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Trump will win and he will be assassinated just like Kennedy
all our hope will be flushed down the toilet
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Trump will win and he will be assassinated just like Kennedy
all our hope will be flushed down the toilet
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i'd be fine with a pence presidency tbqh
pence is retard, waits for god to tell him what to do.
If Trump was assassinated there would be rioting like you've never seen in this country before.
This is my biggest fear.
I think though, this would be the final straw and an armed revolt would occur. The general population know whats up now.
Whats the problem with that you fucking heretic?
>i'd be fine with a pence presidency tbqh
if he weren't a neocon i'd be ok with it.
he's establishment. the whole reason we want trump is cause he isn't.
Don't worry, he's just Christphobic
>pence is retard, waits for god to tell him what to do.
Maybe you should wait for God to tell you how to speak English.
like BLM peaceful protests?
Implying Trump wouldn't assassinate his assassin
history always replays
when kennedy was murdered there weren't any revolts
if trump gets murdered you will see thousands of SJW's twittering "thank god the tyrant is gone"
The difference this time is that we memsters have been trained to drop Central Bank Red Pills all over the safe spaces of the unaware.
That means the idea of shaking the Bank out of the hands of the elite is going to continue no matter who lives or dies.
checked, but
>implying Trump won't take a bullet and still kill his assailant like Andrew Jackson
>all our hope will be flushed down the toilet
Sorry Hans, wrong guess. If Trump is assassinated, he becomes both a martyr and a symbol. The people will go full 14/88 and you might as well start turning on the showers and firing the ovens yourself.
Back in Kennedy's time, we didn't have information on a massive scale like we do now.
There were no phones, no internet, there was only (((Mainstream Media))) like we have now.
Nobody rioted or revolted back then, because the media pushed (((The Lone Gunman))) narrative, and the docile masses ate it up (even though MILLIONS still question it to this day).
If Trump were to be assassinated NOW. The people will know EXACTLY (((Who))) did it. And why (((They))) did it.
The Media will go right out the door. And we'll all be hunting is some (((Illuminati))) for dinner.
> Trump will never file the paperwork to run for president
> Trump will never poll over 2%
> Trump will never win a debate
> Trump cannot beat Jeb
> Trump will never win a state in the primary
> Trump will never beat Rubio
> Trump will never beat Ted
> Trump cannot get to 1237 delegates
> Trump cannot escape X controversy
> Trump could never beat Hillary in overall votes
> Trump cannot beat Hillary in certian states
> Trump cannot become president
> Trump will become president but he will be killed soon after
not sure bout this men
>trump gets shot
>suddenly Sup Forums is offline
>all conservative twitter accounts deleted
>thousands of missleading google results pop out the average steve can'T find any information except the stuff on mainstream media
>The people will go full 14/88 and you might as well start turning on the showers and firing the ovens yourself.
Billions of cell phones, and names are easily found on the internet, this isn't 1960 or even 1980 for that matter, I don't think (((they))) could get away with such blatant shit nowadays. Hell the NSA and FBI would be on that shit like it was nothing. Too many people would know the truth and it would get out. Kind of like we are seeing with Killary's emails, this.
We have already come to this conclusion Hans. All we can do is hope we win the civil war
You're not even from this fucking country.
I'm an actual American, and I'm telling you - The WHOLE COUNTRY is in woke right now.
Literally everybody is in a state of disbelief of the government.
You seriously think THE WHOLE COUNTRY is buying this Clinton BULLSHIT?
We know exactly who's in charge, and what is happening.
They can take down websites. But who's going to stop the real life Militia from coming out hunting down the elites?
Rather it be God than Soros
Why would they kill the loser?
*is in a state of woke
We know. We've been saying it for months.
Can you actually picture his hand on the bible? He's gonna win by a landslide, I've always said it, but they're not going to let it happen. None of us are going to make it there. They're going to blow the entire place before January.
Chaffetz is a dirty rat according to wikileaks' first batch of GOP mails. He plans to impeach Trump as soon as he becomes president. He has been pulling the strings behind Curiel to make sure that the Trump U shitstorm happens after Shillary gets stumped by a conman.
hope you are right
when trump wins
merkel is finished
a necessary sacrifice. we will need to reactivate Rand. the whole system will be torn down. it will be biblical.
if they kill him it will be time for total war
we can't exist on the same planet if they wont stop assassinating out leaders.
JFK being gone is the only reason the kikes managed to get the 1965 immigration bill done.
Don't be a cuck and stop the fucking black pilling.
riot... all over israel
Oh, yeah. American Government is just gonna Drones strike Americans.
That would go perfectly well to the rest of the world.
There won't be any outrage or Revolution whatsoever.
We'll all just be droned.
>You're this stupid
>trump WINS
>Assange gets US Citizenship
>Snowden get's all charges dropped
>Putin becomes bro-tier
>EU lifts sanctions
>we all make dope money
>bomb sandniggers all together
>close all borsers send them right back into battlefield
Trump is a Zionist.
Pence is the establishment.
It's sad to come here everyday and see everyone (((happy))).
You guys are bluepilled as fuck.
Stop Hans, i can only get this hard...
>>we all make dope money
Right. And that, is where this plan sadly fails.
Cut short, the US is too deep in their arms industry. They actually NEED a war every couple of years to function.
>all our hope will be flushed down the toilet
Why? That just means 50+million armed americans will go full 1776.
More likely that hilldawg gets it considering the deplorables on the alt-right.
Have u even been to a trump rally? If u aren't white they won't let you in and some of them even openly hate Jews. Also they beat up anyone who opposes them.
Am from future, can confirm.
The shooting will take place 8 months into his presidency, on August 22nd. The shooter will be a Trump supporter from South Carolina that is upset that Trump has only deported around a million illegal immigrants thus far, and has slowed down his attempts to deport further quantities to focus on preventing a slide into recession.
He is never caught, and all we know about him is what was written in the manifesto he left at the scene of the crime.
Use this information well, Sup Forums. Save Trump.
THIS. Witnessed.
You really think they wouldn't be careful enough to pin it on some right wing "gun nut"?
This. The guy they charge with the assassination is gonna be so far right that they will enact gun control during the pence presidency.
If Trump dies, even in an "accident", ESPECIALLY in an "accident", then he will become a martyr, and the day of the rope won't be a meme anymore, it'll be reality.
Thats why we perfected proxy wars in 3rd world shitholes, retard.
>Tfw Sup Forums ignores your warnings so they shitpost about muh conspiracies
Just remember, faggots, on August 23rd, that you had the information you needed to save him, but you didn't. His blood will be on your hands.
August 22nd, 2:08 pm
Charleston, South Carolina.
Donald Trump is shot while making a public appearance in front of City Hall to discuss his plan to revitalize the state's economy. The shooter is never found, but is suspected to have fired from within the crowd and according a manifesto claimed to have been left by him at the scene of the crime he was a Trump supporter that grew disillusioned with the president's sluggishness in deporting the majority of the illegal immigrants within our borders. President Trump dies of his wounds approximately three hours later that afternoon. That is all the pertinent information I have.