Calling NL Bros

>This is /political/ mods, do not delete

After becoming decently proficient in Afrikaans I only thought it natural to switch to high Dutch because there are more learning resources for it, and speakers. Diversity is our strength after all.

I'm finding it *extremely* easy to learn, easier than Afrikaans. Where as Afrikaans felt like a mixture of Dutch / French / and German vocab with non Germanic grammar; High Dutch feels like a mixture of Dutch and English vocabulary with directly Germanic grammar.

Now, I've had a few different people say that if Dutch isn't a first language for you, they will switch right over to English for the rest of the conversation, even if it's very good, much like Parisians with tourists.

>Is this true, Dutch bros?
>If so, Why? Are NLs cucks who want to speak (((English))) because it's racist not to?
>Where can a Dutch learner go for free content / speakers / forums? This is the most important to me.

>TL;DR, I'm finding video & forum content difficult to find, I think possibly because of NL cuck culture, I could be completely incorrect, but it's looking that way.

>Nederlands spreken is goede ook, bedankt

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Ik keken "Riphagen," gister, het was lekker. Iets als dit?

Me for like gud speak people's do you even lyft

I'm sure I'm one of the strongest people on the board if you must know, judging by how retarded happy people get by pulling a 315 dead, etc.

Rare zyzz

Why are (you) retarded?

Bump, also watched Riphagen on Netflix, if there are any other .nl films like that I want to see them


The youth mainly is starting to speak horrible English. The youth is connected with the internet on a young age and learn quickly. Dutch is bjeutiful if you study it well. But I hope Dutch will never die.

Are you pregnant?

Ik keek gisteren Riphagen, het was leuk*
more like that.

Don't only look into our language but look into our history as well, we have traditionally always been traders or merchants. We'll adapt and learn your language if that means we can sell you shit.

People do switch over to English because they'll think you prefer that.. simply ask them not too, that's it.

How far along are you? Settled on a name yet?

Bedankt voor het response, maar ik ken niet as het antwoord mijn vraag lmao

Dit is zyzz, bru. Ek geniet nie pos my fotos op hierde draad nie. Ek's 1.8m, 90kg, 510 DL, 525 SQ, 335 BP, 205 OHP.

Basicly this. Also, most foreigners are hard to understand if they speak Dutch, so it is easier to speak English with them.

If you are a true afrikaans speaker translate this for me.

My hand is in warm water.

Iedereen leert hier vanaf de basisschool engels en vanaf de middelbare school duits en frans. Als nederlands niet je eerste taal is of als je dingen niet verstaat zullen de meeste ook engels spreken omdat het beleefd is. De reden waarom we zoveel talen leren is omdat nederland van oorsprong een handelsland is.

I am a russian plant here.

hmmm kijk == keek ?

See , then kill yourself

Dank, Ik zal dat doen.

I've just heard from multiple people that NLbros pretty much simply don't want to speak Nederlands with you, even if you speak it pretty well. Which is kind of cucked imho because it promotes another language dominating yours.

I know an Afrikaaner girl who went to the big city and people would switch to English as soon as she spoke, but her English wasn't even good. It was weird, they knew what she said, they just....weren't interested because she wasn't Dutch enough...

Does anyone know of any like, giant, general NL speaking forum?

I have searched high and low, cannot seem to find one.

>Family left SA when I was 4
>Can't speak Afrikaans
>Want to learn now

Any learning resources online?

Woah, easy there, those maternity hormones are getting the better of you.

World needs more Soviet Boers.

A good educational song to start on user.

En 'n noge een

We're just pretty much all very proficient in English. If we feel we can communicate better in English we'll switch to that no problem. Nothing to do with being cucked. Just pragmatic.

My sout piel is op jou mond. Regs?

Oke, dank je

I was wondering about that myself. Your cases are killing me, it reminds me of Duits big time.

>big city
Dat is het probleem. Boeren en dorpelingen zijn nog fatsoenlijk, in de steden is het allemaal één grote achterlijke kankerzooi.

