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Well, Sup Forums?

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wind turbines aren’t very safe and explode very often

Did these idiots walk to north dakota or what? Seriously, how many of these assholes drove or flew there? The stupidity is out of control.

>wind turbines

how will the mighty eagle fly when there are spinning blades of death everywhere?

Wind turbines are a meme.

brit/pol/ supports and recognizes the legal land rights of the sioux nation.

Finishing Jacksons job, only hundreds of years late.

Because wind turbines are the fucking worst energy source by fucking far, and because there will be millions more people than those red niggers getting energy from that oil

>tfw when you realize the picture is real

If they wanted a say, they should've fought the white man harder

Ya I'm sure they want their landscape littered w/ windmills.

Injuns have no fucking rights. Rights are for people

oil pipeline are a meme you fucking tadger.

wind turbines are a red herring and are fuck all to do with the land rights of the sioux nation.

re-route the fucking pipeline or face international opprobrium.

The land they are building the pipeline on was purchased from them legally with the express purpose of building the pipeline right there in writing. They went through all the legal channels and did everything by the book. They don't even have first claim rights on the land anyways as the land belonged to the Chippewa before the Sioux.

If there are treaties in place with the people then the treaties must be honored. Otherwise fuck 'em.

>Britain threatening international response to a pipeline

How desperate are you for attention?

Wind Turbines have a bad habit of killing wildlife.

A very bad habit. And if you think Drinks Listerine at 7-11 is mad now, he'll be mad when he's having to pick up dead birds.

They have asked the UN to intervene.
They first asked on 6 Sept, and got a temporary stop until 11 Oct, and then asked for UN troops on 28 Oct.

Wow that's a real gem, dude. Nice find.

The only think that could make it better is if there was a Facebook group watermark with a greedy monopoly man logo

Imagine if we put all the money and effort we spend jerking around with fossil fuels and wind turbines into creating thorium or fusion reactors. They're not complete science fiction, right?

look, be careful, you dont want to anger Britain and feel the Wrath of the Ramp

pipelines are cool. Moar pls.

>Drinks Listerine at 7-11

My sides


muh land rights that say you HAVE to build on our land

also the whole thing is Warren Buffett protecting his rail business

what these guys are standing for benefits all Americans- clean water, clean land, personal freedoms and land rights.

Thats what our guys went there for dude.

and the both died :(

They fucking sold the rights to build this shit. Just like they sold their land during the Louisiana purchase and. Itched about it when the white man made s profit. Literally an argument of "muh feels, muh land"

Land rights are being able to build your shit on land that you legally purchased, you stupid limey cunt.

Wind turbines look pretty, nothing else.

Solar panels would have been much better.

... the fuck is a tadger?

>committing treason will work guys.

Because they lost

For real though why didnt they have a contingency plan?

Because Obama and Hillary were paid off by the banks who are funding it.

There is none you turd. The only exit was on fire.

I don't really give a shit either way. The only story here is people don't want shit built on THEIR land. That is the end of the story.

If you want to build your pipeline you are going to have to go around their land. They don't want it on THEIR land.

solar panels...... in a place that gets almost a meter of snowfall every year....


Guys they don't want any wind turbines there either. You think they'd rather have acre upon acre of wind turbines on their burial grounds rather than a 50m wide strip of pipeline across them?

It is going around their land you fucking mong.

To be fair, most of the "selling" was forced. Kinda like how we paid Spain to "sell" PR, Cuba, and the Phillipines after we kicked their shit in. I don't care really, but you can't really say that they willingly gave it up in most cases.

Doesn't mean it isn't legal and thus perfectly acceptable.

It's not their land. They CLAIM there are burial grounds on the proposed route.

the leftist environmentalists like to latch onto this because they care about sanctity unless it's a white man ranting about it.


>mfw both of those workers died

Thing is

>muh sacred burial grounds

is actually a legitimate argument, because so much is already lost, its really a world heritage issue now.

What remains of their history must be preserved, even from a euro-centric academic point of view.

It would be trivial to reroute the pipeline at this stage. The planning is just stupid.

It's not their land. The issue is that it goes under the Missouri river. This "sacred" land BS is an excuse to get sympathy.

What burial grounds? This is literally the first time that area has ever been referred to as burial grounds. The USACE reached out to them 7 fucking times to give them a say in the building of the pipeline and the SRST ignored them all 7 fucking times. Fuck those natives.
They had the choice of selling their land or being wiped out. They chose to sell it, that's fair.

How is it treason? They have the right to control what happens on their land
Since the US is acting in violation of a treaty, they are asking the UN for help. Nothing wrong about that.

northern word for cock. maybe more like choad.

You realize that they have numerous times claimed "muh burial ground!" Just to Jew the whites out of legal procedures, even though the native Americans had no standard practice of ritual burial until the whites came.

They already rerouted it once because it ran too close Bismarck's (city in the state) municipal water supplies.

Aren't they basically trying to get more money than they initially were paid?

Wind turbines are a gigantic waste of money and it takes 1000 years for one to produce enough energy to make up for the energy used to build it.

Also, with the pollution created from extracting and processing the steel for one wind turbine you could build and drive a fleet of Hummers while shooting packing peanuts out your ass and into the atmosphere and never come close to creating as much pollution.

They sold the land you dumb fucker.

Nothing is happening on their land. This is has repeated ad nauseam for low info idiots like yourself.

