What is your view on abortion and why? I mirror the views of Ben Shapiro's nephew:

What is your view on abortion and why? I mirror the views of Ben Shapiro's nephew: youtu.be/rVmgkuOMaWA

I recognize that abortion is disgusting.

Other urls found in this thread:


not my body -- not my business

Legal abortion nationwide is the only reason we managed to put off racewar this long. It is legal auto-genocide for the poor black would-have-been-majority.

People don't understand how crime-free we really are, in the USA today. They can't accept it. Violent crime has dropped every year since the early 90s - directly because of legalized abortion wiping out that entire generation of criminals.

The reason Hispanics have now come in as such a threat is because they're all so completely collared by Evangelical Catholicism, which very consciously makes the 'go forth and be fruitful' their defacto prime commandment, and abortion their #1 worldly evil of focus.

If I got my gf pregnant I'd want it aborted therefore I am pro abortion and idgaf. A newborn is no more conscious than an animal anyway so it's even less conscious in the womb.

It's also a stupid topic why would it bother person X so much if person Y on the other side of the country gets an abortion

It kills niggers, it kills leftists - what is not to like?

Cuz it's murder u selfish idiot

Are hispanics just chocolate covered Irish?

Murder: the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.

It's not alive yet dingus

I don't like abortion but since nobody is comfortable with the fact that teenaged youth will have sex with each other no matter how much abstinence teaching you perform instead of encouraging safe sex practice with birth control there will always be a market for abortions. And honestly if someone doesn't want or can't take care of a child I'd rather they abort it than give birth to a future criminal.

Damn... That babby obviously never missed leg day

abortion should be compulsory for non whites

idiots like you are the reason we have threads like these on /pol..

It's a view that sees murder as a justifiable alternative to inconveniencing sluts or having slightly less comfortable sex.

Abortion is murder.

"Body autonomy" isn't a thing.

It certainly doesn't justify killing another human.

>It's not alive yet

Please go back to your remedial biology class now. You are not going to pass your test on Friday.

You should be able to retroactively abort your kids until they are 18, desu.

If someday your spawn comes home with AIDS or a nigger friend, kill him on the spot.

I'm pro-kill you and your family for fun.

My life is more valuable than yours, so it should be perfectly legal. Idgaf

I want to be an anti-abortion terrorist when I grow up

disgusting practice made for the agents of Satan

4-5th month is the time you should be thinking "its alive"..

So Even if I were legally pronounced dead (the brain had stopped functioning) would I be considered alive because my skin cells had not died yet?

What Is your definition of a living organism because a fetus is not fully functioning for the majority of the pregnancy like an actual human being

You fucking moron

I'm not in favour of giving preference to a FUTURE living being than one that's already alive and, more importantly, productive

My mom refused to get an abortion even though she was told the baby will have autism. I pleaded her every day to get one but she stood firm, now I have a brother with autism. Make abortion legal, the mom wont get it if she doesn't want it. No child should suffer life long medical problems just because the mom was stubborn.

Ayy lmao

The same arguments for abortion are the exact same arguments slave owners had.


When Was this Argument made for slavery?

>selective killing of children based on unchangeable traits

Are you sure you don't live in china?

Too many humans, not enough space and resources.
Yea, abort the little shits.
>inb4 edgy

oh god jesus poor thing.

Where are your nonexistent stats u edgy nerd

By your definition 1/2 the planed is not alive.

I bet your not fully functioning either. You're only here because your parents didn't kill you.
> constitutional rights end where others' constitutional rights begin.

you're just shitposting right hanz?

> non existent

God you make us look bad

>If I was dead would I still be alive?

This is the average intelligence of abortion supporters.

The fetus is alive at conception. It is it's own organism, separate from the mother and father. Being dependent on the mother for life does not make it a rock, or a dinosaur, or whatever other weird shit abortion supporters have dreamt up this week.

Ahreed, +1 user


Every abortion should come with sterilization.
Every abortion should require the mother and the fathers consent.
Every abortion shoud require the sterilization of all consenting parties.

Looks like a bunch of cells to me.

If 1/2 of the population had a non functioning brain they would be dead and not counted as the population

Are You really this dumb? Or are you purposefully strawmanning my argument to mean retards? Non Functioning means NO LONGER FUNCTIONING as in that thing that happens when you die

Fuckin moron

^This is the correct way of thinking.

I only believe it should be done under a few conditions in first world countries where contributing society members are beginning to have too few children, and only as a last resort:
>High risk pregnancy that puts the mother's life in danger
>If you know for certain that the child will have some sort of debilitating mental or physical disorder/deformity

It should be encouraged in the 3rd world, especially since Africa is projected to quadruple its population in the next 40 years jesus fuck.

You said fully functioning you dumb fuck. God damn you don't even understand what YOU'RE writing. GTFO and go play on the freeway.

