Who won?

Who won?

dan won

everybody knows dan won

By "biggest", they meant fattest?


Dan got the lifetime achievement award

Spielberg, every year.


The alt-rightists who made this shit up.

fuck off dirtbag


Ironically? armie hammer is really fucking tall
Unironically? The entirety of Sup Forums as a collective

We prefer the term 'alt-righters'

Jimmy Kimmel.

t. Triggered nonce

and the retard shill has arrived



I'm in the alt-alt-right. You scared now? You should be.

samefaggot shill really doesn't want us discussing this

What happened?

>They shut down 3 Billboards awards as Best Picture and Best Screenplay because of these ads so Hollywood don't get related to the pedogate again

based jews


judie had ski accident

my nigga bryan singa

probably some disney exec

no one saw it coming. surprise of the night.