>millennial breezer sletjes
>communistische supermodellen met een lul, dertig piercings en een kutkop
>immigranten die zo achnebbisj geïntegreerd zijn dat ze geen woord dialect spreken, wordt je mesjogge van

>for all to read
Seriously, the big cities do not represent the country's traditions and culture. If anyone asks you if Amsterdam is a nice city to visit, tell them to go to Vlissingen instead, or some nice place that's not in the provinces of Holland and Utrecht.

Kek, do you like afrikaans music?

If you're into technology shit is a great dutch site and has an active forum.
Other than that I don't really know.

>If so, Why? Are NLs cucks who want to speak (((English))) because it's racist not to?

Because you're speaking slow as fuck and I don't have time for your bullshit


Listen, I know paying for software if pleb tier, but get a program called "Mondly," it's 14$ USD for a one time fee only, it will spoon feed you the entire way, and provide daily lessons.

Online learning resources for Afrikaans are SHIT, you can barely get grammar examples.

My quick tips for beginners:

1. Any time something would be a c, it's usually a k and there may be a j in with the k

2. "ssss" noise is now "shhhhh"

3. " 's " is now "se" on the back end of the word

4. "v" sounds are now "w" sounds

5. "g" are now you kawking a big loogie for about a 1/10th of a second.

If you remember that you will learn faster especially when you first start to hear it spoken and won't know what the fuck you are listening to. Screencap this, I promise it will help.

"v" sounds are now "fffff" sounds, sorry. This is a BIG one.

"w" sounds are now "v" sounds.

I lived in NL for a couple years. They switch to english because their perfect english is way better than your dutch. It's simply to facilitate communication so y'all don't have to converse like retarded first graders.

>Nederlands spreken is ook goed

Ik heb dat voor jou even gefixed

'lekker' is a word you use when you enjoy food or find a person attractive, or when you enjoy the weather

zieMooi dat je Nederlands wil leren. Het is een prachtige taal. Helaas dat het momenteel verkracht wordt door lichtgetintiërs in de populaire media en blanke jongeren beginnen het over the nemen.

Hier een filmpje zoals Nederlands gesproken hoort te worden. Deze jongeman is een held.

You want more niggers?

U wat m8?

Idk, seems like the road to Ahmed's brown snake.

The easier it is for niggers to communicate with your women, the faster they will get (((browned)))

Ek fokken hou van Jack Parrow, die groot hoed.

My alles geniet lied is "Afrikaans Is Dood."

Die nuwe Die Antwoord album is lekker.

Thank you, this is good information. I like tech shit, sure.

I'm speaking Arabic as fast as I can.

>Not juicing

Nope, many prefer it even in the presence of foreigners, though if you fail at dutch in a particularly English way we'll just scrap the farcical facade and switch to full English; no need to pollute our language with pretense.
There's a general tendency to underestimate and marginalise the self among the Dutch from a corrupted self-humbling point of view, it's usually known as being influenced by 'de geest van Jan Salie', the spirit of Jan Salie, though i do not know the story behind the name.
Additionally the ((()))s are an important part of Dutch history that only betrayers that would collaborate with our German and English archenemies would seek to discredit, so be mindful to differentiate between your corrupt english influences that may or may not be jewish and between those of the jews that have helped make this country great in the past and rich and resilient in the present.

Part of being dutch is to have proper integrity, even the language serves that ideal by serving as an easy test of competence and procedure: perfect dutch is a vital necessity for official, confidential or otherwise important communication if it to be taken seriously.
So practically you'll mostly have to go to non-anonymous places for some proper conversation, though we tend to be everywhere so you can always just start a conversation in any place remotely international and plenty of dutchies might crawl out of their hiding spots in plain sight, if the conversation is remotely promising.

While it is not hard to pick up basic Dutch it is hard grammatically, most non native speakers never manage to get the grammar right, using die where you should have used dat, or de where het would have been appropriate.

When you cannot get these right a native speaker will prefer to switch to English mostly. If you want to practise just say you prefer to continue in Dutch.

