Would you read a comic made with Square Enix designs, Sup Forums?

Would you read a comic made with Square Enix designs, Sup Forums?

sure, but who's gonna draw it?

more pics of figurines plz or link

This. Nobody would draw this shit. There's a reason why we can't get good designs for supheroes, why wonderwoman will never wear armor or a battle skirt, why everyone is dressed in onsie pajamas.

And that reason is it lets you draw a character by making an outline and coloring it in. You just draw a nude, slap some colors and shading on it and you claim it's spandex. And capes let you do whole panels where the character is a shadowy amorphous blob you can only see the eyes or glowy bits of, batman style.

It's all to make it easier to churn out panels. Also that design is aweful

Yeah. I like their designs. I'd rather see them in a video game, just to see how they move.

> draw a character by making an outline and coloring it in
congratulations, you have figured out how drawing ANYTHING works. everything past this point that you said was wank.

>drawing ANYTHING

some shit actually requires line work and layering. Comics are literally just colored in shapes

>Also that design is aweful
If you mock, deride, or belittle zettai ryouiki one more goddamn time I am going to rip off your head and shit down your neck. That is literally S-Rank ZR, the pinnacle of human eroticism, and saying otherwise makes you the biggest faggoty fruit in the entire fucking world.


>American Ame-Comi garbage designed by weeaboos
No. That crap is different.

leotards with pants > zr

I will always be salty that Cass didn't get to be in the damned Ame-Comi comic despite having a statue from that line.

But modern Punisher and Agent Venom weren't drawn that way.

>Final Batmantasy

Just give them full freedom and rake in the inevitable cash flow.

Only if Yoshitaka Amano does the designs and they actually use the designs in the comic

except that design is even more garbage than most of the Ame Comi crap.

Plenty of people would draw it, you just wouldn't get a monthly schedule out of them

I wouldn't mind if I got 1 issue per 4 months. But they should be have a steady schedule, not like fucking Archie Horror where the time inbetween each issue fucked it completely.

I see there's atleast a man of good taste in this thread

Artists who get paid to do their job, I'd hope.

I would never read a Babs comic period

Usually I don't mind these redesigns because they're just silly fun, but this one is shit.

Sure, but they'd need to find someone with the right costume autism like Sejic and then pay them enough the put in the hours.

Of course, what kind of question is that?!

BTW, I recommend the manga Akumetsu for those who likes capes, powerful manga.

I'd like an action rpg.


Why did we never get any more Vampire Hunter D movies? The novels are still being translated and are still relatively popular.

Anyhting even slightly related to japan is seen as the literal antichrist on this board.

I think I finally understand why the reddit meme has stuck around. You guys will eat each other alive if wasn't for your scapegoat, I mean you guys bend over backwards calling something reddit or pulling some stupid shit out your asses like reddit spacing.

So the vitriolic hate for other boards would just be a unending swarm of raids on each other. Why does Sup Forums hate Sup Forums shit, why does every goku vs Superman argument end with a unrelenting swarm of idiots who have to dick wave that their neutral mask could win a fight with some other neutral mask. Wouldn't we just want to see a cool story that would feature the two universes?

>how drawing ANYTHING works
Huh, I doubt artists draw a naked body first and then add the lines for pants and shirt.

I could see myself enjoying it

another "japan made it so is better" thread made by a weaboo

No. But I would furiously fap to the SFM porn of this design.

When will you guys stop with this shit of "preferring something from nipland = sucking their dick and wanting to live there" ?

Goddamn, i bet you are american.

Nomuraverse would be fun

Well it's not like that exact thing doesn't happen all the time here.