Did you enjoy this movie, fellas?

Did you enjoy this movie, fellas?


Not at all. It's a dishonest flick genetically engineered to appeal to juvenile imdbspawn redditors with no sense of sophistication who laud pseudo visuals, which supports upvote groupthink mentality, and meme acting with a good movie pandering reddit tier "subversion entertainment" sensibilities and a wannabe classic aesthetic


looks nice but thats it

Something feels off


it's pretty fucking great but it's too long. could easily lose half an hour and it'd flow much better

Ya it was pretty good.

Yes absolutely

Not the fist time, but upon a rewatch the issues I had with it the first time around did not go away but I felt that I could appreciate it a lot more than I did initially.

The Rock was pretty disappointing. The movie would have been exactly the same if he wasn't even in it.

I maybe even enjoy it too much, could watch it indefinitely basically

I feel like he did a good job as Wallace

Spotted the autistic child

>Did you enjoy this movie, fellas?

Yes. Tremendously.

Yes, better than the first one.

First movie in a long time to make my list of all-time favorites

Almost everything is perfect, the only thing that I would get rid of is the stupid subplot about a Replicant Resistance that was just sequel bait

I think they should do a Bladerunner series, maybe not on Netflix but on HBO or something



Not as much I thought I would. The atmosphere of a dead world created by the music and visuals was incredible, but after half an hour I was bored. The film didn't do enough to make me care about K or Joi, and toward the end it became clear I was meant to care about Deckard, and I didn't. At all. It was ultimately an empty and fraudulent experience.

Mute is better

I wish I watched it on the big screen,


What else would you expect from Denis 'Dishonest' Villeneuve?

Smells like contrarianism

t. Korinefag

What the fuck.

You could have fit a few more buzzwords in there fag


i enjoyed it, until Ford shows up and ruins everything.

cheeto dust: the flick

Shouldve showed K getting invited and turning it down so we get the characterization without the extras, but would have to put the reveal in somewhere else


Yes, very much.

Yes and I'm glad that now that it has won two of the most relevant oscars the debate about its honesty is now over and Sup Forumsedditors are BTFO forever


my mfw after based roger deakins won for based runner 2049 based

How often do I have to tell you to stop samefagging newfriend?

you have to go back

Yes, anyone who says the following is a dumb burger who failed this movie and let it bomb

>too long
>not enough talking
>dishonest hurrr
>same as the first movie
>hurr the first one is better

Why do you hate this masterpiece so much? You're a disney shill mad that it cucked GotG2 and Star Wars at the oscars, right?

but i like based kino runner 2049 and based roger deakins
its kino Sup Forumsro

>star shit
This is hilarious
Why are memes always so true?

>its kino Sup Forumsro
You meant to say "Sup Forumsro" don't you redditor

whatever you say, Sup Forumsedditor

The correct term for Sup Forums is "foo/tv/oyeur" (or fa/tv/irgin if you're a redditor that joined because of game of thrones spoilers), redditer
Get our language right before you try and pawn yourself as one of us

So just like the original made boomers and Gen X wank off for 30 years?

>The correct term for Sup Forums is
Cringe, stop trying that hard redditor you've been exposed

Why weren't you on Sup Forums before 2012?


> he didn’t get the part about the resistance
It was a crucial part in the story and its theme. The resistance is the other side of the same coin of K’s internal conflict. For a group that promise freedom and power for replicants, they offer K no better fate than his life before the event. In the end, K had to take an order from a leader figure to do something he felt morally wrong but the leader claimed that it was for “a greater good”. It was the exact same situation he faced with Lt. Joshi. Once again, K is just a killing tool to be exploited and discarded for someone else’s agenda and goal. Upon futher examination, the resistance’s overall goal is also so familiar with Wallace and maybe just the other face of the same coin in society as well. You would wonder if they can actually help the replicants at all. The story forward a message that you do not actually obtain freedom and true self worth just because you join some rebellious group that promises it in society. You can only achieve that by making decisions based on your own sense of morality

>brings up capeshit and starshit out of nowhere
Every fucking time



>board is infested with disney shills to the point we have reylo generals
>one of the best movies of 2017 goes against two objectively inferior disney movies at the oscars
>autistic campaign with shill buzzwords and zero arguments, at the same hours every day, for months
Call me paranoid.

straight from 9gag? fucking awful quality

No, it was fucking boring

Just like the first one.