Dude you seem overly obsessed with interracial themes and cuckoldry. Why do you jump to these conclusions when a Dutch speaker simply is being nice to you by changing to English.

Because an American accent while speaking Dutch is nearly not understandable nor does it sounds pleasant. We are all pretty proficient in English so we just switch so we both feel more comfortable.

I don't want the world to be like that. I don't want that to be the future. For the same EXACT reason I don't like teaching Spanish to kids in high school, because one day it will be "easier for everyone" to speak in Spanish to an illegal.

I'm trying to explain this but no one seems to understand.

Ok, I'm still figuring out what words are slang in Afrikaans / the transition.

Lekker is cool / awesome / nice for anything in Afrikaans.

I see. Thanks for the informatie.

Seems many of us want more niggers.

I used to be mad at niggers, but are you really upset at a dog for biting?

When we really should be upset at the cucked whites. The only thing worse than the enemy is a traitor.

You should learn Vlaams its superior to standard Dutch
If you talk standard Dutch you sound like a cuck
Also Brabant and Limburg dialect are acceptable

Oftentimes Americans that learn 'ancestral' languages have hefty identity issues due to having been robbed of virtually all the meaningful parts of culture by 'american culture'.
Practically this means they act with the zeal, 'mierenneukerij' and foolishness of a fresh religious convert, often missing thw point of many practices.

Keep that in mind when dealing with them.


Groningen is best comfy anders. Randstad in kleine doses.

Thank your for your candor, this is the best response so far.

I am aware of good Jews and ((())), of course I meant globalists.

I don't know if you meant to imply Americans never pick it up properly, however in the US we have very defined classes. Poor people are poor because they are stupid, and upper middle class are very intelligent. I would hope I wouldn't butcher it lol

>On Sup Forums
>Why so obsessed over cucks?

Because I'm learning dude, so that doesn't help me at all. It makes it harder.

Sounds finicky. Not being able to understand variations in your own language's just weird. my favourite radio channel for learning afrikaans in goy diaspora.

Join groot Nederland already.

In afrikaans you will find like in German, many homegrown words. We do it (((here))) too.

Skootrekenaar = laptop
Slimfoon = smartphone
luister daar maar even naar flapdrol

This OP you don't want that horrible sounding noice some Dutch people have. You know that arab sounding throat shit. Flemish dialect is closer to Afrikaans and old Dutch.

I will, I learned Afrikaans first like I said, Now learning High Dutch, after that I will probably learn Flemish, it's VERY similar to Afrikaans imho, I can pretty much understand it completely but couldn't speak it.

That's kind of an arrogant thing to say, if I don't mind saying so. Americans are robbed by their own culture?

I just want to be around other real / non hispanic whites man; I won't lie about that, and America isn't the place for me to do that.

It's not that American culture that is the problem, it's that it's being killed on purpose.


I bet you can't pronounce he "g" properly for example. It's an important sound in our language and very annoying to see people struggle pronouncing it and other sounds we have and you don't.

Groot Nederland is fucking disgusting.
We don't want that shitty piece of Belgium.
Would probably cost us a trillion euro's to restore that piece of Belgium to Dutch standards.
Belgium is literally falling apart.

You're welcome, also i forgot one aspect: to be dutch is to disagree fundamentally, and to still be able to get over yourself and do what needs doing.
The diversity of creeds and people has bern part of us since Erasmus, with the sidenote that that goes for people that actually manage to fit in and function.

I'm a fan of that stuff but the Dutch do have a lot of historic interactions with french, german and english, so we don:t need to deny every influence as that'd be denying our past.
However it does mean countering overly strong influences and balancing them out, and currently we have too much englush while the germans and frenchies twiddle their thumbs, so homegrown words are a good initiative.

Tell me, Dutchfags.

Will you annex Flanders?

What will happen to Belgium if you do?

As an Afrikaans speaker, I find it easier to understand Flemish than most of the dialects in the Netherlands.
Why is that?
Is Afrikaans closer related to old Dutch? It's not like most Afrikaners originate from Belgium.

