I bought a few cases of liberal tears. Bottoms up

I bought a few cases of liberal tears. Bottoms up

for the Trump victory celebration?

For the Trump victory party. And perhaps the only beer I will ever buy again!

Look guys, a crippling alcoholic! Fucking degenerate.


what is yuengling premimu?

If you crippling alcoholic in Australia it's praiseworthy.


consider suicide please

also, that doggie blanket is cute

yuengling blows.

t. monroe cty

but user, yuengling is shit

>liberal tears


>drinks beer
>light beer to be exact
>crippling alcoholic
that's not how alcoholism works

if user had several handles of vladimir then maybe

Good choice user

Yes goy, drink estrogen filled beer and grow man tits and get fat and lazy

(get a bottle of Titos vodka and git gud, faggot)

i believe its the beer that endorsed Trump and unpatriotic cucks had a shit fit over it

As a PA bro, Yuengling tastes like shit besides Black and Tan.

It's hilarious how liberals are butthurt over the owner being pro-Trump when if these dumb cunts ever actually drove around Schuylkill County and Pottsville + it's surrounding areas there's nothing for Hillary and Trump signs EVERYWHERE.

I literally didn't see my first Hillary sign until I was near Hazleton and it was on a truck. I've seen one pop up in my area since, and that's it. Hell even going to Reading...saw Trump signs, nothing for Hillary.

You literally see more Ted Cruz signs than you do Hillary.

Old recipe. Tastes basically the same, but a bit maltier.

its true, yeungling is good when you're 20 not 30



I can't imagine a worse way to get drunk

Are you implying that drinking beer necessarily means that you're crippled by alcoholism?

>trailer park trash alcoholism stash

> "B-but ... dis is the GUUD stuff!! Rilly!"

You are a complete fucking humiliation to the flag you post under. Get out. Just get the fuck out. Be an embarrassment to someone else.

Jesus Christ OP...

Are you trying to grow man tits? Throw that liquid jew out..

Hops = estrogen = fat/emasculated

This, As much as I want to buy stuff from Trump supporters, I wouldn't buy crack from a Right wing nigger either.



Go outside today.

Drinking is degenerate, that backseat should have been of Ammo. You will never accomplish anything of importance being a belligerent drunk.

Drink vodka or anything besides beer. Shits a sex change in a bottle.

Why do you think numale lib-cucks drink ipa's?. Also the jew media promotes bud lite and beer in general for white people...gee wonder why..

>afraid of drinking a few beers

lol your life must be fun bro

If he wins I'm going to throw a party and spend 200€ on it. Fuck Shillary.

Yuengling my PA nigga

Great until those African features were revealed.

Ahhh yes.

Brb getting some beer, white man's drink.

Retards, people who drink beer are very manly.

That little estrogen prevents real german man from becoming fourth reich, because no beer= test overload

You guys seem like alcoholics, I'm turning 21 and I want to buy my first legal fermented Hebrew. I'm going to try to find some Absinthe or some decent Vodka, what should I look for?

>the media

If the situation was reversed they would go on and on about how awesome it is that companies contribute to Hillarys campaign...