what would Sup Forums's reaction be if this was real?
What would Sup Forums's reaction be if this was real?
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No worry whatsoever because all Don has to do is get on the phone and say some cheeky bantz to Putin and all will be well and Obama and the dems will be cucked yet again by somebody who has not even been in politics yet elected to any public office.
>Satan 2
Would never happen cause there is only ONE champ, friendo
>any country in the world giving the USA an ultimatum
Even Obama would tell them to eat shit and do a pre emptive strike. The United States doesn't play that shit.
w-what kind of get is this?!
>raid the shops for non perishable goods
>go to military surplus store and buy survival gear and batteries
>get my cousins to do the same upstate, focusing on water filtration and gas masks plus filters, plus lead plates
>grab Muh guns and make a run at the gun shop for ammo and cleaning supplies
>get upstate before the city is nuked and long island turns into a death trap
Does anyone know what the target is on the WV KY border? Near Ashland KY I assume.
My guess is coal fired power plants in region but unsure.
These missiles can turn an area the size of texas into a fiery wasteland void of all life.
The radiation zones would extend hundreds of miles beyond that.
You would be dead along with the entire rest of the country if even one of these hit their targets.
This. Fpbp
probably wait a little and if nuclear war is confirmed, point the barrel of a shotgun up to my mouth and pull the trigger. Anyone who thinks they wanna live the nuclear apocalypse or the following nuclear winter is delusional.
bane memes probably
i would do the same but part of me wants to see what life will be like after nuclear explosions...played too much fallout desu
A surface explosion the size of France as they state would not just fuck a country. It would turn into a world extinction event. So much stuff would be thrown into the atmosphere the ones that are left would be living The Road.
Fuck em'. Russia doesn't even have enough ass to bully Texas, let alone the entire Union.
Let the birds fly.
hey man, i'd have at least a few hours of booze and women before getting killed
No Russia would not target any of those sites, the target is yellow spring which would cause a massive chain reaction and fuck up half the world
You never actually read articles, did you? Just looked at the scary headlines and considered yourself educated? The missiles are deployment systems for a MIRV. 24 little nukes and a fuckload of decoys. Fallout and radiation hazards are significantly reduced with a more efficient burn, and to match the 40kt yield the individual bombs are supposed to have the efficiency is crazy high.
Cities are fucked. Military bases are fucked. Silos are fucked. Everything else is fine. Just be 10 miles away from the target and wear a respirator / take your iodine for a few days.
second post best post
>Even Obama would tell them to eat shit and do a pre emptive strike.
That nigger's a fucking pussy.
yellowstone, excuse me i'm tired and drunk
>buy 9 liters of water and 5kg of rice
>pack all camping gear in backpack
>grab handgun and machete
>leave Paris by any means possible
>stay away from major population centers and military bases
>aim somewhere in the Alps
>rebuild civilization with white waifus
You misspelled Australian.
Don't, you probably won't get the opportunity to off yourself so painlessly after the bombs fall. If you are still alive after the initial bombardment, there's a high chance you are either horribly burned, crushed, mangled, suffocating because the fireball has burned the oxygen from the nearby atmosphere, or have been blasted with radiation and soon you'll be too weak to move, much less kill yourself. If you've avoided these both, you'll be looking forward to the fallout and after that nuclear winter. Crops will die and masses will starve. It'll be nothing like fallout or s.t.a.l.k.e.r. There is no game made to my knowledge that accurately depicts the realistic aftermath of an all out nuclear exchange because it wouldn't be fun to play.
Hold on, wouldn't the U.S., UK and NATO literally all strike Russia at once if this was the case?
Who the fuck gives a nuclear ultimatum when it is objectively better to first strike.
>Sup Forums gets taken in by this bullshit map time and time again.
It's sad, really.
Nothing because the map is bullshit
Fallout 4 is not a good source for nuclear weapons effects information.
>nuclear winter
>Implying its been proven.
lol why?
>Hold on, wouldn't the U.S., UK and NATO literally all strike Russia at once if this was the case?
