Trump BTFO by Hillary!

What makes you think both genders deserve the same exact wage for the same exact job?

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>Implying you should be entitled to more pay for doing a worse job

Jesus Christ guys. How desperate is she now? She's literally become so unhinged to the point where she's almost advocating for trump in some of these tweets. Wtf is wrong with her??

This fucking "wage gap" meme has to stop.
Seriously, where does this come from? Everywhere I've worked, male or female, we're all paid the exact same.

As for the tweet, what did Trump say that was wrong? "You'll get paid the same if you do as good a job." How is that wrong?

She's so fucking desperate.

South Park predicted this would happen.

this and only this
seriously how can she attack that quote? Women everywhere i have worked are always shit at their jobs compared to their male equivalent. how do we stop such entitled cunts who believe they deserve more if they work less?

Same here, user.

I was once quoted an article with 'wage gap' differences, during an argument.
The article had statistics about jobs on the health care field where you could see men earning more.
However, not only the differences were in FLAT AMOUNTS EARNED (they didn't mention $/h, they didn't mention skill or bonuses or nothing) but the worst part is the fucking article itself clearly stated

Yet all the uneducated retards jumped in to use it as ''IT'S BECAUSE OF GENDER''.

Hillary is catering to the idiots.
And the idiots are so.fucking.many.

the message is clear

do as good a job as a man, and you will get paid the same

The wage gap idea is pushed by the 1% (48% of which are jews) to divide the 99%. Not in the occupy Wallstreet bullshit sense, but in the same sense that they have people convinced Republican leadership and Democrat leadership aren't 2 sides of the same corrupt coin.

They do this by always reporting AVERAGE wage instead of MEDIAN wage. The top 1% in the USA make more than 50% of the total income each year and they are mostly males, so they make the average look skewed in favor of males by ~23%.

tl;dr it's the jews, again.

Why is it insane to take pride in ability over vagina?

>Seriously, where does this come from?
A study that politicians/activists intentionally misinterpret so they can sound righteous.

What it did was compare the average pay of all men and women, as one giant blob. Men tend to prioritize money and take higher risk jobs, ask for raises and promotions more often, and work more hours, while women tend to prioritize comfort and do the exact opposite.

So it ends up with a figure saying women earn 70 cents for every dollar a man makes, and this is spun as something that X candidate will totally fix, without ever mentioning that its comparing the wages of starbucks baristas and secretaries with oil rig workers and crab fishermen, instead of looking at how each job pays men and women. Hilariously, if you do that it often turns out that women are paid more.

> Why is it insane to take pride in ability over vagina?
Because when in the last decades you're shown that your fucking vagina entitles you to free shit, YOU KEEP WANTING MORE FREE SHIT.

Fucking western women have been treated like more than they deserve for far too long, so certain shrewd politicians capitulate on it.

Keep in mind t hat Hillary herself don't actually tweet anything or post on facebook. It's her team realizing she has no outlets except Facebook and Twitter anymore, so they're just flinging shit in all directions hoping someone will listen.

She can't go on TV, she'll be prosecuted. She can't do a presser, same thing there.

All she has are social media and "rallies", and that's not enough.

She knows women can't do a good job so assuming it's a insult

>What makes you think both genders deserve the same exact wage for the same exact job?

the equal pay act that already says you can't pay people different solely based on gender

IF you do as good a job.
IF you do as good a job.
IF you do as good a job.

riddle me this faggots if women are inferior as most of you insist dont they deserve extra pay when they manage to do the same job as a man because they just happen to be THAT good

I hope you replied:

The irony being that the Clinton Foundation recently was found to pay their male employees higher than their female ones. How are those policies working out, Hillary?

I hope this is an ironic post, I really do

hah, the leaf is using american proxies now.

She does occasionally post actually, and she signs those posts with "-Hillary" or something like that so people know it's her.

they don't manage to do the same job, they do a much shittier job

> We establish that women ARE inferior therefore they should get extra pay as charity for their incompetence
> We establish that women and men are equal therefore you get same pay.

You have to pick between these two. You cannot advocate equality AND benefits both.

Sure, but they very, very rarely are as competent as a man.

>she said it again
holy shit what the fuck is wrong with her?

Why does their inferiority give them the right to more pay. Quality of work not need of pay is the only moral way to employ people.

For any of your faggots interest, this explains the baseline for the gender gap that the lefties and Hilldawg holds on so much.

Still not her doing it herself.

It came from a study that combined ALL the full time male workers vs ALL the full time female workers and the ratio wasn't 1:1. The 77 cents to the dollar is an accurate statistic, but women and democrats look no further into what could explain this.

The study did not take job type, education, tenure, experience, raises requested, danger of the job, overtime, vacation days used, differences in county and state minimum wages, number of children the men/women have, nothing.

They have pushed this so far, that women around the country think that in their same job, they're being payed 23% less. Which is complete and utter bullshit. They took a gross national comparison, encompassing 50 states, hundreds of counties, and thousands of jobs, and now think that their coworker at Denny's is making $12.30 while they make $10 for no reason other than he has a dick.

Furthermore, they buy into Hillary's bullshit like she can do fucking anything to solve the problem which doesn't exist. I don't think Hillary supporters know this, but pay discrimination is already illegal. It's against the law. If you see your company doing this, take action and you will win if you can prove they're paying you less because you have a vagina.

Her twitter posts probably dropped in quality because Huma isn't around to do them anymore.

Wow, Trump really is a monster.

That is completely disgusting! Obviously women who don't do as good a job should be paid the same!

Im missing something here.
Is she trying to imply there is a flaw with that model? Because i dont see one.
Obviously i understand that the wage gap is a myth, and the people repeating that narrative fail to understand its based on a basic manipulation of statistics, but what is she trying to get at here?

They don't. Men should be paid more as they are a long term investment as they stay fully employed until their retirement while women slow down after making children (should exit completely).

Hillary outs herself as a sexist pig

Vote for me!! and i give you Free Money!!! The tweet

>The wage gap idea is pushed by the 1% (48% of which are jews)

Oh, you anti-Semitic bastid, how dare you.

Technically, we still donĀ“t know if that is her words.

Whats the issue here? There is no wage gap by the way. Its a myth.

Their argument would probably be that they don't like Trump saying the non-existent wage gap is a result of them not doing the same amount of work.

Trump should have just tackled the issue by saying the wage gap itself doesn't exist, but he didn't and now they think that the evil rich white man Trump is trying to say that women aren't working as hard as men.

The wording of the tweet is terrible though, because I agree with what you're saying, but it doesn't capitalise on that angle.

The way it's worded makes it seem like Trump's plan is to make it all equal.

Didn't hillary pay women less than men?
I heard it once but no source