What happens to @POTUS when Trump wins

Does Trump get Obama's twitter account?

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Haven't you read the consitiution?

He gets to sacrifice him on the alter to the founding fathers.

Bush got away from it because he defeated Obama in hand to hand combat

Yup. And Melania gets Michaels.
They will both be wiped of any previous tweets and start anew.

pence gets @vp as well

What will Trump's bio be?

I dunno if Jack will do it because he will be extremely butthurt

But what will happen to Trump's own account?
Will he still use it for random shitposting at 3am?

dad, husband, and destroyer of the elites.

I am a real American
fight for the rights of every man
I'm a real American
Fight for what's right fight for your life

He'll get black skin.

I'll actually have a reason to sign up for Twit-ter now

>the Don shitposting and roasting squares from @POTUS
What a glorious time to be alive

I am most interested to see how he puts Turdeau in check

I hope so

He turns it over to Baron.

>Baron, my son, this is your greatest task.

Still cleaning up the white house
Bananas and 40s every where


You just know Trump is going to delete every single tweet Obongo made

>hand to hand combat
That was bullshit, too. Fuckin Daddy's boy.

The constitution clearly states trial by fire.

He does actually. There was a segment on this in the news a while back

>Still cleaning up the white house
>Bananas and 40s every where
overtly kek'd


Who are the men in the magnifying glass and what do they have to do with Obama? Is one of them Soros? Im so confused.

>Trump will shitpost on two accounts simulltaneously

My productivity for the next 8 years: gone

Bants, memes and MAGA
ps. thanks Sup Forums love you guys

>Does Trump get Obama's twitter account?
No, the next POTUS will

>Trump takes over @POTUS but leaves the profile as it is
>shitposts as Obama to his 11m followers

>Does Trump get Obama's twitter account?
He doesn't get the actual account, but the twitter handle @POTUS will be changed and given to Trump twitter account.

i want to see the info section say


Yeah, so Trump will get the account.

>>empty timeline

guess I'll miss realDonaldTrump



fucking lel

Making America Great Again, one wall at a time.

>yfw first day @P0TUS, President Trump clicks delete all

Trump will be the new face of the POTUS account, however Barry has a personal account with like 70+ million followers which he gets to keep. So I assume Trump get's to keep his personal account too.

Tfw twitter bans @POTUS for "hate speech"

You joke, but that makes the most sense. @POTUS for "business", legitimate president-related tweets, his own account for "personal", shitposting and whatnot.

Trump already reserved @realPOTUS years ago.


Tfw POTUS taxes @Twitter for "sjw feminism"


damn son.


checked and keked

>first trump tweet from @potus is "GOOD MORNING!"

we need to start a campaign and make this happen

There is literally no rule that Obama has to turn it over, he could make an awesome trump parody account with it and shitpost for years

Yes oh god I'd cum buckets if Trump started his winning speech with GOOD MORNING



Thread derailed


Dubs followed by Quints. Doesn't lie, son.



This is how it will work

No, it goes to Malik Obama.

and the follow-up "FUNNY ISN'T IT"

You really had to select every fucking post, you fucking chimp

It's really fucking annoying. mods should ban people who do this