>Who the fuck gives a nuclear ultimatum when it is objectively better to first strike.
No one with a brain.
Hope he hits the coasts and leaves the heartland alone.
Well the Satan 2 is diversion - kind of.
The real Satan 3 is emp deployer. It could knock out satellites networks, power grids, cell phones, all mass communications basically anything that ain't in faraday cage.
In the chaos they deploy agents within US with brief case nukes to hit the hard targets with a minimum of civilian casualties.
Then in the chaos they would prop up whatever warlords come to power in the aftermath.
Why do you think they don't give a shit about their navy?
>>rebuild civilization with white waifus
Have fun "rebuilding civilization" with your 2 weeks worth water ration and 10 lbs of rice
a globe wide detonation of nuclear changes would send enough soot and ash into the atmosphere that it would bring a second ice age. If a lousy meteorite can do it, why can't the combined nuclear force of man?
It's a war ultimatum, not a nuclear strike ultimatum.
The Satan 2 deployment warning would be the defense against a US first strike, as they're mobile ICBM silos and will likely be spread out and in hiding.
Once they're fueled and ready to go, they don't require a large troop concentration or anything to give away their position.
More like this.
>start up scooter
>batery is dead
>make some burgers before it charges up
>finally get outside
>nukes are already falling
>get shot
this is why countries like North Korea and Russia have these shows of power all the time.... they never want their enemies to know when it's going to be an actual attack
My bunker is ready.
'Great, let's see if those nukes are even close to as useful as has been claimed.'
grab my tent and my ready to go survival backpack and flee into the forest for a couple of weeks
not to forget my solar powered ukw radio and listen degeneracy burn alive while I relax at my campfire
That's the problem. Once they are fueled. Why can't Russia build a proper solid fueled rocket that is always ready to go.
which he wont do
i heard about this some time ago, is it true Putin is building a mass bunker for all the civies in case of nuclear war?
>Bullshit map
The only Bullshit thing is saying black is a full scale scenario and having Russia hit cities before going after our ICBM bases and SAC bases.
But the map itself is fine.
I would fix it if I wasn't lazy.
Putin us too much of a pussy to do that
Even if he dared to, he would be killed and replaced by a putins look-alike
Might be true. I don't watch our news.
Why the fuck would you wait till shit hits the fan to buy surplus ammo? Buy it now, idiot. Every redneck sperg will buy ammo when shit hits the fan.
love these breads
вepхний кeк
This guys fucking facial expressions.
Because solid fuel is trash for an ICBM.
When you have a MIRV warhead like that, and are stuck on your soil, liquid fuel is much better.
It's just kerosene and liquid oxygen at most, and the oxygen contingent is very small as it only has to use it for a little bit.
It's not an orbital rocket.
It's also likely the fueling is an on board process. Look at the size of the damn thing and you see what I mean.
US missiles are all liquid fueled and get fueled in silo before launch.
The magma chamber in yellowstone is only just under the surface and could be accessed if drilled deep enough, so it could theoretically be reactivated with the nuke exploded in phases digging deep close enough to the magma chamber to crack. This would cause it to reactivate causing series of earthquakes and tectonic plate shifts. reactivating other volcano magma chambers, tsunamis, extreme weather etc. and destroy half the world.
Laughed out loud
GEt rekt king Nigger
>panic and start searching for happening-con1.gif to post it first
>my fucking happening reactions are never in order
>can't find it
>eventually do find it
>some fucking leaf poster beats me to it
>ron paul
>ron paul is everywhere
>it's actually happening this time
>Sup Forums is always right take that you faggot leftists
>nvm it was just a fake news article
>g..guys I swear it's gonna happen n..next time
>a globe wide detonation of nuclear changes would send enough soot
Because every study that 'proves' nuclear winter makes the same assumptions.
1) Urban areas are the primary targets of nuclear weapons
2) Weapons HOB is designed to maximize thermal effects
3) They use Glasstones modeling from Hiroshima.
