Apparently he damaged the middle class and riddled black neighbourhoods with drugs
Redpill me on Reagan
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Awful president in hindsight.
The fucker brought income and corporate taxes down so low that we are still suffering because of it. And his stupid, stupid, stupid imposition of mandatory minimums for drug sentences and his enforcement of the 100:1 sentencing law for crack cocaine: powdered cocaine was explicitly designed to target black people and has caused the mass incarceration problems we have today, where we have 5% of the world's population but 25% of the world's prisoners.
He did tear down the Berlin wall though.
>Gave amnesty to illegals in California and so turned it from a red state into "Commiefornia"
>deregulated wall street
>made huge tax cuts for the billionaire class
>had great marketing and image PR - which is unsurprising for an actor president
I think he was the first president where substance was truly replaced by public image and marketing.
Flooded america with tacos, thus ruining all blue collar jobs in the western states.
He created no-fault divorce in california as governor
Hardest stance on communists outside the soviet union than any other president
Debatably ended the cold war
Huge job boom occured after he gave more tax breaks to the upper class
Made the war on drugs more funded than ever
Survived an assassination attempt
Started out as an actor
If you're liberal at all you're going to hate him. But he is something of a god to the republicans
So why do republicans worship this guy?
>Granted amnesty to illegals
>Passed no-fault divorce while governor of California, which popularized the concept.
Shit-tier politician, America is objectively worse off because of him.
Don't forget that he supported islamist resistance militias during the Soviet-Afghan war, that resulted in the creation of the Taliban, Al-Queda and several mujahideen organizations. This shithead started it.
He's to Republicans what Obama is to Democrats. A charismatic guy who made their party seem cool at the time.
All reagan cared about at the time is if they hated the communists. His government also funded what turned into some of the south american drug cartels, not to mention pinochet
that was Carter
They are dumbfucks
Sounds a lot like trump and yet somehow the retards here think old Donny will be the saviour of the USA
After he was shot and layed almost dead on a hospital bed, he looked up at the doctor and said,
"please tell me you're a republican"
Lower taxes caused growth all the way up to the Clinton era. You are fucking stupid if you think lower corporate taxes is bad for the economy. Get off of pol commie.
Commie shill slide thread. Sage
Warm up your google, he was one out-of-control massively sick fuck for a lot of years.
Trickle-down economics. What a fucking joke.
He reminded them of their grandpappy and he got rid of that loser Jimmy Carter whose economic policies let him enjoy the economic 180 following the recession Carter got blamed for. In the later half of his second term you could make the case HW and others were to blame for bad judgement when you consider Reagan was suffering terribly from Parkinson's behind closed doors. People still love him because he made us proud to be Americans.
Not even comparable. Trump wants to bring manufacturing and blue collar jobs back to america, and stop illegal immigration.
Reagan created the unstable AG/Construction industry in California that is entirely dependent on wet backs.
Terrible cuckservative. Passed the 86 Machine Gun Ban and granted amnesty to immigrants which is the reason CA has been blue since his terms. Reagan BTFO
>war on drugs
Only problem desu. If he ended it instesd of founding it he would be top tier
Same play is being made with Trump imho. It's a great pressure release and buys Them more time.