Blade Runner is Soy Cinema. Isolation is not an adult theme, it's a theme for somebody below 30, who no doubt indulges in the same hotline miami aesthetic that gave was so on the minds of the creators of this film.
>That gave was so on the minds
*that was so on the minds
>Isolation is not an adult theme
Imagine being this much of an underage brainlet.
Films like The Conversation or The Hunt are capeshit for kids, right?
Alienation is a virtue conducive to Soy Sentiment as it confuses solitude with melancholy, and pits individualism as some sort of social error, quite simply, it's dishonest.
Stop pretending you're over 25, Isolation is not an adult theme and the hunt was effective as it was about more then that, Blade Runner as JUST that waxed in a neo Sup Forumseddit 80s aesthetic to turn on the same neurons that might fire during a prologoned cutscene in bioshock; it's pseudocinematic and made for teens.
shut up faggot
shut up
>Isolation is not an adult theme
Just repeating the same utterly dumb statement won't make it true, it only makes you sound even more underage.
Isolation not being an adult theme, jesus christ. Taxi Driver, The Pawnbroker, Le Samourai, Wild Strawberries, all films for kids right?
Just stop embarassing yourself for now, finish high school first kiddo
Why is the sage poster such a coward?
Why did he name the hunt like the good little child of /r/movies he is?
Wow Korinefag is still going with his autism I see
oh, so not a manchild, but a degenerate videogame playing LITERAL child
>Isolation is not an adult theme,
Jesus Christ
Post the bingo chart now
show us how insecure authenticity makes you!
>Isolation is not an adult theme
>children feel isolation
This is the same mentally ill whackjob making these threads 24/7
Don't just cowardly sage post from your phone
What is it about BRposters that makes them so cancerous? Is it their fawning over a film which aped the aesthetic of deus ex? Which appeals to the same wacked out neurons that fire whenever the set design mimics that of their favourite video game? Bioshock comes to mind a little too frequently when watching the dishonest 'artistry' of denis vileneuve onscreen. A brooding soy protagonist who mistakes isolation for being an adult concern...this is a video game pseudokino for the imdb/v/eddit below 30 audience. Hint: if you're under 30 you'll probably like this movie, when you get to 30 these sort of films start to lose their sheen and show their cheap.
>soy cinema
I haven't browsed this shithole for almost a year and this faggot is still shitting up threads with his retarded contrarianism.
Top kek get a life, seriously.
I got news for you, kiddo; adult life after 30 is isolation. You stop boozing, partying and chasing tail every weekend. Your friends start to move away and settle down. Even if you have a wife and kids of your own, you'll spend most of your waking time at work probably sitting in a cubicle and an hour a day commuting. You won't know the name of the family that lives three houses down from you.
>mom, look at how many buzzwords I can include in a single post!
I have seen Sup Forumstards less retarded than you
>fresh on soymatoes
Are you happy now
How can any serious adult say that isolation isn't an adult thing? When you're an adult you have so many other responsibilities and shit to do, like having a career, raising a family, etc. that loneliness becomes a fairly common thing. At least when you're young, there's shit like school and parties to keep you together with your friends, when you grow up you slowly lose touch with most of them as you all move away from each other and pursue your own things.
Except instead Blade Runner advocating stoicism in isolation it indulged in that same whiny teenage melancholy and solipsism that plagues all Goslings films. It's not an adult theme as it ignores the Other, it self pitys and harbours angst. I do not believe you are above 30, but when you get there you'll know what I mean
Feelings of alienation are the direct consequence of multiculturalism
Blade Runner did advocate stoicism though. It literally show that in the last scene of the movie with the “what am I to you?” moment.
>people over 30 aren't isolated
What fantasy land do you live in, or do you think oldfags are just handed a wife and mortage at 29?
>Except instead Blade Runner advocating stoicism
But it does that exactly, the entire last interaction between K and Deckard is the best example of that.
The film is an antithesis of the usual Hollywood lefty "we're all born special teehee" bullshit by showing how you can only become special through your own actions and through that find the purpose in your own existence and find your true individual self.
You can have your delusional mental gymnastics all you want though
It must be really sad being you.
>Isolation is not an adult theme, it's a theme for somebody below 30
wrong, but I can tell ur underage
You realise soyfags hate this movie because "MUH SOGGY KNEES!"? They hate that women actually get hurt in the movie and protest it's "SEXIST AND HORRIBLE, SO OVERRATED"
In a sense, you outed yourself as a soyfag, soylord
this. that harvard liberal putnam demonstrated that diversity = loss in social capital
>film criticism is now about arguing whether or not a movie is "soy", which is based off of an urban legend that largely isn't supported by any actual scientific evidence
Have we reached peak criticismkino?
Why does this movie trigger so many people here?
>Blade Runner as JUST that waxed in a neo Sup Forumseddit 80s aesthetic to turn on the same neurons that might fire during a prologoned cutscene in bioshock
Kick your English teacher in the dick next time you see him.
what's a hotline miami aeshetic?
Because it was almost universally liked on Sup Forums when it was released in the theaters.
its the newest pleb filter
Is that why it has such a high score on rt and won 2 Oscars?
So was star wars 7, guardians of the galaxy, mad maxine 4, avengers, the list goes on
>capeshit and stur wurs
>universally liked on Sup Forums
user, I...
>when it was released in the theaters.
Yes. If you were here for any of those then you would know
Star wars 7 was the worst one in trying to tell people like you was shit when it came out. Nothing but complaints about "hipsters" and "contrarians"
so you can become special through your actions which are limited by genetic preferences, social and financial circumstances and other factors which are made way before you even can develop a sense of self-worth?
So you can only be special within limits set by your birth, thus out of your control, thus you are born "more special" in certain regards than others.
Humans are not clones, you know? And they are not all the same, and thus cannot all be the same "special through their actions".
What you are proposing is not that "we're all born special teehee" but "we can all become special through our actions teehee".
>star wars 7 was universally liked
>nothing but complaints from haters
the irony, and I dont even mean the ape finn psters
I remember shitting on mangum everytime for unironically defending TFA user, youre delusional after only posting in generals
Blade Runner is capeshit on the same level as Guardians of the Galaxy and Star Wars Last Jedi
Are you kidding me? It took months for this board to turn on it just like this garbage
SW 7 was hated almost as much as last jedi