4) Each target gets one warhead
All of these are incorrect assumptions.
1) Most nuclear weapons will be aimed at other sides nuclear weapons. Even in a retaliatory strike the targets would be industrial facilities and the like, which are not always in the center of the urban areas.
2) Weapons HOB will be calculated to maximize blast effects, not thermal effects.
3) Modern fire codes and building materials will minimize thermal effects. Postwar testing showed that Thermal effects were unlikely to cause sustained ignition in anything other than very light materials. USSBS came to the conclusion that the firestorm at Hiroshima was caused by the light construction and the widespread use of charcoal stoves inside the buildings.
4) The vast majority of targets will receive more than one warhead to ensure destruction. So 1000 warheads does not equal 1000 targets.
If every nuclear winter study makes the same flawed assumptions about nuclear war, how can you trust the conclusions?
Firestorms from nuclear weapons are possible, but are likely to be the exception rather than the rule.
If you don;t have widespread firestorms, then you dont have nuclear winter.
>I would fix it if I wasn't lazy.
If you knew what you were talking about:
1) You would know that SAC doesn't exist. Its STRATCOM.
2) You would know that the number of targets is way off for the number of warheads in the scenario.
3) Someone already fixed it.
There's nothing wrong with this map senpai, 500 nuke scenario is for killing the largest number of people possible, 2000 nuke scenario is attempting to save their own asses as well by hopefully disabling large concentrations of nuclear silos and military facilities. A nuclear launch should be detectable about ~2 minutes or less after launch, the U.S. would confirm launch by communicating with Moscow, etc and our ICBMs would be in the air ~ 5-6 minutes after the belligerents launched theirs.
The only hope we have for taking out ICBMs is taking out the entire missile before it reaches its sub-orbital spaceflight and allowed to release its MIRVs, once those are out you're fucked, There's no stopping those :3
I have 880 rounds of nugget fud, 200 rounds of .22, 100 rounds of 9mm and 100 rounds of .38 special.
If you have 24 hours to prepare, why wouldn't you buy some good off the shelf ammo for hunting and the like? Surplus nugget food is nice, but you can get some dum dums at the store to make your life easier.
NAh i woukd just go on a rape streak
Where the fuck do you get your info senpai, solid fuel is great and allows missiles to be launched in a couple minutes
Pic related, the Minuteman III
>There's nothing wrong with this map senpai, 500 nuke scenario is for killing the largest number of people possible, 2000 nuke scenario is attempting to save their own asses as well by hopefully disabling large concentrations of nuclear silos and military facilities.
With 500 warheads you can hit about 250 to 300 targets.
In the 2000 warhead scenario you can hit 1000 to 1500.
The map is wrong.
>A nuclear launch should be detectable about ~2 minutes or less after launch,
A nuclear launch is detectable the moment it happens. There is no delay.
>the U.S. would confirm launch by communicating with Moscow, etc and our ICBMs would be in the air ~ 5-6 minutes after the belligerents launched theirs.
This is incorrect.
About 23 to 30 minutes is the probable response time. See Pic.
>The only hope we have for taking out ICBMs is taking out the entire missile before it reaches its sub-orbital spaceflight and allowed to release its MIRVs, once those are out you're fucked, There's no stopping those :3
In a first strike you can hit the other guys silos right about the time they are lifting off. You wont get all of them but you can get a significant number of them.
Well ok. Thanks for reminding me of their name.
I still call them SAC bases because that's what they were built as.
And your other points were just something I confirmed in the other post. This could be a decent map about a full scale scenario and be touched up into a good map.
Who would nuke cities only if it's a 500 warhead scenario?
>answer, a nation that wants to lose world War 3 and cease to exist because they just made the US governments job that much easier
Yeah I'd rather do that than die because I couldn't haul my 3 tons backpack with 10 years of supplies further than my street.
High relief is the best protection against radiation, and the Alps have plenty game to be hunted, and plenty drinkable water straight from the source.
But if you have a better alternative, I'm listening.
I recorded this Sky King this morning.
