Developments OCT 31 >Three Russian submarines head to Syrian waters for Aleppo offensive >Massive Tiger Forces convoy arrives in Aleppo >Ankara halts airstrikes over northern Aleppo after Syria vows to ‘down Turkish planes’ >Syrian Army pushes deeper in Eastern Ghouta >Syrian Army regains Minyan amid intensifying battles >Kurdish forces capture several villages from Turkish-backed rebels in northern Aleppo >Russians condemn jihadists for use of chemical weapons in Aleppo >UN Envoy: Jihadist attacks against civilians >Iraqi Army assault troops enter eastern part of Mosul city >Iraqi troops rush through ISIS territory southwest of Mosul, liberate 11 villages
1st for Based Asian Semitic Master Race. Euroniggers and Amerilards pls go.
Jordan Cook
4th for benis.
Cooper King
Caleb Wright
>"the guy who started WW3 by shooting down Turkish planes that were bombing ISIS" The Turkish planes bombing the Kurds in Syria was the issue, not bombing ISIS.
Julian Stewart
Daily reminder to support Hezbollah
Joshua Foster
>compares 1500 year old turf long houses which are cozy as fuck to a modern mud hut
This is so old, doesn't it get tiring?
Camden King
>tfw south african cuck hasn't posted his greater israel meme
Jordan Diaz
ikr such a fucking lowlife of a cunt
Jonathan Cox
Murder jews in your country until police kill you.
Supposedly YPJ and YPG/SDF are very very segregated, so quite the opposite. Though I'm sure the people recruiting foreigners for the kurds sell that angle on the sly to lure in beta commie numales.
Adam Bell
does it matter? as long as they keep killing fundamentalists and reactionaries it's all good
James Myers
He's gonna tho. Why would you oppose him fulfilling his constitutional duty?
Parker Rivera
It seems that Egypt under Sisi may have started to move toward alignment with the Syria/Iran/Iraq/Russia bloc. If true the Saudis got played because they sent billions and billions of aid to Egypt over the past 3-4 years.
About a year ago a former Egyptian general claimed Egypt was arming the Syrian gov.
Yesterday I saw someone on twitter claiming that Egypt was currently sending shipments of ammo and small missiles to the Syria gov. and they had pictures of it.
Now the Egyptian gov. is going to be importing oil from Iraq after the Saudis cut off their oil when they got butthurt Egypt voted for Russia's Syria UN resolution.
>After Saudi halts oil shipments, Egypt turns to Iraq deal >The deal comes nearly three weeks after Saudi Arabia's abrupt decision to halt previously agreed oil shipments to Egypt, putting heavy pressure on the government. Egypt angered the Saudis by voting in favor of Russia's draft resolution on Syria.
Sounds like the bloke in charge of their army is just harem'in off all the qts for himself.
Gabriel Brown
Aren't they quite decentralised?
William White
Regime change in Egypt when?
Alexander Collins
He's not. Everything the SDF takes or that the Turks sit on is lost to the SAR.
His duty would require him to fight yet another protracted war against the SDF, and that's assuming the US airforce doesn't get involved. The Russians don't have time for that nonsense so they wouldn't be supporting him. He'd get nowhere.
Easton Jackson
I'd hate to see egypt devolve into a civil war next, too much history in that country could get destroyed by islamists.
Adrian Carter
>qts Ehhhhh Whatever bombs your barrels, mate.
James Hernandez
I'd imagine he would roll around to their camps for special debriefings with his dick in their vaginas.
Jack Hall
All those doubles and trips Also, roaches are the easiest creatures on earth to trigger, them and the wahabis. Just post something related to Hezbollah or shias and you got a pissed off shitposter for the rest of the day.
Gavin Long
I think the commie kurds don't - the fighters are not allowed to get married or have romantic entanglements until they choose to leave.
Mason Clark
Send all the mingers on the front lines and keep any of the lookers at base camp.
Oliver Hill
The moment of the Syrian army bombing a tunnel of the Islamic terrorists in the Damascus countryside
>tfw first world anarcho-communist kids support USA armed kurdshits
God damnit I hate the new "left" Friggin' postmodernism.
