What are your thoughts on ghost girls?

What are your thoughts on ghost girls?

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creepy but sad :(

What are your thoughts on grocery stores?

>shitty AU garbage


GF would've been infinitely better if Mabel had died and come back as a Ghost.

Not really Sup Forums related but this kid and her story had a pretty big impact on me.

When would she die?

Work best with zombie boys

What about zombie girls?

Work good with ghost boys

They're cute


Zombie boy, sometimes you make me wish I was dead

But user, the entire show is dead now.

Mabel dies early on. One maybe two episodes of Dipper dealing with her death. Then she comes back as a Ghost and spends the rest of the series helping him solve the mysteries of Gravity Falls, and trying to help him hook up with Wendy (but all her advice is terrible cause she's 12 and a dork. As the series progresses, Dipper learns he has to kill the villain so Mabel's spirit can move on, but his temptation is to keep her as a ghost because he doesn't want to let go. In the end he kills the main boss, ending all the mysterious stuff in GF and has a poignant goodbye with Mabel. Summer ends and he says good bye to GF and to Wendy (who found out about GhostMabel) etc etc.

That probably would've been an entirely different kind of show

>tfw Gravity Falls had no cute ghost girls


I heard about a web cartoon series a few years ago that was about a girl and her evil twin ghost sister going to school. I tried to find the episodes but I couldn't find them anywhere and I can't for the life of me remember what it was called.

Ghost girls are pretty rad
Phantom Lady is the best one

That's probably Mari-Kari.
Which wasn't that great anyway.

How has nobody posted ghost blowjob


Why was every side character in the 7D vastly superior to the dwarves themselves?

They're dead to me.



I like them best paired up with clown girls

>ywn cum in her shoes









>tfw no cute ghost girl haunting your house

Visually, they're fun to play with. They can do a lot of things tangible characters can't, and they can be cute while doing it. Based on interpretation/context, their ability or INability to do certain things also adds to the charm of their capabilities. There's a lot of creative freedom involved with ghosts in general.

Personality wise, their predicament makes them pitiable, but if they have an upbeat attitude it also makes them enviable, able to look on the bright side of literally being dead. If they're angry or upset over their situation, they're easy to relate to; death is a scary thing that few people are happy to face. Obviously these apply to both girls and boys. But it's also just a fact of life that more people sympathize with girls, so the effect is stronger with a ghost girl.

All that aside, they're just fun to draw. Mostly because of the first point; creative freedom.

Ghosts aren't real


>tfw no cute ghost girl haunting your dick and making you cum at inopportune times



are overrated and fucking intangible, zombie girls are better

Cute zombie girls are far to rare. Especially ones with tattered clothing, long messy hair, and blank white eyes