Your soft G shit sounds less like afrikaans. They use hard G's.

We only want the flemish part. Walonie is literally nigger tier.

Je Nederlands is kanker illegaal. Tazz 3liek do you even speak straattaal?

>Limburg is acceptable
Zuid-Limburg hier en jij bent kankerdom

See You need to watch this, if you think Afrikaans compound words are funny. I cried laughing.

He's a legend. Die Fokken Jack Parrow.

What in the fuck lmao

They will finally get decent roads

Afrikaans came into being as soon as our forefathers set foot in the Westkaap. Pretty much old dutch, but evolved.

If I'm correct, afrikaans is easier for Dutch to understand than the other way around.

Dankie vir die skakel


Nothing arrogant about it, just the consequenve of a belated nation.
At the end of their civil war they found the need to work towards greater homogenity in the mishmash of languages and cultures, a prime tool was the reverence of the own nation to fill up the void as other cultures were suppressed to make room for an 'american culture', similar stories have occurred in germany with its endless bismarck reverence, italy with garibaldi and france with chauvin.
It's just the process of inventing tradition that takes its toll.

And if it's about colors then the answer is not a country, but rather your income.
Here we've got little dangerous shitholes full of immigrants too, but thar's what they're for: the bins so that the trash doesn't litter the street.
If you end up in a bin too then you're doing something wrong in a way similar to the rest there.

luister maar stokslobberaar

The Flemish part is also shit. Not as bad as Walonie but still Eastern-European tier.

Wat doen jy in Israel? Daarheen geemigreer?
Yeah, I really struggle to follow Algemeen Beskaafde Nederlands, but after a few days your ear does get used to it somewhat. Certainly easier to read by a long shot.

us speaking english has nothing to do with race or whatever.
we're all just acustomed to it due to the fact that all our highschools teach atleast 4 languages.


if you're lucky your highschool also teaches latin

It's a brotherly sorta love with plenty of jokes, so we'd shelter them if needed, but we will not force them.
Though to be fair flemish peeps joining the netherlands has always been a bit of a one-sided dream, driving the flemish nationalists for years after our short rulership over their country had ended.

But it's more sincere than with the afrikasnders who were literally nothing to us save an object to write tragic stories about and to use to benefit our own positions inside and outside of the netherlands.

Looks like we need to build a wall on our southern border.

Ek is hierheen geemigreer vir my joodse vrou. My vrou wou nie tussen moslemse kaffers woon.

English is already being educated in the last 2 years of primary school.

The level is really low though. I remember kekking bigtime in German class because of my native speaking level.

English is faster - i guess we should appreciate the effort learning our language, but to be honest... Takes too much of OUR time.

Cant let some degenerate waste my time.

French too sometimes.

No offense but I'm sure I can. Shart in mart / Stupid Americans is a meme, we do have that but we also have a large intellectual population. I'm sure I can figure out how to say g correctly....

Now the question is whether or not you can pronounce "s" correctly, and squirrel.

"The diversity of creeds and people"

Are you a nigger, or Ahmed?

I'm getting the feeling that you could be a highly educated shit skin. They generally take it upon themselves to possess an overcommand of their new host nation's history in order to justify being a shitskin in Europe.

Not saying you are, it's an honest question or perhaps we are speaking from different planes.

I have no idea, I just know I can understand it. It must have been the dialect that the voortrekkers came with.

I've literally been learning Dutch 2 days, that's how easy I'm picking it up.

Again, I can appreciate your intellect, it is always nice to converse with other intelligent people; but it bears a striking resemblance to something a non-white who lives in Europe would say.

>Color doesn't matter
>Everyone gets cucked

.t Ahmed vanderbellen

Is om Israel toe te trek nie maar net om een soort fokop vir 'n ander fokop te verruil nie? Hoewel Israel se kanse op oorlewing seker beter is as hier.

>fokop vir 'n ander fokop te verruil nie

Afrikaans is such a funny language.

Changing a shitty place for another shitty place. That's the correct translation, right?