Adam Brooks
so thats it? The mother of all battles 2, all of those fancy equipment and infinite Grads bought by Turkey and SA for nothing?
Jaxon Evans
interesting - egypt has always been an independent playa. 1950's saw them protecting yemen.
is this about the agreement that we saw yesterday reported in one single paper about assad leaving aleppo and going east?
Daniel Robinson
Turkey continues to deploy heavy tanks in an Iraqi border town of Silopi. Probably for upcoming Telafer operation.
Jaxon Wood
>lost to the SAR
Sure pal. He already has cooperation with SDF. The russians have clearly stated that they want the territorial integrity of syria to remain intact. and he's off to fight with isis - not the sdf
Julian Hill
Noah Walker
>anarcho-communist kids Yeah sure mate. We'll just ignore the international volunteers sacrificing their lives.
And no they aren't American backed. If their society spreads it would threaten US imperialism in the region. No more puppet dictators. Tankies out.
Julian Adams
Idont know but after this meeting Turkey went to Iraq borders
Connor Jackson
I'd love to see Egypt support Houthis an Saleh/Yemeni Repubican Guard, harun would have a heart attack and SVBIED himself in edmonton.
Benjamin Bailey
The fighting has just begun infidel
Wyatt Martin
Caleb Lee
More ATGM catchers.
Carson King
It's just a psychological phase to make SAA too confident. All as planned. Prepare for phase 545
Daddy Assad is an asshole jerk who invented suicide bombing, fuck him
David Parker
marks my words /sg/. Tomorrow is going to be major happening in Turkey
Ethan Carter
Owen Barnes
Why is Hezbollah guy carrying a picture of the Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus?
John Lee
Co-operation means nothing. The Kurds will not want Assad stepping on their necks again. If he thinks they'll let him take control of Rojava again, he's wrong.
Jose Reyes
Its his waifu.
Gabriel Peterson
Biji PKK
Lincoln Myers
wtf is that bullshit cross on my country? fuck outta here
Jack Jenkins
The next fucking phase is the NEW OTTOMAN EMPIRE you fucking autistic pro lgbt beta cuck, you will see what a real men looks like when the ottomans come to rape your sister. So keep crying jude
Robert Bailey
To take it before January 20th, Hillary inauguration day. Or at least make it impossible to help them anymore.
we all called bullshit - and it does seem to have facts wrong.
But they had an agreement then.
Does a Turkeyanon have time to look at what the turkish papaers are saying about this?
Dylan Gonzalez
egypt would wipe saudi off the surface of the sands. but I don't think it will happen
Samuel Rodriguez
Tbqh I would bet the US already knows about this but would prefer Sisi remain in power even if he helps Syria because they want Egypt to be stable and not have a major insurgency, especially because of all the shipping that passes through the canal.
A few months ago there was controversy over the US providing military aid to Lebanon because of concerns it might end up helping Hezbollah and thus Syria but the US gave it to them anyway because they were concerned about ISIS etc in Lebanon.
Chase Brooks
Not before the next election, keep dreamnig Don't worry senpai the army has a strong grip on Egypt. I would worry if trump failed the elections though
Jason Howard
Coups are passe.
Noah Torres
they actually have a tacit agreement about rojava as an autonomous region within syria. they have their own problems in this regard - Turkey wants no rojava - and there are 2 rojavas and they are split from one another - kurds want it unified, but no one else does.
Assad never stepped on kurdish necks. His shoes are always clean - it's part of the job
Caleb Peterson
Do not rush it, that would be phase 1303
Benjamin Parker
Since the last coup failed, probably something involving citizens will probably happen. They did purge quite a number of military personal.
Liam Morris
Pretty sure that was actually the Tamil Tigers m8
Aaron Baker
Law on mandatory showering & shaving?
Adam Edwards
>Norway or Sweden Village goatfuckers
Robert Collins
Have you noticed the media or politicians in Egypt becoming more pro-Syria/Iran/Iraq/Russia lately?
Samuel Green
Korkutmaz mısın beni lütfen?
Ethan Williams
Evan Gray
Could someone post Houthi videos? I have two in my mind, the one where they loot an empty wheeled IFV and burn it, and the one where they observe Saudi vehicle crash in a road