Friendly reminder that Trump doesn't buy American steel.

obama made american steel expensive as fuck due to coal restrictions.

Typical racist, always blaming the minorities.


it's expensive as fuck to buy american steel.

chinks don't have the same standards as us so they can do it cheaper.

either reduce our regulations or increase tariffs on countries who have shit labor laws.

wait trump wants to do both of these things.

"Friendly reminder"
"Can we talk about"

Go back to Tumblr, slut.

news fucking flash he isn't the only one. BLame the globalists not fucking trump



Trump doesn't buy steel dumbass. It's up to contractors to source their materials and provide a bid. Its construction 101.

Thats Not friendly! Thats like really mean. :(

HAHA what a hypocrite omg i'm a shillmissile now for sure

Don't forget, "guys"

that just proves he is right

Can we talk about the racism and sexism in the workplace?

friendly reminder, JUST because Hillary literally deleted 30,000 emails doesn't mean that she will be a bad president.

I'm sorry, I forgot to add

Assmad drumpfsters

You just proved his point. The trade deals are so bad for the US that American corporations has to ship their jobs to Mexico, and other countries, to remain competitive in the US market.

right because demcorats ruined production costs by enforcing lawyers n unions on it

trump will remove those costs and make american steel great again

My gf used to walk in the mall across from the Vegas Trump tower. Would sometimes walk over just to take a shit. It was very nice inside

He has always been open with his chinese steel purchase.

Friendly reminder that EVERYBODY is buying Chinese steel right now, and it's not necessarily a bad thing. Dumping might suppress competing steel producers, but it also allows steel consumers to get cheap product while having the satisfaction of literally making China poorer. Look what happened to Hanjin. Hell, look what happened to British heavy industries. Chinese steel industry is most likely fucking themselves over with losses, all in an attempt to grab market share that may or may not work out.

nobody buys u.s. steel. we make more money shipping steel to China to be recycled than anything. 90% of new construction is recycled Chinese steel

He's a liar.

But trump supporters don't care.

That's because of NAFTA, which was because of the CLINTONS. Trump would use American steel IF IT EXISTED YOU MORON!!! AND, Hillary supports TPP!!! (pic related)

Don't buy ching chong steel.

Buy Aryan Russian steel made by dwergar in the forges of Hyperborea. And it's cheap!

Man that Trump building really stands out compared to the depressed shithole surrounding it. Trump really will make America great again!

>Friendly reminder that Trump doesn't buy American steel.

who's the biggest cheapest producer of steel in the world?

not america

what did he lie about?

These examples just prove Trump's points though. Why would businessman Trump pay more than necessary? To be successful, as a businessman, he has goods made in Mexico and uses Chinese steel.

President Trump wants to make American manufacturing and steel more competitive, so that business men like Trump will buy American instead.

it also has Chinese-tier quality control

You're so passive aggressive it makes my dick hard.

>not spending the most you can on construction projects

what a fucking shitlord. i'm voting hillary now

>no proofs
Nice try Mr Ding-a-Dong

Of course he doesn't. American steel isn't competitive. American steel is not Great. He's going to make American steel Great Again.

Why dont Nuclear reactors get build next to Steel Mills since Obama made their ability to produce their own coal power vastly more expensive and burdoned them with regulations.

But that's where you are wrong kiddo

>t. Vegas

Because the democrats killed any reason for business to get their labor and materials from the US. The democratic party is full of knee-jerk idiots who can't see beyond their noses.

you know what Chinese steel is our old cars they all bought dumb ass..