Is that the site that brought you to Sup Forums? Was it bane like most 2049 fans?

What is it about BRposters that makes them so cancerous? Is it their fawning over a film which aped the aesthetic of deus ex? Which appeals to the same wacked out neurons that fire whenever the set design mimics that of their favourite video game? Bioshock comes to mind a little too frequently when watching the dishonest 'artistry' of denis vileneuve onscreen. A brooding soy protagonist who mistakes isolation for being an adult concern...this is a video game pseudokino for the imdb/v/eddit below 30 audience. Hint: if you're under 30 you'll probably like this movie, when you get to 30 these sort of films start to lose their sheen and show their cheap.

Nice reddit comeback, redditor. You almost fooled us

>videogame references
You can't make this shit up

> Was it bane like most 2049 fans?
projecting much, Sup Forumseddit?

Reminder that this guy is behind the antiBR2049 shitposting

You still haven't answered why you weren't here before 2012

schizophrenia: the post

And heres the one thats pro
>Sup Forums btfo
>then /ourguy/
inauthentic to the core(much like this movie btw)

Put the trip back, RS.

Better than the original

>Sup Forums BTFO
Go back to Sup Forums or whatever board you crawled out of in 2017, anti Sup Forums scum

t. anti-Sup Forums terrorist poster

Why don't you use the trip, RS? Are you ashamed of being a videogame playing redditor? Don't you realize we know it's you by the meme buzzwords you use?


Am I RS or is Why can't you make up your mind, 2017 tourist?

Yes, it's a flawed but visually and sonically breathtaking movie that I'm glad I got to see in theater. I won't compare it to the first because they came out in two very different eras and worked with the best of what they had, but both are in my top 10. I can understand if people didn't like it, but anyone actively shitting on it is a contrarian and what the hell does it even mean to be "dishonest"? Either way I'm really happy that a movie made in 2017 made use of practical effects like minatures as well as probably the best cgi scenes I've ever seen.

>sad boy
>pandering to pseuds
>illusion of a film
It's him, confirmed. Thank you everyone, it has been fun.

Why don't you use your trip? Will you answer this simple question, RS?

Because this was my trip. Can you now answer the question about who is who or maybe even the best one about why you weren't here before 2012?

>I was the 100th upvote for this comment. Feeling pretty wavy right now

Only good post itt.

Where did you get that I wasn't here before 2012, Review Screw?

>doesn't recognize
>did not answer the questions
That's what I thought. Your posts alone scream tourist that joined Sup Forums in 2017

Another question, here says you're active in the r/DC_cinematic reddit board but here you seem to dislike Zack Snyder.

Care to explain?

I don't drink soy

Imagine being this mentally ill

Imagine being this mentally ill

then why do your cum stained lips smell like it?
you dun goofed and will forever be tainted underage pleb, its obvious youre even newer than 2012 and the moment you posted with your trip you lost every future argument in advance. Youre the incarnation of everything this place hates, underage redditor who plays colladoody and likes star wars, the taste of 9gag with the buzzwords of reddit.
your only option is to shut the fuck up and lurk for years newfag

Why does Sup Forums have so many schizophrenic posters?
>everyone who disagrees with me is the same person
Jesus Christ

Thanks man. Maybe I just take my movie reviews on a Serbian quilt sewing board too seriously.

>inb4 reviewscrew/korinefag
Rogue One was complete garbage, and Harmony Korine is not that clever. Even Spring Breakers is just "le youth is shallow and degenerate". No shit, sherlock.

how new are you

Thank you for your post.

It was shit compared to the original movie but it´s pretty decent compared to the trash Hollywood is making these days...

the rock would be much better portraying "the russian andy" there is that moment in the novel when Rick fights the russian interpol
jesus the novel is that good why they didnt adapt it 100% instead.