Is there a future for cable?

Is there a future for cable?

I don't get it.
Somebody please explain this cartoon to me.

Government and business institutions are scared because millennials aren't tuning into their brainwashing box

The comic however makes the fallacy that streaming is disrupting the propaganda, when in reality it's just another face of the same coin

It's all right there. If you dont get it, you aren't meant to

based kelly.

also checked

Concerned Elderly man fears that the next generation is killing cable TV and America through streaming

you have to have at least 105 iq and be an out of touch boomer to understand this comic

Yeah, he's in X-Force.

Didn't this guy learn anything from Ren and Stimpy?

No there isn't. The time frame is debatable but at some point in the future cable providers will have to either transition into mainly internet providers or go bankrupt as less and less people are interested in cable.

BASED KELLY trips on the rocks


how many layers of irony is kelly on?


if you can't understand it you belong here

just one


Kelly is /ourguy/



How do people struggle with The Onion comics? This actually baffles me.

The absolute madman

Does Lady Liberty have a boob window?

You can't do a parody of a parody because you just end up parodying yourself.

not really bucko

he's several layers of irony above the shit you think he's saying to you

Translates to "I disagree with the parody so he's wrong", right?

But Ke4y is unironically correct here.

If /ourguy/ ironically mocks conservatives, then yes.

>another face of the same coin
maybe, but different companies are fighting to death about it

the whole "net neutrality" bullshit was basically about old media companies trying to sabotage netflix and youtube's exclusivity agreements with ISPs

honest cable CEOs?

>If one comic is ironic, they must all be




It's like he lives in his own fantasy world where he thinks things are like this, but they are not even close to it.

Maybe you live in a fantasy world where you think things aren't like this, but they actually are. Ever think of that?

>dc fils are greater than marvel
>women should be naked and little girls should learn from this
>oscar awards are only given to "weird sicko" (this isn't all that wrong)
>tights are attempting but being naked is ok, or he was probably ironic drawing
>streamers are taking over the cable industry

he seems like your local senile old man.

>my reality is literally the subject of Onion parodies
Kill yourself, mate.

Jesus fuck man.

>also Sup Forums: I love cable companies killing net neutrality!!

>watching Onion parodies
You're a greater piece of shit than I thought, no wonder you like his shit.

Did...did you completely miss what I said or something?

>this is what Sup Forums actually believes

>Onion Syndicate

This one speaks to me.

Its triple layered, he is mocking liberals by honestly portraying them, but he layers on some sarcasm so liberals think he is mocking conservative views.

>he thinks it is mocking liberals
Are there really people this stupid?

Liberals want to see the end of American exceptionalism and white self determination. Go ahead and tell me I am wrong. The Oscars are increasingly handed to foreigners and push anti-American propaganda, namely anti-white propaganda. Get Out was quite simply a foreign black man being victimized by whites.


It's a cameo or a button or something.



Nice argument bro


What does that even mean?
>lol look at Kelly mock MGTOW
>switch the PT Cruiser with a BMW and suddenly the cartoon is an accurate depiction of gold diggers


poe's law in effect until they realize its from the onion

Probably because they like Ben Garrison comics, and don't realize Kelly is making fun of comic artists like him.

>lol look at Kelly mock MGTOW
that's not what that strip is about

>Liberals want to see the end of American exceptionalism and white self determination. Go ahead and tell me I am wrong.
You're wrong? I think you need a break from this site.

>cries about the anti-white propaganda maymay
>doesn't understand the parody of an Onion comic
This is so fucking sad...