films that are underrated and overrated at the same time

>underrated and overrated at the same time


Most people like it for the gratuitous violence and glorification of drug dealing but miss out on the main message of a self-destructive and non-sustainable drug dealer lifestyle.

basically they get a lot of praise but for all the wrong reasons.

Plebeians like it but I am not a plebeian and also like it

I also liked how it was tragic because despite all the bad shit he did, he died because of one good act.

>user is autistic and scared to admit he likes a movie that other people like
it's that simple, the struggle of wanting to be contrarian or "different" and the sad truth that he's just another "sheep" like all the other normies.

It's underrated as in people don't talk enough about the racial symbolism clearly present in the movie. Tony is a mutt, born poor and poorly educated. They make a big point about Sosa being educated in Europe and he has more regal European features than Tony. In the scene where theyre explaining the hit on the guy giving the U.N speeech to Tony, Tony is literally the smallest person in the room (slouching in his seat) everyone else is sitting upright and they're towering over him. They are all well educated wealthy and well connected and their facial expressions are twisted and aggressive while Tony looks apathetic and tired. All the big whigs in the room have clearly more Spanish facial features and one guy is blonde haired blue eyed white dude.
Overrated in the sense that everyone jerks off at how much of a gansta tony is yooo!!!!


Why do you think they make a big point about Tony hating Colombians

Fight club

In South America Castizos are at the top, Mestizos are Middle and native Americans and those with African blood get the scraps

Scarface is a film I was glad I missed out on until my mid twenties. Its the very definition of overrated yet underrated. The best stuff is all in the first half, peaking with that kino montage of Tony's wedding and getting rich, the end is for the normies to have their power fantasy fulfillment.

I'll add Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas

Scarface is full blown overrated. It's a fun movie but the whole appeal of it is that it's so bombastic and cheesy that it works.

People put it in the same category as The Godfather and Goodfellas but it really doesn't belong there.


>doesn't understand the 80's

Goodfellas is overrated buddy.

Scarface really should have been two movies. The first one would be the most Kino movie ever. Sadly they ruined their own masterpiece with the second half


I think it was Pauline Kael who described Scarface as "the Brian De Palma movie for people who don't like Brian De Palma movies."

The world would never be Tony's, born a mutt, die a mutt. Same idea expressed in Barry Lyndon

i think the biggest problem is that people try to see this as a "realistic" mob movie which results in them being disappointed by the outcome. and the movie suffers from that. in no way does it try being a film based on realism. it is outrageous and it does have ridiculous moments but that isn't a bad thing.

it is essentially an action-gangster movie with a great aesthetic and a graceful ending.

Its weird how this movie is so fucking outdated yet thats the thing that gives it charm and makes it worth the watch

Scarface is revered as one of the greatest movies ever by a lot of people. Every wannabe on Cribs had a Scarface poster. This caused years of backlash of people saying why are you glorifying this stupid gangster movie where Al Pacino has a fucking terrible accent?

The truth is somewhere in the middle. It's underrated by people who dismiss it because of its core fanbase, and overrated by its core fanbase as a masterpiece when it's not.

Its perfectly of its time.

kind of the same for this one

Al pacinos accent was on point, he talks like my dad unironically my dad sold coke and weed back in the day

>its ONLY a 9/10