Really makes you think

Really makes you think...

It makes me think that they're irresponsible.

Well, you kinda can splurge while being poor here.

We are pretty cool like that. Its totally up to you how you spend your money.

If you work hard enough, you aren't going to be really poor anyways. Extreme poverty is practically nonexistent here.

Tldr we consider poor people to still have a roof, a car, a fridge, electric, water, air conditioning, and enough food to gorge yourself to death. Let that sink in.

They don't deserve to splurge with using welfare handouts.

They have some splaining to do if they want government services but they haven't paid taxes

The only time you should have to explain your purchases is if you are using someone else's money.
Welfare is someone else's money.

Sure, but they also can't pretend the government owes them something. If you have trouble paying basic bills and feeding your family then absolutely you deserve assistance from the government, but if you can afford to start making positive changes in your life and you instead choose to by the new iPhone then you can go fuck yourself.

>live in a highly materialistic world
>insulting people for being materialistic
You just have to, splurging is a form of socializing in the modern world.

Your friends want to watch the latest movies?
You will to because if you don't you cut yourself off from the group, same goes if they want to go all out drinking or if they want to buy matching clothes like women often times do.

Materialism isn't just materialism its socializing which is a human NEED not a want.

The problem is when they spend all their money then complain they have no money and demand gibmedats

Good post OP, I like many used my financial aid checks in college to buy several AR 15s and handguns.

After my school expenses, I always had about 1500-2000$ left over and bought a weapon every semester.

Working under the table and being on food stamps helped me collect a small armory.

Thanks OP.

made me scratch the ol noggin

Your money your choice but I can judge them for being a fucking moron all I want.
Poor people stay poor by buying as if they're rich.

..does this concept extend to poor people who vote Republican?

>get over it

Usually when they say this it means that the issue at hand is actually pretty important irt society at large.

No, it's a want.

Then get off Sup Forums and never ever socialize with people whatsoever you basement dwelling virgin

>socializing is a need

No, it isn't. Human beings don't die without socialization. It's a desire, like binge drinking and fucking prostitutes.

yeah you don't have to explain or justify anything
but then you also lose any credibility to complain about your salary being too low and that the government should do something about it

>You just have to, splurging is a form of socializing in the modern world.
No you fucking don't. If you are some faggot who bitches and moans how their SNAP cards don't have enough cash on it, living in section 8, or takes other social programs. I do not want to see that you only work 20 hours a fucking week with a new flat screen tv in your living room. Fuck you. Go make your own damn money if you want shit.

it makes me think that whoever wrote this has a mental disorder

>no it isn't
I'm guessing you don't know what isolation does to a man.

Go to prison and be sent to isolation, I assure you that you will lose your sanity in an instant you retard.

>be social creature


Woman doesn't think people should be responsible. Really makes you think.

>Boo hoo I'm poor please help me
>What does it matter that I spent my food budget for the month on the new iPhone?

Agreed entirely. Now we need to agree that nobody should subsidize low income people and we shall have peace on earth.

No judgement zone if you want your widescreen TV while your children eat stale Cheerios. I just don't want to subsidize it.

t. poorfag

>socializing which is a human NEED
Huh. Wonder what I am then.

You don't need a fucking flat screen tv to fucking socialize you faggot

>Hur go isolation in prison is the same as being poor

>tax return

Literally no better than Trump.

Low incomes can splurge, that's fine. Just don't splurge if you are desperately poor. My income is shit but I do fine with what I have. Alot of people don't though.

The black community


If they do so they lose the right to complain about being poor.

>on Sup Forums
>not socializing
You're stupid.

Yeah because you will totally have friends when they see you living in a ghettos ass broken home with a black and white TV that doesn't even run modern channels.

Yes, yes tell me more.

Remember m8s, this might be bait, but this is genuinely how women and niggers think.

Where has this notion that a flat screen TV is rare and expensive come from? People bitch about muh welfare people having these but TVs are cheaper and bigger than ever before.

Bitch about expensive name brand clothes or gambling or drugs. A TV is not a symbol of wealth.

Apparently autists aren't human

Ok then

If they have the right to blow their money then it's not my responsibility to give my tax dollars for their welfare, am I right?

>splurging is a form of socializing in the modern world
It doesn't mean it's a necessary form. There are free and cheap ways to socialize.

I can socialise without spending money.

And yes, it is possible to survive without socialisation.

Italy question from another post, I saw. Do you think a Nigerian that has 8 children should have nerve to demand a 6 bedroom house when the britbong government is already giving him a 3 bedroom house and offered a 5 bedroom house FOR FREE? Also can't imagine what renting or buying a 6 bedroom house costs in Europe, here in Virginia a 5bedroom 5000 square foot house can cost easily $500k.

