South America = Africa tier

Reminder to all europeans out there, that no matter how many shitskins we import, we'll never be as shit as this continent. They have so many resources and manpower and yet they are still a CORRUPT SHITHOLE. Fuck all of you south americans, fix your fucking continent

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You already are, cuckface. Your religion and women are literally being wiped out and you do nothing. No matter how shit this country is, not even in 1000 years that would happen here.

Your shit's already wiped out, my jungle book friend. Our Swedecuck friend still has nothing to lose.

I'm sorry south americans, we shouldn't have gone there in the first place.

Shut the fuck up. You have to pay the police for them to do shit and they will literally side with the criminal if you don't pay enough. We will fucking wipe you apes out

Unpopular oppinion

The major colonial powers were to blame for africa being a shithole. Now this role has been passed to corporations.
As for South america, you can thank the CIA for that.

This does not mean that these places wouldnt be shitholes regardless.

>white women get raped by muslism you do nothing
>government literally taking the muslim cock up the ass
>degeneracy capital of europe

You can't even control some unarmed muslism in your shitty territory, let alone deal with a major global power

Back to the cuckshed, Sven

>user was sent to Diversity training for this post

Sven, Brazil probably has more ethnic whites left in the suburbs than you do.

>based Mauritius

That's my land, I'm almost a Dutch

>pot - kettle - black

Good argument Joao. Fagswedes talking about degeneracy and corruption is very funny.

The main problem is that you guys decided to fuck the natives instead of just killing all of them.


What? Just call it Pernambuco

Oh nvm I just realized its supposed to be Dutch

Also Dutchies pls come backk

t.totally not a cuck

>tfw Poortugal kicked the Dutches out
>tfw most glorious time in Pernambuco was under Dutch dominion

Feels bad man, fuck Poortugal and their muslim genetics

They went there to explore and get ressources, not live. So mostly you had single men going there, some of which were criminals and lowlives. Obviously, without wives and white women around, they resorted to fucking natives and later slaves. It's a natural consequence.

isnt that what you burgers still did too even though you wiped most of them and outbred the rest
most of you are part native down your gene pool

Anywhere that niggers exist is Africa tier. They are a portable third world.

yeah righ m8, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and south Brazil are comfy as fuck with no shitkskin problems. even our niggers are tamed.

I don't think this is true. Why is it then that you guys did so well even after giving voting rights to blacks?

Yeah ill fix It right after my siesta, may tomorrow because tonight i have a really Big BBQ planned made with the most delicious beef you could dream off, now go pay 60 percent off your income to a goverment that hates you and wants you to be a cuck, cuck

Sweden go home!

Oh.. you lost it!

Top kek


solid. I don't know much about Chile though. Maybe cut part of the north of it , just for precaution.

And with that I'll enjoy free education, free healthcare and I live in a rich nice white neighborhood. Do you even have education you fucking socialist nigger?

Try that in Chile and see how it goes Sven. You can't even run mudslimes out of your country and jerk off while they rape your women. You are literally an embarassment to your own DNA, you waste.


Haha okay m8. Scandinavia is the safest fucking place on earth you do know that right? No white people live in muslim shitholes because we're segregated. But please, keep telling yourself that your corrupt fucking socialist drug-infested shitholes are better. I'll just be sitting here and enjoying my free healthcare and free education.

>Swecuck calling anyone socialist

>Rape capital of europe
>Scandinavia is the safest place on earth

just stop dude, this shitty attempt at trolling went wrong - back to the cuckshed with you

do you live in argentina too?

I always get a kick when I see my flag.

Yeah, south america is a shit hole. There are just different rules for the game. Gotta play your cards the right way and you can benefit from the system.

t. Paraguayan playing the handsome overeducated foreginer in Culombia.

WTF is this?

Check this out nigger, Sweden has 0.9 and compare that to your shithole. Happy now?

Don't you have to watch Muhammad fuck your wife or something?

Colombia it's the mother of fucking corruption, no body can win against the most disgusting, lame, noob and ignorant country in the world.
The people here it's controlled by beer and garbage TV... (Borrachos y pendejos). The bitch of all foreign country's and the backyard of united states. Is a miracle life here without be a redneck asshole or be killed... A fucking miracle

Now compare that to Sweden and Europe.

>autistic nordic cuck calling the italian masterrace "niggers"
>Great geographical position; protestantism prosperity; racial homogenity; didn't suffer anything; years and years of history and still manages to fuck up so badly it makes our shitty corrupt politicians look nickles and dimes compared to it

This keeps on giving

Resource Curse or the Paradox of the Plenty says that countries with lots of natural resources are poor, and countries with few resources are rich.

These resources attract greedy and corrupt local leaders and foreign Western powers, so the profit goes into the pockets of these local leaders and Western nations. So Africa and South America remain a shithole. The corrupt local leaders and Western nations are in collusion.

When a non-corrupt leader finally emerges and tries to fix the shithole, he gets "removed" by Western powers. eg, Gaddafi. He gets accused of "human rights violations" or being a dictator.

Isn't America the most corrupt country tho? Hillary Clinton monitized the White House, committed bribery, treason, cheating, rigging, and the FBI even claimed that the whole government is corrupt.

In terms of corruption, America is up there, maybe even ranked #1.

I never saw a burka in my life
What about you? How many had you seen this last hour?

Apparently you never been to Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, or southern Brasil.

ITT: a swede tries to find a shittier place than Sweden and fails.

Hey, at least South America isn't importing millions of goatfuckers at the same rate Sweden is.

>sweden calling other countries shitholes

Ok, this is enough

you don't to talk like that why do you have to be so mean to us

So slovenia is southern Europe?