Cucked Nations

Is this banned in your country?

Other urls found in this thread:

>(((This video is not available.)))

I can actually watch it when it's embedded though, thanks.

>(((This video is not available.)))
Must be your ISP, I can watch it just fine

it's available

Not available here. I thought switzerland was based...

>mountain Jews

You know the drill.


Blocked, Sky isp

I'm with Sky and I can watch it on my computer, but not my phone. Weird.

it isnt, but fuck, im not watching 6 hours

Not available

I can watch it just fine, turns out Canada isn't the gayest country after all

Works fine for me, thanks bro

This docu is made by circle-jerking retards.

nope, why would a country which has a constitution that bans jews censor a documentary about Hitler?

Not blocked.

For now there's no such kind of censorship in Spain. For now...

For those who are censored try this link (it's a youtube proxy)

>(((your masters don't allow you to see this video)))

Blocked, on a phone atm.

Yes it is


Not blocked.

Ireland has pretty good free speech desu.

not blocked

Banned in the great land of Uncle Ho'

not banned
>6 and a half hours
not watching it


Available: BT

Not blocked unsurprisingly.

Available, TalkTalk


You what m8, it's even availible here in cuckistan.

Not blocked, even tho I'm quite positive spain recently passed laws against holocaust denial (July 2016)



Not banned, yay. No cucking here, but just general levels of mass stupidity.

OPs version is not avaiable, but other versions on youtube are

downloaded it using guest wifi


you'll get hooked. Especially if your blue-pilled on WW2. If you have a bit of empathy in you you'll start realizing how the allies lit the match with embargoes. And they also enabled Stalin who was worse than Hitbro.

It is avaible on Texas just fine. Don't know about the rest of the United Scucks of America.

Not blocked at all


this :D
hitler-sama ebin xD

Not blocked.
I guess we have bigger problems here.

What do the actors think of the final product? Did they know it would be sympathetic to Hitler?

Yep, can watch it fine.

>over six(golirrion) hours

Converting it into my folder now senpai

Holy shit, is that a pic of young Putin?
Hillary was right!

>(((Cette vidéo n'est pas disponible dans votre pays.)))

>video not available
I knew it was the kikes

nope :)

The clips are from other documentaries varied with archive footage.
I guess Hitler was portrayed as a monster as usual.

Is the documentary worth watching?


Yea, it tries to show Hitler as the victim. Which is half true. He still committed war crimes. But so did the allies. Use this doc as a form of empathy to understand the other side. You'll learn a lot about how the war started, and how the allies really fucked Hitler early on. Also, Stalin planned on taking Europe, but Hitler hit him first.

you could actually watch it if you simply change the country location settings on ypur youtube profile to something like "Japan" or something.

its available here.

>ex-fascist country
>socialist country
>still doesn't sensor fascist stuff, or anything else desu


>mr muh state healthcare is great even if it's outperformed by private healthcare and is also more expensive than private healthcare
>just look at this report on infant mortality which explicitly has nothing to do with state healthcare
>still posting

The Second American Revolution is occurring as we speak.

Biggest Election Fraud In History Discovered In The United States: Breaking Now - YouTube -

The Hillary Clinton Takeover of the United States - YouTube -

I wonder how future revisionists will view this?

Cause with the ww2 evidence we have now: the US was funding communist russian, the us cut off japan's oil while japan was fighting communist china...basically commies were pulling all the strings.

Who's pulling all the strings now?

>while japan was fighting communist china
>american education


>basically commies were pulling all the strings.

This video is not available.

The UK government keeping me safe from wrong thoughts. Thanks UK government! xd yolo xx

No but I'm on a list now

The Second American Revolution is occurring as we speak.

Biggest Election Fraud In History Discovered In The United States: Breaking Now - YouTube -

The Hillary Clinton Takeover of the United States - YouTube -


Here's an interesting fact I learnt today.

>in the UK if you do not agree with gay marriage you are considered a terrorist.

True story.

Works for me on virgin media

How could allies justify supporting Stalin other than having sympathizers in high government positions.

At the end of the war, Patton said it himself, "we fought the wrong enemy"

Honestly it were the fastest 6 hours of my life


just leave it on in the background while your fap to chinese cartoons or play (((videogames)))

(((This video is unavailable in your country)))

>(((Czeh republic)))

You are so mixed up. Go study history. China is a bit complicated. We supported the nationalist Chinese. They later fell to the communist.

The worlds money is controlled by elites through the central banks. They have more power than most people can comprehend. The public is becoming too aware of them. Hillary is going to kill most of the informed if she gets half a chance to do so. It has been her assignment for many years now, and seems to be being stopped just in time.

I can watch it, I say as I take a sigh of relief.

The Second American Revolution is occurring as we speak.

Biggest Election Fraud In History Discovered In The United States: Breaking Now - YouTube -

The Hillary Clinton Takeover of the United States - YouTube -


Obviously yes.
Our Government cant allow people to hear things that are lies, else they might easily commit thought crimes.

but i don't envy people who watch SIX HOURS of this crap, i mean seriously even if you love hitler...


>Claiming the US was relevant in WW1

*closes video*

no but i'm probably on a watchlist for clicking that


You were on a watchlist the moment you visited Sup Forums the first time.

works fine here

1.2 million views

germany, of course.

No, despite all the lunacy that goes on in this shithole almost everyone agrees that censoring shit is generally bad

yeah, censoring is bad in Sweden... someone link him the webm on dailymail with and without proxy in Sweden

That shit was weird, but the explanation has to be something much simpler than people think

There are tonnes, and I mean fucking tonnes, of Swedish alternative right wing/nationalist/neo nazi online media, and for example is one of the most popular Swedish sites overall

The notion that the people in charge would let this go on yet intentionally censor some random article from that rag dailymail "to hide da trooof" is absolute ludicrous

It's not blocked here, though.