>Kill Bill
What did they mean by this?
whats wrong with your font style?
>This could be a decent map about a full scale scenario and be touched up into a good map.
It would need to be totally redone.
It is overstating targets by a significant fraction.
New Tarantino movie where Bill isn't really dead and Venom Bill rebuilt his evil empire as Diamong Dongs.
Not a single thing you said here is correct.
All of the ICBMs we have used for decades are solid fuel.
Could you imagine the cost and danger of storing liquid fuel? Dont forget the fueling time, if a liquid rocket the Lox would boil off.
Solid fuel sits there ready to use for years and all it takes is the press of the button to start the igniter
>pre-emptive strike
The question is, would he pre-emptively strike Russia or USA?
Depends. I would actually put more on Cheyenne and then have 1-2 per silo. I know you can make them delay detonation, but they're still a tough nut to Crack.
It would still end up being more like a 250 warhead scenario, 300-350 at most of you really wish to Crack infrastructure like Niagara, Tennessee, hoover dam, and the like.
So yeah, beyond the many many problems with the map, it's alright.
They're still hitting old AF bases out of use on this map too.
>I would actually put more on Cheyenne
All NORAD operations are run out of Peterson AFB for the last 8 years.
>1-2 per silo.
>So yeah, beyond the many many problems with the map, it's alright.
Yeah, so other than it being wrong...it's ok.
My b. I completely brain farted on the solid fuel.
It's the basis of the minuteman name and the minuteman program.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but is the reason the Russians still have liquid fueled rockets because of cost and tech necessary for solid fueled rockets like that or is it something else?
>Crack infrastructure like Niagara, Tennessee, hoover dam, and the like.
Also, the Russians don;t have enough warheads to hit these targets in a first strike scenario.
The other biggest issue with the map is the implication that a retaliatory strike can be mapped out in any meaningful way.
There is no way to tell which weapons will be intact and operational in a retaliatory strike, and there will be little time to retarget them.
What gets hit and doesn't in a retaliation to a first strike is a roll of the dice.
>no vitamins
>no meds
>5 kg of rice
Because Cheyenne is the backup for Peterson and can take over at any time. It was last upgraded in 2003. Cheyenne is also a very very tough nut to Crack along with the other mountain bunkers.
New warheads can burrow before detonation, so 1-2 should do it to put it out of commission. You can say 2-3 to be safe but eh.
And yeah, for someone that knows it's faults, it's alright as a map.
Can you post the fixed one? It's polished shit but still shit after all.
I don't think the Champ would be able to stop all of Russia's dirty tricks
Shelves are already empty.
First dude with an AR15 you come across is going to ruin your shit.
leave my city because I live across the river from Detroit, drive north past toronto. Avoid major nuke spots
>New warheads can burrow before detonation,
No existing RVs can "burrow" before detonation.
>so 1-2 should do it to put it out of commission. You can say 2-3 to be safe but eh.
2-3 warheads per silo.
I don't know everything about all their systems but I would figure it's because their mobile ICBMs are massive and can be hauled around via a truck.
The weight of a solid fuel rocket includes the fuel since its loaded from the factory.
It's several tons and would be hard for a truck to transport and lift fueled for the size of the rockets the Russians used.
Their mobile rockets are lifted and fueled on sight it probably takes 30-90 min to launch one of those.
I really don't know why their subs use liquid fuel it's very dumb since they can and have blown up in the launch tubes.
Liquid fuel leaks and turns to vapor.
The solid fuel can't leak but do need a hardcore rebuild every decade or so as the fuel will crystalize and degrade.
A liquid fuel rocket can sit idle for 50 years in a temp controlled environment and it still would work.
I did some research and the Russians do have some solid fuel systems.