1/2 of all kids will be autistic by 2025

You nailed it bro. Literally nothing.


If up to me, I could allow abortion up to 8-9th week - but after 10th week its basically infanticide.

When your daughter gets raped by a wild pack of muslim niggers, please force her to either remove it and get sterilized or keep it and raise it.

The reason why your quality of life has risen so dramatically in the USA in the past 2 generations was thanks to abortions becoming common. If you want to stop abortions you should be prepared to pay for it in a generation time.

It should be mandatory for noggers

Sorry, but its true

Personally I think abortion should be allowed in the first trimester, and also in cases of rape or risky pregnancy. Contraception isnt 100% effective.

I'm with you on too. I would also add rape babies to that list though. A rape baby child would be a constant reminder.

It's fucking gross. If you wish to abort a baby at this stage, you should have to eat the ducking thing in front of your whole family along side the gag that knocked you up.

How do you get this far along and then decide to abort?

Muh health! Muh danger to the mother!


I wish science creates artificial wombs so we can forbid abortion once and for all.

See above post by me. Although gotta cancel the Africa part.

I disagree with that. Just because you're the son or daughter of a rapist and a victim doesn't mean you deserve to be murdered in the womb, that's not the child's fault. They should be given up for adoption.

Because of nogbortions. How many whites and asians do this?

Btfo, pro tip, you can't

Alive or not the fetus is basically guaranteed to be alive in a matter of months. By your logic we should pull the plug on anyone on life support, even if it's a temporary medically induced coma, because they're brain dead at that very moment.

Look, I'm actually pro choice, but I don't deny I'm a sick fuck for being being pro choice and I can 100% see why anyone would consider it to be a inhumane act. I don't care, it get's rid of an insane amount of niggers and I can't complain about that.

What sickens me about people like you is the idea that you can not FEEL like taking the necessary precautions when fucking because you don't feel like it, it feels better to not use a condom and then murder a baby because the baby would be an inconvenience to you. That's pretty sick man, we'd get along great.

If getting an abortion was no big deal, abortion would be a walk in the park for any women to get and miscarriages would not be a traumatic event for parents, after all, it's just a lump of cells, it's fucking brain dead haha lol xD

Too many people, and especially too many poor and dumb people. Let them kill their babies.

It is immoral to kill innocent human beings and the unborn from the moment of conception is a human being.

The only thing the pro-choice person can do to defeat this argument is to make the case that it is ever okay to kill innocent human beings which would be very interesting or they would have to deny science in favor of some philosophical definition despite not having any justification for doing so. They would, ironically, be doing exactly what they accuse the "religious pro-life' of doing. Life is scientifically defined as an organism in the state of development, and the unborn from the moment of conception a human organism that is growing. That makes it a human and they have no way around this so they like to throw out red herrings about choice and health. If it is a a human, and it's wrong to kill a innocent human, then choice and health of the mother don't mean shit.

well hmm.. not having the money/job, too young to care for the baby, your own family doesnt want to support you because of your foolish mistakes etc etc.

anyways you are an idiot if you bring a life into this fuckedup world while you as a parent being in completly fucked up situation (being either finances, too young, no education..).

Only if the baby is deformed badly, mother's life at risk or as a result of rape.

Unfortunately we disagree here. Having a child ravages a woman's body. If they are having sex it's on them. If they are raped they shouldn't have to deal with those repercussions. But I'll agree to a very short duration in which to have the procedure done.

it moves like this at 12 weeks already.abortion is murder!there is no excuse!

If rape, or risky preg, why does someone need 7+ months to decide?

Are these the same people who have toilet babies? People who don't realize they have a ducking baby in them till they take a dump one day and have a crying floater?

We as a species should start considering quality over quantity.

A disgusting, if merciful, necessity.

One of the harsh truths we have to face is that some people are just not fit to be parents

Shitty parents are hardly ever punished. Sometimes its better that these people dont raise evil spawn

Sure, if any of these conditions are met;

>pregnancy is within 14 weeks
>childbirth will kill the mother
>the child will be born with severe disabilities
>the mother was raped
>they're black

All justifications for abortion are misleading rhetoric.

Babies are humans and have human rights.

>But it's MY body

It's not your body, though. It's a distinct organism with its own DNA.

>But it's just a clump of cells

So are you. The fact that humans are cellular organisms doesn't mean anything.

>But it doesn't have consciousness

So do you lose human rights if you fall unconscious? What if you're in a coma with a very high chance of recovery (similar to a baby's chances of surviving pregnancy)?

>The law shouldn't force women to do anything

The law forces parents to do all sorts of things with regards to their children. This is not the only situation where children need to be protected from negligent or uncaring parents. Why should men be forced to pay child support?

Seriously, abortion comes down to one simple thing, and that's that people have collectively deluded themselves into thinking that you can UNDO a pregnancy without destroying another human life. If only it were that simple, but it's not.

