45% white: GDP greater than Germany

> Muh race

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Germany is a shithole, so being a little better that isn't much of an achievement.

Add in Asians and it's like 65-70%

because it's part of a greater nation and was much whiter until recently

Lol yeah and it's also been flirting with bankruptcy for a decade.

Most of that GDP comes from the tech companies in silicon valley.

Tech companies are not very diverse. Just asians and whites.

It also has a higher GDP than Canada. What is your point?

So has your mother.

woooooooooo XDD

Don't all the wealthy people and industries go there to take advantage of the great climate and cheap labour

GDP would be higher without the Mexicans

good point

wew lad

No they go to mexico for that. We have alot of labor laws here in California, and lots of politicians looking for kickbacks which is driving manufacturing industries out of the state.


Brazil and China also have high GDPs, must be great places to live huh faggot?

economy is owned by a few jews and whites. using mexican and asian labor.

I guess you're from the non-white part of California

Everything is freeing California. Service jobs, manufacturing. Why would you stay in a state that you have to pay some entry level faggot $80k when you could move ops to the comfy Midwest and pay them half of that?

California will be a bankrupt third world shit hole in twenty years, maybe less. Silicon Valley and Hollywood are the only things holding it together.

I thought California is/was/had already declared bankruptcy?


Wealthy Americans, not wealthy mexicans. Anyway, I'm talking about historically, maybe not so much today

>Why would you stay in a state that you have to pay some entry level faggot $80k

I own several rentals and make more than enough money here managing my properties. When i have enough stowed away to retire I will just travel abroad.

>California will be a bankrupt third world shit hole in twenty years, maybe less

It's been like that since the 1980s

>Silicon Valley and Hollywood are the only things holding it together

No, Agriculture in the Central Valley is huge.

You have no idea what you're talking about, Tyrone

And removing every single nigger and mestizo would make it objectively better in every way

What's your point?

This will never happen. Rich people will always prefer a sea view.

I actually do. I recently purchased a business in California. I fired everyone and moved the work east. Immediately improved profit margin by over 100k.

Don't know how no faggot has pointed this out yet, but Germany has a GDP which is significantly higher.

I consider myself well off, but not rich. I prefer mountainous areas, I go to camp in the Sierras just about every month.

It's one or the other, of course. Mountains are lovely too. But a lot of rich people want to be in a more exciting place than a remote place.

Riverside was is and always will be.

A shit

Cali is a giant scam scheme to suck in money from angel investors, who need to move money somewhere to write it off.

Fick Dich, Schluchtenscheißer und geh kacken!