so then there's this
So then there's this
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alright Sup Forums
spot the tell
He cries blood when he's bluffing
Wow, this whole time I thought the complaint was imminent domain or land seizure or something.
On NPR, they talk as if the government has forcibly taken the land from the Indians.
face it you got persuaded
It passes over the river they use for whatever reason.
they did
...a couple hundred fucking years ago
Why the fuck do they need a river
Just go to the supermarket for food and water for chrissakes
no one cares what a bunch of savages say. i get money for my college from them cause they are so fucking stupid
They're in the middle of nowhere it seems. Personally don't give a fuck desu.
I don't give a shit about the natives, but moving crude like that is a bad idea in general.
its natural gas they are moving, not crude
Welp, that's /thread. Wrap it up, ironic contrarian conservashits. That's game.
So it's all Obama's fault?
GG conservashits
What I read is that it goes UNDER the river. It was initially planned to cross upstream by a town but the town said no cause it would fuck up their city water if it leaked.... So now they're trying to do the exact same thing to Indians and they're mad, and if that's all true I don't blame them. Although I would hope people can build a pipe that won't explode
It's literally not going through their alcoholic gambling land, though
There's three reasons for this bullshit:
1) It goes under a river which can cause pollution.
2) It doesn't go through the Indian reservation. Injuns want a cut.
And most importantly
3) Warren Buffet has huge amounts of money invested in tar sands and this piepline would fuck up his profits. He has thus hired protest-for-pay companies to make a big deal about it in order to secure his investements
Indians are liberals. They have gotten more gibs from the government over the past 100 years than blacks and mexicans combined.
They'd be all for the pipeline if it was moving Budweiser
Proof for #3?
Wonder if a 30.06 would shoot through the pipe? Things pretty seems exposed to sabatures I doubt this problem will go away soon
4) Soros funds lefty protests against shale oil
You wouldn't download a river
yah and it crisses a RIVER which they need for survial hydration
they rightly fear a spill befouling their water supply... the fact the pipeline never enters their territory is irrelevant because the river is FLOWING and they have a perfectly valid concern...
the pipeline needs to go UNDER the river deeply enough that no rupture would interact with the river...
Leaks polluting their fresh water source is a legitimate complaint, even if the pipe isn't directly on their land--it's pretty damn fucking close.
You need to pay more attention to groundwater hydrology class user
I'm so tired of this site. Contrarian shitposting is still shitposting.
What about a pressurized arc OVER the river into an open pipe that continues on the other side? Like a fountain in a way. Of oil. Of freedom. Or maybe the forefathers of these savages should have fought harder.
Says the guy claiming oil can't penetrate soil to reach groundwater. Literally retarded.
hahaha so true. They love their tiswin.
They already have a river to provide tap water
land was given up, nothing was forced you fucking cuckold. have fun watching your girlfriend get ploughed by cheiftain beardick while he claims your apartment is a sacred burial ground for his cum.
You need to pay more attention to Darcy's Law user
You're right. Science proves oil can't contaminate groundwater. I've been so foolish. Everyone go home right now and write a fat check to Halliburton.
if it goes far enough UNDER won't GRAVITY keep a brief leak from interacting?
I mean it would of course be much more costly to dig a deep tunnel to a size it would allow for maintenance and repair of the section going under but it seems this should be a workable solution... I mean they are presumably financially able to make such construction modifications .
>have fun watching your girlfriend get ploughed by cheiftain beardick while he claims your apartment is a sacred burial ground for his cum.
Also, don't neglect to read up on effects of relative permeability on two-phase flow withing a clay based media
You need to investigate buoyancy effects of oil and water user.
Goodness! You're really showing me, oilshill-kun! I will make sure to buy an extra gallon of gas to show my respectful obeisance to your cult of "kill literally everything on the planet to make my bosses even wealthier".
Honestly, we shouldn't have to be worrying about this because this black shit should have been put to bed decades ago. The only reason the world still uses this fucking garbage is because oil tycoons are some of the richest men alive.
>You're really showing me
Somebody has to, it's called education
This is your final (You).
Retard detected. You don't even understand the concept of permeability do you?
You're welcome user
Now go out and learn about our wonderful world
>mad at government
>not mad at heir tribal leaders that agreed to take he pipeline
>tribe leaders laughin all the way to the bank
So all riparian substrates are impermeable to fluids through the entire soil column. Got it.
I wish I was able to kill shills who posted on Sup Forums.
>only reason we still use oil is to keep the rich rich
Or because it is extremely energy dense and very abundant. The only thing that has more energy density is nuclear material, and there is a lot less reactor viable material than there is crude oil.
>but oil is a limited resource!
Yes, and there is a shit ton of it, everywhere.
Good one 007
No you dumb fuck. Oil doesn't permeate the same materials as water due to its nonpolar attributes (water is polar). "Groundwater" is exclusively the water that has permeated through the soil to reach the water table.
Hopefully I don't have to explain the concept of polar and nonpolar solvents to you, right?
what about when he's buffaluffing
Why don't they have it pass east of the Fort Berthold reservation? It would seem cheaper.
Should Right-Environmentalists oppose these pipelines?
On one hand, they can destroy nature and profits go to very-Jewish companies
On the other, said companies would resort to worse ways of transporting
No, it's crude oil. There's already a natural gas pipeline under the contested crossing.
Even if it could shoot through the 111 feet of earth that the pipe will be buried under, I doubt it could piece the pipe.
Reminder that you can't apply civilized logic to savages
>wherever the buffalo roamed
All I see is a bunch of American Bison chief
Damn oil covered Native Americans.
Anybody got some sort of evidence indicating that the natives are mad the pipeline isn't going through their property so that they can get paid? I see this claim a lot here but have yet to read anything remotely substantiating it.
>They are there because the proposed pipeline would pass through North Dakota's Lake Oahe, a burial site sacred to the Standing Rock Sioux and a major source of drinking water for the community.
Ha ha ha!
Oily Humanoids!
My friend, I must inform you that there is already a pipeline running under Lake Oahe.
You did it. Call the multi-billion dollar oil company and tell them you've figured it out.
I'd still like to know why they don't do that though
If it is actually a cheaper route (logistically), there's any number of variables that could make it more expensive, more time consuming, or completely illegal to build there. It might be on federal property requiring more permitting and bureaucracy, something they've avoided by building the pipeline almost entirely on private land. There may be some Indian sites of historical cultural importance along that path that were either found by their archaeologists in their initial surveying process or pointed out to them by cooperative tribes when they went public with their plans in 2014, which would give a court grounds to enjoin the construction of the pipeline, etc.
Fuckin gay shit. The decided course of action the permit issuance is based on has the pipeline going 125-150 under the river. Google the dakota pipeline NEPA document prepared by the army Corp of engineers. All the actual information on the decided plan of action in in there. The appendix also has tribal correspondence pertaining to culturally significant sights as well as triennial spill response drills in ice and fair weather conditions. The pipeline will go forward as planned and there will be major butt hurt. The only way to slow it down is to petition through the administrative procedures act to delay the project enough to make it more economic to move it to another location.