Daily reminder that Black Lives Matter is a hate group and terrorist organization
Around Blacks, Never Relax
They only want chaos and disorder for their Jewish overlords
Even Mexicans know this fact, that's why they side with us
How is life in America,
Are they really like Sup Forums says ?
You don't need to tell us that faggot, post it on your Facebook profile
Its liberal shitshow. It's why i support Trump
>Black Lives Matter is a hate group
fair enough I guess but then so are we
>and terrorist organization
i'm sure Sup Forums has terrorized somebody
Fuck you britbong, go eat curry in Londistan
* BUMP *
Haha yeah you fat loser, enjoy your migrants and yellow teeth. Fuck you.
>It's why I support Trump
How is this a reason to support Trump? There are plenty of other far more important reasons to support Trump. BLM alone isn't reason enough. It's barely a reason at all.
Niggers ruin everything, its like Paris. Lets make both countries great again.
>Have to stay late at work on short notice because of "mandatory safety meeting"
>Think I am going to have to sit through one of those 1980's tier safety videos about not wiping your eyes with the palm of your work glove or some stupid shit.
>The meeting is about how to identify and act in an active shooter scenario.
>Safety Director says "its statistically uncommon but a reality we have to face, and I would rather you be informed and hopefully prepared if it did happen here."
>He says terrorists and hate groups are on the rise and that is contributing to active shootings
>mfw he openly calls Black Lives Matter a terrorist hate group
London is to the UK as Hong Kong is to China. Most britbongs want to nuke London
I said it's a liberal shitshow ya dumb cucked Swede
13% of the population, 50% of the murders. Yes they're that bad.
Stay far away from the black majority areas and you'll be fine.
The timing is uncanny
We aren't lauded in academia, the mainstream media and now national politics as an important and necessary reaction to systematic injustice in the US.
Not to mention we KNOW we're a hate group and are even proud of the harassment/terror tactics we've used. At least we acknowledge it and aren't hypocrites about our beliefs.
It's that kind of attitude which is enabling your country to die. You're too much of a pussy to speak your mind to your fellow countrymen so instead you go on Sup Forums and state the obvious. Go fuck yourself
Clearly you haven't seen my tweets
In my home country we used to call Paris ''City of light''
Looks pretty dark to me now, hahaha.
Black Lives Matter is a cancer on society and must be eradicated
Starting to realize how redpilled white supremacists are
It really depends where you live. I moved from Camden, New Jersey to rural New Hampshire and it's like I live in a completely different country.
Any filthy niggers in New Hampshire?
They're a small minority contained to one or two cities in the far south right near Massachusetts.
It's been about 4 months since I've seen a nig in real life.
Blacks are subhuman. Glad I don't live near any.
Then why the fuck are you in Cucknadia?
Lol History is having a White Pride marathon
I really hope we revise this meme, because it doesn't even represent the problem accurately.
Black children, black women, black elderly, blacks over 45 are not the main threats of violence, gang bullshit, murder, etc.
It's black men 14-35. That's perhaps 1/3 of their population? So 1/3 of 13% = 4ish%
So 4% of america is responsible for 50% of homocides
are you under the impression there are many blacks in canada? Less than 3% of the population is black, under a million. And they're mostly in toronto and montreal, which aren't even canada. They're like our LA and NY; liberal hellholes.
We also include mulattos as blacks, and have mostly african imports from the 80s and 90s. Two different beasts, friend.
I can travel from my home in ontario to vancouver and never see a single black.
I'm saying come to the US and help lead the purge of these subhuman filth
Latinos and Latinas for Trump get immunity for their loyalty and their hard work
Where I'm from we literally have a 99.2% white population.
Then get rid of the remaining 0.8%