>has no consciousness

Even Trump says this picture is trashy


I wouldn't call it fair, just the way that the world works. They ended up being wiped out basically anyway.

Like I said, I don't care really, but calling it fair isn't really true.

do you like birds? Or peace and quiet?

>Wind turbines look pretty
They're a blight upon the landscape.
So many beautiful views have been ruined in Europe.

>The USACE reached out to them 7 fucking times to give them a say in the building of the pipeline and the SRST ignored them all 7 fucking times
uh... source?

We should have exterminated them when we had the chance.

wind and solar dont work

fossil fuels are way better for environment

100% atomic is real goal, thorium


my point isn't that I'm against abortion, my point is liberals are for abortion, but will talk your head off about the sacred burial grounds that this pipeline may be built on.

Considering that at that point in history genociding the natives would have literally been effortless for the US gov (just let the settlers in and nature would take its course) it's very fair that they made that deal.

The deal wasn't, "Sell this land or we (US gov) will kill all of you," it was, "Sell this land or the civilians leaving our country and invading yours will continue to do so and kill you all and there's nothing we can do about it."

The land deals and reservations were the US gov trying to make the best of the natural course of things.

I dont see them protesting about all the chemical plants near my house

This is how you protest if you care about the environment

why does it seem like no one even bothers researching this before just spurging media bullshit

the pipeline does not go through either reservation, the issue is it goes UNDER the missouri river which is the primary water source of the reservation. the controversy lies in that IF the pipeline were to burst, the water source would be ruined for years.

the land that it's being built through IS federal property. it is not a private oil company doing this, its literally the government and it is being constructed by the army corps of engineers.

the obama administration has already asked them to halt while they figure it out after the indians filed an injuction (which was denied by a judge)

so longstory short, this shit is literally just the indians crying their heads off about "muh sacred land" even though it is not even on their reservations land (which was GIVEN TO THEM by the government years ago) on the 1/100000% chance that the pipeline bursts AT THAT SPECIFIC SPOT and contaminates their water supply (which has happened on a much bigger scale, like the oil leaks from BP)


(please note that the square in this picture is NOT their land, its just where they are protesting)

Yeah, because you're still alive.

The pipe was rerouted dumbass. The tribe is mad because they wanted $20million instead of the initial $10million offer. The government said fuck that and bought the neighboring farmland instead.

Now the tribe is trespassing on that farm land because they were dumbasses and now are getting no money. The pipeline doesn't go through their land anymore.

>let's haul 200 tons of chink steel across the ocean

much green, very eco wow

Simple. The government wasn't paid by the Sioux tribes to build wind turbines. They were paid by the oil companies.

Its akin to getting mad at the person who bought up a bunch of land and houses in the 1950's because today he makes bank on his investment.

As you can see from the map, the pipeline already crosses the river that theyre crying about lol

The protesters are ghosts?

>preserving subhuman filths """"""history""""""
youre the type of eurocuck that would go to Uganda just to save some petrified log that a few niggers said was their god.

That is up to you and your neighbors to decide whether you want to continue being slowly poisoned to death or not

Fuck birds, fuck indians who get reincarnated as birds and fuck the people suing my parent company trying to make windmills.

That trail looks retarded. Is it traveling around Williston just because that is a big town or something?

Gas the indians. Trail of tears now.

t. North Dakotan

Pic related, the capitol building.

No, 80 percent atomic 20 percent fossil fuels is optimal. Atomic takes days to adjust output, while fossil fuels take minutes.

We need to be able to adapt to power demands ASAP or else we either fry the system (too much energy), or we don't have enough power for everything.

Williston is where all the oil is drilled/produced.

>the pipeline does not go through either reservation
> the issue is it goes UNDER the missouri river which is the primary water source of the reservation.
>the controversy lies in that IF the pipeline were to burst, the water source would be ruined for years
maybe. If the pipeline fails at that exact spot
>the land that it's being built through IS federal property
not until recently, although it did not previously belong to the reservation. It was private land owned by private land owners
> it is not a private oil company doing this
yes it is. It is Dakota Access LLC, subsidiary of Energy Transfer Partners.
> its literally the government and it is being constructed by the army corps of engineers.
No, the army corps of engineers is the entity that issued the PERMIT for the construction.

Windmills are pretty.

>youre the type of eurocuck that would go to Uganda just to save some petrified log that a few niggers said was their god

Frankly- yes. Their tribal god should be in it's rightful place- The British Museum.

thanks for the corrections, i misinterpreted some lines of that article i guess.

Because wind generated energy output is shit compared to what the pipeline will do long term. Same with solar.

>Wind Turbines
>Not Bicycle Generators

We do have an obesity problem.


Call in the air cav

Because it doesn't go across native land, that's a lie.

Hi fellow Dakotabro

that has been established half a dozen times already, cock breath.

>Gas the indians. Trail of tears now.

Thats kinda witty, i liek that.

>their sacred lands
Last time I checked, europeans colonised their land and took it from them. Red skin cucks are losers who can bend over and take it from the new owners.

Didn't think you could smell through a hijab.

Speak for yourself wanker, it's all rightful British clay in my opinion.

but give white cultural spaces to muzzies
Good job, sadiq

So instead of only using a very small portion of the native land to build a pipe land, we should use all of the spaces in the native land for wind turbine.

Got it

That is a legitimate opinion chap.

However that does not mean that do not swear on me nans life I wont come round your gaff and smash your mums back door in if you ever speak to me like that again.