What the fuck are they talking about 4th flavor, baskins robins has 31, for fucks sake what dumbasses

What the fuck are they talking about 4th flavor, baskins robins has 31, for fucks sake what dumbasses

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They're talking about Cardinal Ice Cream flavors.




And the Fourth Flavor.

The rest are derivations, extrapolations, or considered lesser important flavors.

Basically, what would you have on a menu as absolutes, and what's optional.

>Orange, Raspberry, Blueberry, Mango, any other fruit or sherbert flavor
>Green Tea
>Peanut Butter

how are any of those derived from the main 4, those are all their own things

You dont see anyone eat strawberry either

Vanilla is actually the base for most ice cream flavors


You are pathetic, and I really hope you kill yourself soon.

I don't give a shit about the dumbass logic. I just want to know what it tastes like!

It tastes like root beer.

All decent ice cream has vanilla flavoring too though

This is because vanilla is the only ice cream worth eating

It tastes like your first kiss.
You'll get it when you grow up, sport.

Or most likely, you won't


Banana or Hokey Pokey.

I think of it like
Vanilla : base
Chocolate : added savory
Strawberry : added sweet/tart
4th : ????

Every other flavor seems to be derived from changing up one of those recipes

All the fruit ones are just lesser strawberry proxies
Stuff like green tea and peanut butter and coffee are similar in that same way.
Like you can mix strawberry or chocolate with any of those and it'd be improved

I've always felt Banana made the most sense as the Fourth Flavor(although one could make strong arguments for Lemon, Pineapple, or Butterscotch)

this is assuming of course that like the 3 Known Flavors that it's color has to do with what flavor it is

I'd say banana just to balance out strawberry being the only fruit flavor in the base, but it's probably something even more basic than that.

I'm leaning towards butterscotch or honey.

anyone else feel hella justified when adding sprinkles was considered sacrilegeous
Literally adds nothing to ice cream that just about any other topping could add

this episode irritated by saying GOOD ice cream should never have toppings.

like fuck you crushed m&Ms, oreos, reese cups, hot fudge etc,etc,etc... all ENHANCE the shit out of ice cream. they add different texture and different flavors.

probably taste like piss anyway with yellow golden coloring.

Sprinkles have always been the most useless topping. They don't even blend into the ice cream's flavor.

Going by this, I now assume the 4th flavor to be buttered popcorn
It adds salty and covers things like caramel and toffee with pretzel toppings
and if you're a level 9 ice cream wizard, cheese
Or it could be any of those I just named


Nah dude
Toppings are fine, literally just sprinkles is the problem
Or at least that's how I interpreted it
What kid is gonna get mad about there being crushed nuts or gummy bears on their ice cream?

>baskins robins has 31


Isn't the fourth flavor pistachio?
I feel like it's pretty obvious.

Does tutti frutti taste like ass or fruit punch?
I'm asking because that little Richard song was about gay sex aka "good booty" until they changed the lyrics

Salted caramel is a thing, apparently.

If they told us what it tasted like, do you think we'd be talking about it today?

>It tastes like your first kiss.
Regret and disgust?

I think pistachio belongs under the chocolate umbrella
Pistachios can be eaten without salt and pistachio ice cream isn't that salty
Caramel ice cream is a little salty in my experience and so is toffee, but I'm sure that's just a manufacturing thing
I'm guess buttered popcorn because it's a flavor that kinda makes sense, but isn't seen in stores anywhere, which would explain the whole lost status of the flavor

The 32nd flavor is the Anti-Life Equation.

Yeah dude, exactly
But this is all from a theory I thought of like5 minutes after entering the thread

Alcohol and my uncles mustache that always has weird crumbs in it?

its how Numbah 5 said it

IIRC She said "You're not supposed to put ANYTHING on GOOD ice cream!"

like fuck off ya shit ice cream is the tits imo with some crushed M&Ms, some peanut butter cups some hot fudge and a dollop of whipped cream

fuck you and everyone else on this planet, strawberry is the best flavor

Well that's true user
If the ice cream is good enough it won't be enhanced by the presence of toppings
Put that shit on some edys or blue bunny, or froyo
It's like putting steak sauce on grade a5 Kobe beef, you can, but it won't taste as good because it covers up the taste

But fuck sprinkles though

>Knocking strawberry
get off my board

While I understand your arguments, I'm using the logic of spumoni. That any sane person would pair the true flavors together as a team.

forgot my image

I'm a vanillafag too, but dark chocolate and coffee don't work with vanilla in it.

To follow up, you aren't eating ice cream, you're eating candy in an ice cream vehicle
You obviously enjoy those things separately or in other dishes, but you're using ice cream as a denominator that allows all the flavors to meld without being too rich
That's not eating ice cream, that's using ice cream

I'm guessing chicken?

But spumonis pink layer is cherry, not strawberry

It's piss
Numbah 5 has a piss fetish

Banana is usually up there in milk flavors as most common, with vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry.