Great since poor people can splurge now they don't need my money. Abolish income tax thanks kike.

Kek. You're just some broke faggot who is trying to justify why you can't save money.

I agree with this. Except for the whole "deserve" thing, that's stupid. No one "deserves" anything.

However, part of what makes America great is the freedom to be as responsible or irresponsible as you'd like. Making America great again would mean that the individual has to face the consequences of their own actions, on their own.

Should you be splurging on anything as a low income family? Probably not, but I'll never stand in your way or judge you. But the moment you demand my money to help you with anything, I'm looking down on you hard like the panhandler you are.

You wanna spend all your money and starve to death? Fine. You wanna eat Big Macs all day and die of a heart attack at 35? Go for it, baby! Fuckin Murica! But I ain't bailing you out, just as I would never expect anyone to bail me out of my choices.

No there isn't, talk to convicts who have spent years in isolation.

You'd be lucky if they don't chop your head off.
If you call that ""survival"" then fine.

>Yeah because you will totally have friends when they see you living in a ghettos ass broken home with a black and white TV that doesn't even run modern channels.
Yes because, all of friendships start with how big your flatscreen tv is in the living room. There are multiple places to socialize such as like at fucking workplace.
I am using a example that I know of. Have a 2nd cousin who works 20 hours a week at McDonalds and collects welfare out of the ass and bitches about it when the faggot spent 1k on a large ass 4k flatscreen.

If you are on any type of government assistance due to your low income, yes, we have the right to judge all your purchases since the rest of us are supporting you

No it doesnt, people who live of tax payerss money owe to the society to spend the money wisely
At least it should be like that if you have any dignity left living of someone elses money...

Obese people deserve to eat deep fried cannolis drenched in butter sauce sometimes too, get over it.

There's a difference in being kept in a 10fr dark cell 23 hours a day and not ranking to people.

Peat bog

I agree, provided they are not using any of my money in the form of government handouts. The problem though, is most of these income people get food stamps, child care subsidies, healthcare subsidies, section 8 housing, and a variety of other freebies. Then they splurge on a bunch on useless junk and complain the next month about how the rich keep them down.

Meanwhile, I work full time, 30% of my income is gone through varies taxes, more gets taken out for my insurance. I stash some away so I can retire since I won't get any handouts, and then have to pay for all the things others get for free. When it's all said and done, I get to splurge on a video game or something similar every few months.

And you're some wealthy faggot who doesn't know how necessary wealth is for even the most basic of things like socialization because you've been born with the silver spoon.

How about you learn to live the other life before speaking about it as if you're informed?
You don't see poor people telling rich people how to go about their lives with their mass wealth and how to better their purchases.

More of this !!


Dont know why you are posting this in bait format. Most of Sup Forums are impoverished wagecucks so they can relate

Obviously, if you are taking money from others because you can't support yourself, they do need to justify spending the money on non-essentials. Obviously, if you are "low income" by choice and live a frugal lifestyle, you can do whatever you want with your own money. This isn't rocket science.

>you living in a ghettos ass broken home with a black and white TV that doesn't even run modern channels.

You just described all of Latin and South America, user.

They can do what they want with their money, but don't come crying to someone else when you hit a bad time and can't afford to pay the bills.

Low income people don't pay taxes so how can they get a tax return?

Housing is done by local councils, not by the national government. Local councils are often leftie.

That changes once you go on benefits. Then you're actively taking money from taxpayers.

I hate this kind of shit.

Beggars apparently can be choosers

I agree, so long as they're not receiving state assistance.

If they do receive state assistance, they must have an immediate and ongoing plan to get off state assistance, and in a reasonable time frame (1.5 years).

>You don't see poor people telling rich people how to go about their lives with their mass wealth and how to better their purchases.

Aren't you doing exactly that, with the way you're whining? Also,

>What are modern liberals?

This, also.

I give your mental gymnastics a 9/10. Well done.

>And you're some wealthy faggot who doesn't know how necessary wealth is for even the most basic of things like socialization because you've been born with the silver spoon.
Says the fucking parasite who asks for mama state to give them foodies and moonies to exist.

>How about you learn to live the other life before speaking about it as if you're informed?
I don't have to. Because, I am not some fucking loser who needs the state to care for them.

>You don't see poor people telling rich people how to go about their lives with their mass wealth and how to better their purchases.
What is Occupy Wallstreet and Socialism

I don't care if they splurge on credit and sell their soul to slavery, but TAXATION IS THEFT FUCK NIGGERS FUCK KIKES

Yeah but once he spends his government money it's gone. If he decides to make a large purchase like that then suffers for it he suffers for it. He can't walk down to the welfare office and just get more.

