The slow machine gun sound on the A10 kills me.
another bomb from the morons at WB
Those tusks on the giant crocodile look ridiculously stupid
is this Godzilla vs. King Kong?
You look ridiculously stupid calling horns tusks.
I played Rampage on the Gamecube all the time as a kid. Thrilled it's getting a movie.
right? what kind of documentary is this?
It's gonna be fine. Better than jurassic park or any of these other giant dildos shit. Good entertainment for the whole family
yeah not like those WINGS ON THE WOLF
If you read carefully, you'll notice that user was saying they look stupid, and was not, in fact, complaining about its accuracy to real world crocodiles.
>videogame adaption
gonna bomb
>Comes out one week before Infinity War
Oh no no no..
George vs. Lizzie
RIP Avengers
should've known that when you saw the letters W and B
I'm actually looking forward to this. Unlike Pacific Rim: Uprising which shits on it's own franchise, this looks like a genuinely enjoyable monster flick.
Its gonna be another Jumangi vs The Last Jedi story. Screen cap this LITTY prediction
Looks really embarrassing.
When will WB ever make a good movie ?
Never because they aren't based like based Disney does based MCU
i hope this KILLS pacific goyim
Since when is the Rock a (d list) actor? Is he paying to be in these movies trying to start a career or something?