Butterscotch follows the same logic with pudding.

Honey is a popular and sometimes essential ice cream flavor in Europe and Canada.

Could be either one of those.

Who cookie dough ice cream here?

my retort that....fuck you.

I doubt it's banana, it's just a lesser fruit
I see more strawberry banana milk than banana milk

Butterscotch and honey were my first thoughts, so they're definitely things I'm okay with considering, as well as caramel for that matter
But I still like the idea of popcorn, something people enjoy but don't put into ice cream, because the 4th flavor is supposed to be something people never experience

Feel free to enjoy ice cream with as many toppings as you want, but if somebody serves you a $30 scoop of Tahitian civet cat vanilla, don't ask for hot fudge

Ill ask for hot fudge AFTER tasting to see if I think it needs it.

If you think it needs hot fudge then you obviously don't enjoy it
Adding hot fudge just increases the amount of a flavor that isn't the ice creams own flavor
I mean, do whatever you want, but don't do whatever you want because please

The fourth flavor is Caramel


I always figured the fourth flavor was coffee and the reason it was "forbidden" or whatever was because it was considered an adult flavor and therefore taboo to kids.

Maybe the fourth cardinal flavor is in fact the idea of a flavor that you think is another flavor but really isn't.

the 4th flavor isnt even good.

Most based ice cream flavor

The only hint we got is that it tastes like Blurbpleberry, so I assume it's got more of a fruit-ish taste than it looks like. Hell, maybe it's bitter.

The only kind of sprinkles I turned my nose up at were those tiny sugar crystal ones. It was like eating sand. I hated the texture so much.

I want to petition the UN to ban all sprinles on ice cream unless they are pic related

There are colors our eyes can't even see maybe there's flavours we haven't tasted

The fourth flavour is a placebo?

I'm pretty sure Jaden Smith is the only person who's both had it and is active on social media. Try asking him.

don't forget that Pineapple is one of the classic toppings in a Banana Split besides Hot Fudge/Chocolate Syrup and Strawberry Sauce

Sprinkles only work if it's on soft serve.

I'm going to throw my hat into the ring and say it was lemon flavoured. It's yellow and lemon flavoured icecream is the best yellow kind of icecream and it always reminded me of lemontops, if you are British enough to have had one.

>sugarpill flavored

Do toppings deserve to be essential flavors just because they're popular ones? No.

I'm going to have to naysay that, citrus flavors work for Sherbert but not ice cream. Considering sprinkles is ice cream heresy by KND standards, no way sherbert would be part of the gang.

>as common as vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry

In what planet? The 4th flavor should be lemon.

I'm glad we can have a reasonable in-depth discussion about ice cream flavors in this board.

Sorbet/sherbet is just another type of icecream, and a delicious "4th flavour" style at that if we are talking about lemon flavoured. It's not an unnatural addition like sprinkes are.

>but not ice cream



Banana milk has been part of the milk campaign geared toward kids. It's a part of milk drinking history.

It's umami; like MSG. The fourth flavor is Top Ramen.

Don't you remember the DCFDTL's ice cream cake? The jail was sherbet because it sucks so much no one would eat their way out. That can't possibly be forth flavor worthy, if it even qualifies as ice cream.

Lemon Ice Cream is fantastic, end yourself.

>no way sherbert would be part of the gang.
>"No one likes sherbet! It's just like... fruit and ice!"

What the fuck is wrong with sherbet? I loved sherbet even as a kid

>Honey is a popular ice cream flavor in Canada
News to me
I don't think I've ever seen honey ice cream

>Amercicans call Hundreds and thousands "sprinkles"



It tastes like tutti frutti. Just like how Superman ice cream tastes like Superman.

Superman is kino.

Can you even buy superman? I only see it in ice cream shops and never in stores.

How can you stand to hate sherbet? What kind of sick man are you?

This guy gets it.

I mean Sherbert technically is not ice cream so it can't be the 4th flavor

Ice Cream, Sorbert, Sherbert, Gelato, Frozen Yogurt are all similar but they are separate types of frozen treats

I feel so bad for you, user.

Is ben and jerry's /ouricecream/?

It tastes like sodium chloride

More of a Cookies in Cream guy myself.

it's literally banana
rich as chocolate
light as vanilla
fruity as strawberry
and yellow

I suppose you could argue that, but it's so delicious that it can be incorporated into icecream, leading to its mystical stats as the "4th flavour"

I thought it was dumb, but I like my ice cream with a bit of a crunch in it. Like say, a bit of cone or something.

They actually mention 31 flavours in the episode. Looks like someone hasn't been keeping up on their KND lore. Sad!

Also Banana IS the fourth flavor. It goes beyond simple deliciousness AND its rare

Banana flavored sounds awful


It's pretty good. You've never had Ben and Jerry's Chunky Monkey, have you?

The closest thing that tastes like it is blurpleberry

(same user) I mean if you take the movie as an answer