Stupid people will always be poor and I hate the fact that tax money goes to them the same as good people who just need help.

This fucking guy gets it

>itt Sup Forums role plays as people who actually pay taxes.

Half of Sup Forums are neets. A quarter probably gets the majority back on their tax returns. Maybe a quarter actually pays any significant taxes, and that's being generous.

Ok then. Keep being poor and making bad mistakes. You still got only yourself to blame when you can't pay the bills on time.

I have the right to judge if they are getting a welfare check. Otherwise I don't care if people spend their money foolishly.

>You don't see poor people telling rich people how to go about their lives with their mass wealth and how to better their purchases.
Have you been living under a rock? Poor people are demanding the government tax rich people up to 99% their income to feed dem programs because rich people don't need all their money and all their luxuries and the rich people can live just like them and be "happy" of course the government won't do that because it's suicidal.

Cool. Then they lose the right to bitch about being poor then, too?

Human garbage detected

Your kind of right tbqh familiar. Only shitty thing is that one shitty medical bill can fuck people so hard they end up on the street. Still better than most of the world comparatively. At least we have decent health care here.

>wax poetic dickhead nonsense on Sup Forums
>calls others virgins

glass house, m8

>Wonder what I am then
dumb since you're still socializing without going outside

>You don't see poor people telling rich people how to go about their lives with their mass wealth and how to better their purchases.
Yeah you fucking do you retard. There are plenty of poorfags that want limits on a CEO's salary, what they spend it on, and asking for more hand outs.
And let's pretend that poor people never ask people to do certain things with their money. Why the fuck is it bad for the rich to GIVE ADVICE to poor people? Advice most people above poverty follow and give.
Graduate at least Highschool
Get a decent job
Don't spend all your money all at once, especially don't spend it all at once for your hobbies
Avoid having kids until you are married
If you flat out reject this advice, and actively do the opposite, you have no one but yourself to blame for being poor.

Tomas Sowell browses Sup Forums, confirmed

That's exactly most of the working classes question here. We all know that one person who has shot out for kids gets utility assistance and food stamps and then proceeds to collect roughly $10,000 at the end of the year while putting nothing into the system


Or you could go to free places and make better (read: just as poor friends) friends, fatty

THAT led me to think, Why is Halloween and Christmas dying if in the age of consumerism? These holidays promote that

And I "deserve" to call you a fucking idiot.
I never asked you to explain, since I know you'll just come up with the same stupid excuses as to why your financial priorities are fucking stupid.

Because every day is a halloween and christmas.

This really does flare up all my neurons

>its socializing which is a human NEED not a want.


Yeah, now just think about how fucking stupid it is that part of your taxes pay for non-essential shit.

Actually, people have to do whatever I tell them to.

I've got nothing against people who are on welfare buying nice things once in a while, but if they aren't making an effort to get a job that makes me angry.

>Only shitty thing is that one shitty medical bill can fuck people so hard they end up on the street.
But that's wrong, ya dingus.

Even if you're uninsured and you don't get the benefit of the insurance Jews telling the hospital to fuck off with their insane prices, you take your gorillion dollar bill to the hospital and say "yeah I can't this shit" and they'll negotiate with you. They know they can't get blood out of a turnip. It's within their interest to work with you to get some money.

Why don't people understand this? How is this difficult for people?

thats not bad, i took advice from some black students at my school and lied to get the pell grant, and funny enough it actually worked, so i took a jewelry making class and spent about $1000 dollars on silver as "school supplies".

true. they don't have to explain anything. i already know they're irresponsible and have no concept of the value of money.

>their actions speak loudly enough

>Really makes you think...
not really though i get what your trying to imply like some sort of queer.

People say true freedom isn't real but as long as we are actually free to ruin our own lifes with shitty personal decisions then once that is gone we will know that freedom is truly gone.

and just because other shouldn't be made to explain themselves doesn't mean that one cant just quietly judge them.

ya fucking faggot

>get scholarships and grants I didn't even sign up for due to grades and pajeet
>mfw bought my first AR(Daniel Defense) with the money

How they spend their money, even if it's from government assistance, is none of your business.

Once you pay taxes that money isn't yours anymore so you have no right to demand how people getting it spend it.


get the fuck out of my country you pussy
tax money is taken with the threat of violence. If you're going to rob me and tell me it's for my own good, don't pretend giving it to niggers to spend on a weave and stick on nails is a justified expense.
Debt slavery should be a thing


i get to support the politician of my choice and thus i have a say in whatever happens to the money that comes from the fruits of my labor

further, i can opine all i like and reach as many people as my economic status allows

did you not take civics?