots, grab a gun, fall in line and go Himmler on your asses like everyone else simply because it will benefit me and you will not, even if I think these alt-right fascists are dangerous.

If, however, you're willing to compromise, I am completely will to turn around and shoot these Nazi fucks dead like animals.

Stop forcing me to pick the right with your lunacy. I don't want nationalism. I don't want the right to be in charge. But if my only alternative is being forced to refer to people as zer/zim/zhey/xe/xa/xu/gobbledy-shit and give special legal privileges to everyone who isn't white or male because of your conspiracy theories, then I will.

The Conservatives in Canada are shitty, shitty people. They believe the trickle down meme, they don't like helping the poor, they're corporatist stooges, they like spying on people. But when the alternative is WeedMan's Islamofeminifaggot crusade, I don't have another option.

Sup Forums, however, can still go fuck itself. You people are Nazis.

It's his son, but his wife's daughter.


>just read H.P. Lovecraft complain about the Jews controlling the newspapers in New York
Wow, I had no idea Lovecraft was a total idiot.

He refunded he patreon backers. The game is ogre.

This. Fucking this.

Key word: pendulum

Class is very important over here. Millionaires routinely describe themselves as working-class because of how they were born, whilst I could be homeless with nothing with the clothes on my back and will still be middle class.

Due to the oppression olympics you have swathes of middle-class people pretending to be working class to get street cred and cash in the oppression points and such.


Ya the us has some of that but race is the bigger "class" in the Marxist oppression game

But we did oppose the status quo then jackass. How do you not remember the exploding yellow van?


Some of us used to be leftists, even commies, don't forget that.

Not really leftist bruh. Sounds more like a regular Conservative now. Cuckserviatve=Neocon, nobody likes them.

He calls himself a Traditional Liberal

The opression of false tolerance.
Nope the political spectrum has just moved so far to the left that he is now right.

What are you smoking. The mainstream media has been dominated by the left since the 1960s.

>E-celebs can't be redpilled
>What is a stefen memeneux

I remember Sargon used to shill for bernie and didn't actually like trump. But I remember the specific stream where he was watching trump vids and discussing him with some other dude.
Every time they finished he would go 'well, he is not wrong' or some variant of that, slowly accepting Trump's actually 10/10 would follow.

Sargon wants to be in the center, the center is right from the left, of course he's gonna recoil to the right when angry.
He's an old 'leftie', the behavior on an individual basis not blood on a collective level, k? school. While I do not share this axiom, he's kept it consistent for years.

I understand Sargon cucks hard for the muh horseshoe theory muh having convictions makes you an SJW thing. He's a centrist on a journey.
The tougher to convert, the higher their convictions when they do turn. I give him 5 years top to join the Trumpenfuhrer's foreign volunteer's Schutzstaffel

he is still half nigger!

Is he? He looks 100% white to me

Fuck you, he had Trump's back for long time

> nigger lover who hates white pride

What ?! He's against affirmative action programs, at most you could say that he tolerates niggers

>What is a stefen memeneux

A Jew who will ban you for mentioning it.

He did name the jew himself several times, though. Recently, that is

i've come to like sargon more recently. his response to that crash course liberal thing was bretty good.

Link for those who haven't seen it

Only thing that bugs me is that it's only now that he tells the Greens to be ashamed of their shitty crash course videos.
Maybe he just hasn't seen their "litterary crash course" on the Ilyad that pretty much ends up being all about "hurr durr the patriarchy is stupid"

It was never "right wing" that was a problem it was phony neocon warmongering that no one liked. The neocon right was the pseudo-right that evangelicals like. Neoconservatives are actually trotskyists in disguise so no, there was never a real right wing bias because they were never right wing to begin with.