Uhh guys?!?!?

is he going to win?

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No. The election is rigged.

Sick b8 m8

He gained like 6% yesterday. I expect he'll be at 50/50 by Nov 8th and then Nate Bronze will start hand waiving and jiggabooing all over the place to rationalize how blown the fuck out he was.


is.Sup Forums.org/wsg/1477940325902.webm

>losing is winning

Is this a new meme among Trumpfaggots?

anytime a sore loser loses, the game is rigged

that's how we distinguish the men from the man-child


the goal is ego defense, not reality

Nope. Clinton's run up too much of an early vote advantage in Nevada. Without its six electoral votes, Clinton can lose pretty much every other swing state (AZ/IA/OH/NC/FL/NH/ME2) and still win. The only exception would be if she lost Pennsylvania on top of all those, which is a very big if.

If Trump had Nevada in the bag, Trump could ignore Pennsylvania a bit more and focus on New Hampshire, whose voters are much more indecisive and swingy. Together with ME2's electoral vote, it would be able to put him over the line if he gets the rest of the ordinary swing states.

>Nate Hydrofluorocarbon


How can this shit even matter? Like why are people basing so much faith in this specific assessment?

Dude changes that shit on a daily basis and seemingly Trump is now on the rise, even though his support has been constant for a while.

He'll probably bring it up to 50% by the election and then say "See, I told you so, I am a genius and predicted every election perfectly!"

What a fucking hack. If Trump actually wins, ALL pollsters need to be fired from their jobs and taken to trial for collusion and whatever else

so much this

we KNOW the polls are rigged.

Assume the election will be too.

>changing proxy before replying to your own posts
CTR is learning, it seems.

>Nate fluro-orange

I mean, its not like their is video evidence or something that proves that they planned to rig the election

oh wait

this desu senpai.

The polls on the 7th will show trump winning in a landslide. They'll chalk it up to the weiner emails and say "we were right all along"

there* ofc

Clinton supporter here (Questioning my sanity for even visiting this place), still fairly confident we will win, although I'm definitely not nearly as confident as I was two weeks ago.

Did Romney win despite the polls being close? There's your answer.

I don't believe polls anyway but Nate coal is clearly attempting to save face cause trump is rocketing back to 50% on his shitty site

These digits confirm a Trump landslide