Norway YES


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That feel when you don't even do your own degenerate propaganda, but import shitskins from Iraq to do it for you.

>all white

The "artist" is some Iraqi Arab.

norway officially more cucked than sweden


If this was Sweden I would expect only 2 of the guys to be white

Being a disgusting degenerate is now art? O-ok

>not all of them being brown
Something is fishy here...

low T femmy males btfo

this is so progressive that it is making my heart sing. all men should be neutered. testosterone causes all violence in the world.

>white men in underwear
what is the problem

tfw no husbandowaifu

Is that a cameltoe?

camel toe

they are pulling the underwear between their balls to make it look like that have a fucking camel toe

Barnevern grown pussies.

What the hell that supposed to symbolise?

Well, thats kinda funny
Don't see a fucking problem here

Did they photoshop cameltoes on them, or did they cut their dicks off for real? Why didn the arab "artist" have to come to Norway to make this shit? Couldn't he have done it back in his own country? Oh, wait...

genderless society, man depicted as ball-less pussies, gender mixing... I dunno.

>kinda funny
guess when you're not allowed to have humour you have lower standards for what is defined as "funny"

They are pulling their underwear into their balls, the 2 bulges are their testicles.

Nowhere near that level, but they're past your vassal ass.

Friendly reminder that Oslo belongs to Sweden

Why are you doing this Norway?
I liked you.

>adel abidin


Wtf doesn't that hurt?

Oslo does not reflect the rest of the nation, thankfully

Idk try it

Hurts my brain.

Fuck scandinavia.
Why do 90% of the people here gobble somali feminist cock?

Why? Visit Oslo and you will find that the differences between Norway and Sweden are tiny.
I am looking forward to the day the oil tanks are empty, then the liberals can't use the "we have so much welfare, we can have 6 gorillion refugees here" argument.
Norway became too wealthy too quickly. That is why our culture is getting demolished.

I think you mean Swe and Nor, not scandinavia

>Adel Abidin
His Works has changed a lot since 2006

>reconsider their ideas about sexuality
So what, they want me to consider being gay? I thought it wasn't a choice.

sexuality is supposedly not a choice but gender is
I don't understand it either

What's stopping you from removing it with fire or by throwing shit at it
works here everytime

Stay strong.

WHAT how would anybody think of them as anything but grown men giving themselves wedgies?
What does that have to do with gender at all?

I swear everything left from center is a mental illness. Holy fuck.

wtf i hate white "men" now

At least they are not black.

why dont some brave norway men gather and destroy it?

Dont listen to him, his standarts were low even before dota came out and killed them completely