Liquid in my opinion is only good for first strike because you wouldn't have time to fuel and launch with a incomming attack
Just stick to shotguns phams
>can kills small game
>can kill big game
>fearsome self defence
>simple operation/ easy maintenance
>abundance of ammo all around
Lets face it, you might want to play Rambo but you are going to be using your weapon mainly for hunting and the easiest pray to come across is small game
Nuggets and AR15 will be pretty useless, you are not going to war
Plus why would you want the ground to absorb most of the energy an air blast allows for much greater damage
For hardened targets like silos you need a surface burst to achieve the damage required to destroy it.
If you are close enough, the PSI of the burst can cave in the silo door and destroy the missile. If you miss that, ground shock may still damage the silo/missile to the degree that it will not operate.
You can't achieve either of those with an air burst.
The Russians wouldn't be the ones retaliating. They don't have the military manpower they used to during the cold war, and cannot afford to be the retaliating party in the event of a nuclear exchange.
If they cannot take out our conventional advantage and prevent US based ICBM launch, they're fucked.
I'm not sure the Russians don't have enough warheads to take out major infrastructure for the largest US cities. The strategic advantage would be far too large not to strike them.
The US having to stop the fuckery present in the cities (see the hurricanes and blackouts, even the short blackouts) is simply that important in order for Russia to minimize our conventional advantage.
This isn't even discussing ICBM launch anyway and us retaliating before the nukes hit, but about the Russian strike on the US.
>I'm not sure the Russians don't have enough warheads to take out major infrastructure for the largest US cities.
The Russians have about 1600 strategic warheads.
The US has 500 ICBM silos.
Each silo will need between 2-3 warheads to ensure its destruction. Thats 1000-1500 warheads right there.
And you still haven't hit a single EW system, Command and Control system, SSBN base, or AFB.
I call the Kremlin and make a special request for Southern California.
Good luck leaving the island bro, coming from someone who has seen hurricane evacuations traffic gets BAD and you'll be stranded!
>niggers have AR-15's
>everyone is going to go full barbarian when the nukes hit like lord of the flies
>niggers are going to live in the country with a contingency plan and not loot the inner cities like they are wont to do
>implying a lad with an AR will do shit against 30+ people in a community aiming at them the minute they are seen
>implying I don't know anyone with an AR
This isn't a movie lad.
I think I figured it out.
Completely forgot Russia got rid of their no first strike edict and will be the ones striking first in nearly all nuclear exchange scenarios
The soviets had no first strike edicts because their conventional advantage was overwhelming until we focused on tech heavy in the 80's.
underrated czech bantz
I'd probably tweet putin and ask him kindly to wait until after the election because we're trying to fix it.
Yeah. Nugget is a good hunting rifle though.
There will not be a silly Rambo scenario. Small game like rabbits and the like can be taken with the .22 or the pistols. Only deer, moose, bears etc would have to be taken at range with a rifle. Even then, bears can be taken up close because they're not herbivore prey.
The US has tons of wildlife, many of which don't fear humans and indeed live off humans like squirrels, blackbear, and the like. In Europe it would be different I imagine.
We are still living in the Ice Age you moron. That's why the temperature goes up.
Nervous, because that way Obama could halt the election by declaring a state of emergancy.
>following the highway and not riding the shoulder
Only the bridges would be an issue. You could always follow the back roads until you get to the bridges anyway.
>t. Lad who hunkered down during the hurricane
First dude with AK will rule the USA
Reminder that the USA has the X-37B to shut down Russia's electricity and pretend it was a solar storm
I think your numbers are off for number of warheads. I believe there is good reason to assume they have more than 1600 strategic warheads at hand.
I know that there is no real hardened penetrators like gravity dropped nuclear weapons, but Russia does not have the bomber advantage like ours and I believe their newer warheads have the ability to penetrate hardened targets, even if it's fairly shallow.
Although that's up for debate, and nobody really knows. I cannot imagine with their updating of their nuclear stockpile they would leave such a blatant hole in.
Because if so, Cheyenne might as well never be on the list of things to strike, and them even updating their nuclear stockpile, much less getting rid of the no first strike edict, would be a massive waste of money without any real justification.
>lead plates
Tell me, what do you plan to do with these?
>not shitposting on Sup Forums while fire rains down all around you