why no one helping Trump?
Why no one helping Trump?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Mike Pence
>King of Prussia
How is it even legal for sitting president to campaign for the next president?
Yeah doesn't he have a job to do? Seems like all he's done for the last few months is get disrespected by China and insult Trump
I wondered this myself, surely they should remain impartial?
>king of prussia
can't make this up
>why no one helping Trump?
He doesn't need any help.
nah pretty much last twelve months (before inauguration in Jan) they do fuck all. Lame duck.
I think it was an unwritten rule that the president don't meddle in the presidential election. But typically obama said fuck all that, like usual.
Because if the entire system wasn't against him it wouldn't be a fair fight
They look as desperate as fuck. People like Tim Kaine basically do not even count. Millenials basically dont even know who Bill Clinton is. Obama reminds people of Obamacare which is not good right now. Bernie is a poison pill endorsement.
I don't understand how Shillary isn't winning in a landslide when she got everybody shilling for her.
It shows you how terrible of a candidate she is.
Yes, but he is a nigger mongrel kike living in the jewnited States where americucks allow it.
Any behavior you expect is thwarted until Trump removes them.
>tfw we remove spics and slowly cast igger and kikes out of our society
You can live free again and play vidya with pals without any cultural marxism, go train without any CM, get pussy without being scared of police because you want to kill shitskins close by.
>there will be funding to bringing about foods that build muscle and give you extreme fuckinf test
I can't fucking wait!
So: much like his presidency?
He's gotten this far by himself. Why would you think he needs help?
He doesn't care about his job or America. All he cares about is his legacy as the first nigger president. Which will be completely flushed down the toilet if Trump wins. He knows under Trump the debt will decrease, trade deals will be renegotiated and at their best, relations with Russia will improve, Obamacare will be repealed, etc. Obama will go down as that dumb nigger that fucked everything up and the white man had to come in and fix it.
he might not need any help, but it'd be nice if they weren't massive kikes
When NPR says that the level of shilling is historic, you have to wonder what the hell is he dong.
Clinton is a huge threat to Obama's legacy, but Trump will smash it to pieces and laugh while doing it. Obama is also in some serious shit if Trump wins, he has stated he will have a special prosecutor go after Hillary. Obama is implicated in the emails, that only begs more questions as to his involvement.
If any of the threads that dropped info are true, Obama and Hillary committed acts of Treason. The missing emails could prove that.
>mfw the number of attendees to all the democrats rallies are equal to one Trump rally
Bernie supports Hillary like a noose...
Trump's Ministry of Propaganda - Sup Forums - is all the help he needs. Plus, Shillary doesn't have Kek on her side.
too true
His job is to protect and uphold the Constitution, to which a Trump presidency would be a direct threat.
Becuse Clinton is blackmailing them for the cp
Except that Trump is doing multiple rallies in those same states on the same day, and they are also longer with A LOT more crowds. Even a Pence rally would have more people than all of the people Dems in that screenshot could pull combined. I've seen Carson apparently doing a couple of events for Trump (that aren't on the map), and even he gets more numbers than Hillary kek.
Didn't Bernie switch back to Independent and drop Hillary after the DNC?
I live 15 mins from there
Bernie's entire family would commit suicide with nine gunshots to the back of their heads if he ever said anything critical of Shillary
It wouldn't be fair otherwise.
How is it even legal for people to vote without an ID?
How is even legal for there to spanish and chinese in the voting ballots in some states?
((They)) fear his power level and it is rising, can't stop the tide.
Donald Trump Jr. is going to be in Columbus at the same time as Obama.
>expects a nigger to actually work
Top kek.
>Donald Trump
>King of Prussia