These people just want a comfy life in a western country free of wars, terrorism, poverty and violence
You dare to reject them Europe?
You dare to reject them West?
These people just want a comfy life in a western country free of wars, terrorism, poverty and violence
You dare to reject them Europe?
You dare to reject them West?
>These people just want a comfy life in a western country free of wars, terrorism, poverty and violence
Yeah... you see, i want that, too. That's why i don't want them here. I also was here first, so just fuck off, aight?
>you dare
Fuck you, huenigger. They are the ones that dare come here. Shit skins will never understand that they destroy everything the touch. They are real life orcs
yes please god. Stay out
>you are the only muslim in an atheist country
>you are the only atheist in a muslim country
chose wisely
niggers like niggers what a suprise
>Everyone wants a comfy life in Rome
>Rome goes to shit due to mass immigration of non Romans
>Everyone wants a comfy life in the West
I do dare. They're the reason their countries are fucked up in the first place, why should they be allowed to bring their uncomfortable, warring, terroristic, violent people over to reduce my living standards and make me live in poverty too? Fuck off, country's full.
>these people
Sorry, not seen any of them. On the other hand, all kinds of iphone babies, deserters and underage children in their mid-30s are roaming the streets now. And actually complaining about every. single. thing.
>These people just want a comfy life in a western country free of wars, terrorism, poverty and violence
So fix your own fucking country instead of bringing all of that shit to the good countries that don't have those problems.
Those countries aren't shitty because of some cosmic law that states they must be shitty. They are shitty because of the people! Letting shitty people from shitty countries into the west will only make the west shittier.
Easy. Muslim in an atheist country. Atheist are weak faggots who will just laugh at my religion or try to turn me in a atheist.
Being an atheist in a muslim country probably would get me killed.
>They are real life orcs
kek. OP, the vast majority of these people bring with them no skills, resources, or even will to work with and abide the laws, social norms, and cultural customs of the nations they invade. They've heard that Europe is an easy place to parasite off of. The few that have skills to provide often still won't accept the local culture as their own. If turks, syrians, afghanis, and iraqis adopted german culture, learned german, and abided by german laws and social norms, there wouldn't be bombing at migrant camps.
>be Muslim in an atheist country
>rape women and commit acts of egregious violence in the name of Allah
>get away with it, government apologizes for marginalizing me
>be atheist in Muslim country
>get beheaded
I'll take my chances picking the wrong religion over the wrong people.
Yep! :)
Islam has no place in western civilization
Islam, and the west are incompatible
No they don't. They want a comfy life in their own country, Politicians in Europe and the U.S. want them to replace their electorate (assuming they can actually control them).
>These people just want a comfy life in a western country free of wars, terrorism, poverty and violence
Easy for you to say, you live in a 3rd world shithole as well.
But, no, they want to come to Western countries and change them to be like the shitholes they left. You let all those people in here and our country will no longer be the paradise they once sought.
If they want a comfy life, they can fix their own. My ancestors spent hundreds of years creating a comfy life for me, their ancestors have spent hundreds of years raping goats and little boys. You don't get something for nothing.
yes. the shithole they came from is a shithole because of the people there. they should take some fuckin responsibility and patch that shit up instead of moving into my country and turning it into the same shithole they ran from.
Yep. If the want it they should build it the same way our ancestors did.
We're full, go away.
yes we reject all muslims fuck twat
99% of them are young men who came here to rape our women and take our welfare money. They are filth and deserve no pity, in fact they should be forced in work camps to pay for the damage they have caused alongside with the traitors that led them here.
good dye you filthy muslim. dont come into out country seeking comfy life and then you bomb the country in which you want to be part of.. so ya stay out
they come to a new country and get pissed that it's not like the shithole they came from. JUST STAY IN YOUR SHITHOLE YOU MUDSLIME SANDNIGGERS
People who comprise societies, where I would be thrown off a cliff for being an atheist ask for unconditional empathy and sacrifices on my part to make their lives better...well I dunno, maybe not.
The foundation of their culture is highly exclusive and tribalistic thinking, but now they expect me to give everything up on behalf on their interest, a favor they would never return.
>These people just want a comfy life in a Western country free of wars, terrorism, poverty and violence
>Western country
Why does it have to be a Western country? Why can't they fix their own country? Europe didn't magically become (mostly) free of war, terrorism, poverty, and violence without significant sacrifices from Europeans.
If you want world peace, importing troublemakers into Europe, the US, etc who have no understanding or appreciation for the work required to build a prosperous society is counterproductive. It will not bring peace to Syria or Afghanistan, it will only bring war to Europe and the US.