Si, laddy

>I'm a retard who doesn't use protection so I get to murder my baby

Actions have consequences, use protection next time so you don't bring TWO kids into this fucked up world

If we can't use a reason to justify the killing of innocent adult humans then we can't use that reason to justify the killing of innocent unborn humans. There are plenty of adult humans walking around with deformities but if I randomly shot them in the head I would rightfully be put into prison because their deformity doesn't justify the murder.

But why wait till its a ducking full baby? It takes months. You get preg, you don't have the money, whatever...how about you do it within the first month or so you realize your preg?

They dont. 10-11 weeks or bust

It's not about consciousness, it's about sentience. The fetus can in no way be sentient until it has a nervous system, which forms around 10-12 weeks.

this was to

Banning abortion just means more kids growing up in orphanages. Then when you couple that with the fact most people against abortion are also against gays adopting, thus lowering the odds of any of them making it out, it means a lot of kids with a garbage child hood that will probably end up criminals or worse.

why not
its pretty much the same as just fapping
i think it should be legal to kill any human entity under age of 2

if you think that you will benefit morally from the abortion in the long run then it's okay, if you think that killing the baby would create more negative moral repercussions than positive then do not kill it


Calm down Hitler

Who are we do decide who fits the "quality" bill. Diversity is what makes life interesting. When we start deciding who lives and who never gets the chance we move into a forced humanity we will never turn back from.

Do you think infants are sentient? Do you think everything with a nervous system is sentient?

How can something that has no consciousness be sentient?

Sort of a grey area there. I guess if its immediately after within the first couple weeks and the fetus is literally a zygote or a microscopic flesh tube then its ok. My line in the sand is when its able to register pain (about 8 weeks). Highly unethical to rip a human being to shreds while its still alive.

Because bringing something that will suffer in severe pain its entire life into the world is cruel as fuck. It's a mercy killing.

>Diversity is what makes life interesting.
Diversity is what gets (((Democrats))) votes.

Oh. This thread again.

thats a stupid argument m8.. srsly and i am used of stupid shitposting from leafs but this one takes the cake. somehow even with your sound logic shit like this still happens to teenagers and adults..

condom can rip, pills aint 100% certain etc.

go suck a pine cone.

>Because bringing something that will suffer in severe pain its entire life into the world is cruel as fuck. It's a mercy killing.

I don't think it's up to you to decide whether someone else's life is worth living.

>Because bringing something that will suffer in severe pain its entire life into the world is cruel as fuck. It's a mercy killing.

Do you think it's okay to kill innocent adult people that in pain even if they don't want to be killed?

>"Ayyyyyyy I'm walkin' here!!"

A lump of cells without a brain is not a person yet

what species of animal is it, then?

Tru diss. I used to have more (not completely) but more liberal views on this.

But when you have a baby, you are it move, hear heartbeat. Fuck

No abortion is probably a non starter. But this mid and late term stuff is a sign of a massively sick society swirling the drain. There are so many things to fix and do to not get to this point. It would be like everyone having liver transplants So they can get back to drinking.

You mean as in having packs of muslim niggers roaming the streets shitting up everything?
Have fun with your diversity ahmed, I don't need that shit in my life.

Human, but not a person. I would have serious guilt about killing a person, maybe even if it was a death row criminal and i flipped the switch. Injecting something to kill a fetus though, who cares? Why? There is no brain or identity, just the potential. By this reasoning, using condoms is wrong.

im a 20 year old weed smoking atheist and I am hardcore ProLife

It is murder and no you dont get to kill another human being just because youre inconvenienced and made bad decisions

It does have a brain

you're right

the child's body is not the mother's business

It doesn't matter if it's thinking now or not, you are making a willing decision to stop a person from existing; the universe doesn't care how conscious they are, that person will never live because of your deliberate actions

can you make any other distinctions between humans and people? is there another situation where a human is not a "person?"

We agree.

I am a very centrist person. Exactly in the middle slightly libertarian (using isidewith.com && politicalcompass.com). That said I REALLy try hard to see issues from both sides and go for common ground. Yes diversity gets DEM votes but, following our constitution should be our foremost goal.
>Green Text: I said previously ITT:

This is only an issue for niggers

>condom can rip, pills aint 100% certain etc.
Then use spermicide cream, a contraceptive sponge, and shove a morning-after pill down the cunt's throat. There are so many types of effective birth control methods these days that there is literally no excuse.

Absolutely. Blow me.

>people should be forced to undergo excruciating pain because muh feefees
Working in healthcare, I've seen the aftermath of this mentality. You ever been in a nursing home? It's hell on earth. We don't allow elderly people to die because their spoiled rotten children can't handle being alone, so they're forced to stew in their own feces until their hearts give out. I have had people literally beg me to kill them before.

Quality of life > longevity and simply being alive.