Owen Benjamin

Is he having a nervous breakdown?

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I don't get it



some conservative comedian who had a meltdown on twitter during the oscars

>stating non left wing opinions is having a meltdown

I read his whole thread no matter what he thinks he’s doing or what larger point he’s making he’s fucked in 2018 America. I get it but that doesn’t matter to these peaches and scavengers


Well someone sure is triggered...

look at his fucking twitter. He is insane. Christians have a screw loose.

He has a point. Chris Rock used to tell jokes about Black people and White pople, now he's fell into that PC lefty trap of only attacking Whites.
America needs to learn that if they keep this open season on Whites where they are the butt of every joke, Trump will get a second term and after Trump you'll get another just like him. If you have an issue or grievance be adult about it, but stop attacking everyone of *insert group* just because you dislike a few.

I've had many interactions with Pakistanis and Indians that have been less than favourable, but I'm not gonna attack all of them just because it's easy.

Rock used to do a joke about the difference between Black people and Niggers and how Black people were more racist than Whites, because Blacks hate Niggers too.

>Benjamin has a podcast, Why Didn't They Laugh
Now we know why.


>t. Don Cheadle

>Conservative banter

He's fighting back. This is the endgame. Should have waited at least a decade longer lefties.

>If you have an issue or grievance be adult about it, but stop attacking everyone of *insert group* just because you dislike a few.
You say that when it's black people hurting white peoples' feefees, but not when cops do it to blacks and get away with murder. The cognitive dissonance is astounding.

Owen Benjamin is jewish-atheist.

He's really gone all in with the alt right shit now eh

Wait are we basing this off one special or like the last ten years or something?

He's not just stating non-kosher opinions, he's sperging out and revealing his powerlevel because for some reason the Oscars were too much for him to handle

How many other white celebrities are alt-right but just don't say anything for fear of losing their career?

Mel Gibson and Gary Oldman for sure.

very few, since they are successes in life

everyone older than 30

cops attack black people because they "dislike a few"?

or maybe they just commit the most crimes, therefore more fit the description and are stopped, and then they have to nig it up and resist arrest/not cooperate/reach for a gun

>conservative comedian

>they are successes in life

lol at people being unironically upset about this on Sup Forums
newfags are too plenty these days

It's 2018 sweatie most comedians are swinging to the right now

I don't know if people are swinging to the right or just getting the FUCK away from the left. Which of course would make them """"""right wing""""""""""""""""

Per capita, more whites are killed by police in the US.

>be a crazy black cop
>shoot white people exclusively
Woah but what about us, the blacks?

>being 20+ yo and unironically using "soyboy"
jesus christ

michael ian black, born michael ian (((schwartz)))

I don’t find Owen Benjamin at all funny and I agree with a lot of what he says. I think Crowder is a lot funnier desu.