"So she had a private e-mail server, who cares?"

>"So she had a private e-mail server, who cares?"

Did we fail to explain the severity and implications of Clinton's actions, or did leftists refuse to listen? How much from column A, how much from column B?

Cognititive dissonance.

It's been explained a million times, leftists just don't want to hear it

Almost entirely B
There's no way to crack that nut when someone gets reinforcement every hour that
>omfg were sick of talking about those damn emails
> How would you feel if someone released all your messages? FEEL SORRY FOR HER, SHE'S THE VICTIM HERE

>Be leftist
Any other election I might care, but I'm not voting for a man with 0 political experience because someone did watch the Bush admin did years ago.

>Did we fail to explain the severity and implications of Clinton's actions, or did leftists refuse to listen?
mostly the latter. Being a racist sexist xenophobic islamiphobic cis white male is an irredeemable crime in their eyes. Why inform yourself how bad your candidate is when you know the other guy will always be worse.

Have they been talking to CTR?

"its nothing"

lol LA too.

Horsey seriously pisses me off

It doesn't matter how much of column A there is so long as people are in column B.


mmmm yeah because the top political elites from D and R are totally different lolololo

>I don't want my daughters to died in a war

How do I become a political cartoonist Sup Forums?

Talk to Dilbertman

The thing normies might not understand, is even the most retarded PFC in the Army knows that you only use secured channels for communication. Especially sensitive information. It is a big deal. A private would be severely disciplined for it, but to liberals it's no big deal if the Secretary of State was caught doing it. We're just being mean to her because she is a girl, in these idiot's minds.

the media helped cover it up but now that its grow to big to cover up people are wondering why its so important because they haven't had every detail rammed down their throats like they have with everything Trump related.

Trump wants to go to war with ISIS, you tard

that' snot a pointless war.

pretty much all B

that said, everything that is troublesome about clinton in the emails requires some extent of being redpilled already to make the connections necessary

also in the modern social climate it is very easy for leftists to just write what we say off as conspiracy, and that's because the media supports their worldview 24/7

gives them the same false superiority they always have (republicans r so dumb lol, we liberals are so tolerant and smart!)

She's smart enough to have not said anything outright damning... well yet, most of that seems to come from her underlings

however there is all sorts of shady conversation in her email that pretty much implicates the the middle eastern conflicts since 9/11 have been bullshit power grab regime changes that are beneficial to her owners

IE lets create mass chaos in countries that are still without a rothschild controlled central bank and still use a gold standard so we can usurp them by funding(creating) rebel movements, and then acting like we're outraged about their decisions so we can legitimize our influence there

and of course, the best part is all the poor, displaced refugees, don't you whites in your white countries want to help them because of your white altruism?

not insidious at all...

>"So he got a blowjob, who cares?"

murrica likes to keep shit simple.

Obama walking with a fat hooker in the background

Hillary wants to go to war to defend ISIS

>war with ISIS even remotely comparable to war with Russia

My personal view is we should leave the middle east alone and let them kill each other if they want, but we're past that point and these people are coming into our countries and causing us problems, granted its because the people who "represent" us decided to go in and cause them problems first, but hey

It's more the federal crimes