Dutch is basically pussyfied Flemish.
You should work on getting the Flemish accent and learn the few words we say differently.

After that you can call yourself a man

Precies. Is fokop nie 'n woord wat julle in Nederlands gebruik nie?

Like shitting. Shitting means fucking in Flemish.
Flemish is basically Dutch with a French-like accent, with a few words that are different.

Listen to André Hazes for Dutch and Bok van Blerk for Afrikaans

Bok has some pretty redpilled songs

>Dutch is basically pussyfied Flemish.

It's the other way around. Hard Gs for real men, soft Gs for little girls

Je hout van penisslobberaar.

Ja, ek wil weet dit ook lmao

Ah. Goeie luck bru

That is normal here too


In pretty much every school, then


Sometimes, and in Catholic areas,


Doesn't mean everyone speaks 4 languages all the time lol

You should learn Arabic, it takes to much of Ameds time to learn it.

As a lad also interested in Afrikaans but annoyed at the lack of learning tools, what's the best thing to do to supplement Afrikaans ?

Fokop zie je terug in de Nederlandse straattaal. Ook interessant dat je "nie?" gebruikt op het einde van een zin. Dat zie je ook vaak gebruikt worden door mensen van buiten de stad (boeren).

Op die televisie lyk israel 'n fokop. My lewe is veel beter geword sedert ek hier is gaan woon.
Meer geld (hightech), beter voedsel, altijd zon en de overal soldaten met wapens klaar voor een aanslag.

Vir die toekoms van my kind het ek gekies vir israel.

Sommige mensen vinden het leuk om eens Engels irl te praten. Anderen niet, anderen kunnen het niet.

Ik zou bijv graag eens irl Engels praten met een burgervet.

No, i am one that values my history unaltered; Erasmus' humanism aswell as our tolerance of free speech and belief have been vital in shaping our history.
Additionally we have a history of problematic poor and incapable dutchmen, we know how despiccable our own can be too, and we know we can improve them beyond the common failure because of that too.
Take the all too common line 'just because you're special doesn't mean you're useful', due to our history we know that it's just as true as saying 'just because you're normal doesn't mean you're useful'.

I am highly educated yes, but the presence of my family here precedes the roman empire, and all in all i see myself quite vindicated for warning to approach you as one would a new convert as the overly great focus on race is very american, or at least literally plebeian, yet it is nonetheless quite common among those 'returning' to the fatherland as if they're more than immigrants themselves.

Die hond blaf

jou moeder s'n poes blaf

That's very rude. you should apologise

Do the Afrikaners celebrate Sinterklaas? Do they also have Zwarte Piet?


i just wanted to see if that would be proper afrikaans

was it?

again i am so sorry saffertje

google translate is 'n fokop.


I want to visit Stellenbosch, Orania and some other places. How safe will I be?

I'm not Afrikaans but instead of "s'n" it should be "se" I think

Niemand is 100% seker waar die dubbele nie vandaan kom. Party vermoed dit kom vanaf Frans ander sê dit is 'n algemene verskynsel in krioolse tale. Nie geweet boere in NL doen dit ook nie.
Ek kan verstaan hoekom jy uit SA sou wou trek, maar Israel is nogal in 'n plofbare streek. Mens sal dink Aus of NZ is 'n meer logiese keuse. wat

No. We sometimes call Santa Sinterklaas, but mostly just kersvader. Thank kek we don't have Swarte Piet, could you imagine the fuckup we'd have to deal with if we did.

I wrote a little write up, trust me this is the best way you will be conversational at 20 minutes a day of casual learning in 12 weeks.

Oh yeah. The #feesmustfall has now turned antisemitic. Would love to know how that's going to play out.

*tips mijter

Ah thanks I missed it I'll read it now

Ek kom nie uit SA nie. Ek kom uit Nederland.

Dit is baie rustig die afgelope jaar hier. Volgens my voorspellings gaan dit harder plof in europa.

Kek. Would be a nice prank though. Get some costumes from the netherlands.