Prove me wrong
>Protip: you can't
Prove me wrong
>Protip: you can't
I can't.
At the first look on this photo, he is nothing compared to Hindenburg.
When I see the press lying now, when we can cross check them on the net, what if it is all a lie about hitler?
What is he just wanted to have germany first?
All the jew shit a lie, like so much jew shit.
What if all he wanted was to rip up trade contracts, and not pay debts ganked from german government by parasite insider deals by cronies? Drop kik all cronies?
What is allies attacked germany? not what we were taught?
Well, he killed six million Jews, based solely on their race. You are proven wrong.
23,000 jews died ww2
He was an autistic retard who lead his country to war with the entire world on his autistic quest for "living space", resulting in the deaths of 4,000,000 German soldiers and 2,000,000 civilians and the destruction and partitioning of Germany.
>he killed six million Jews
OR DID HE???Heh, welcome to Sup Forums, kiddo
no germany was attacked
its all a lie
Bloody maniacal dictator who unleashed the bloodiest war ever due to his pathetic ideology and dreams which had nothing to do with reality.
Even dont know...
Germany was not attacked, you retard.
Germany unlawfully annexed Austria, took Czechoslovakia, then lied and said that would be the end of their territorial ambitions, then went ahead and fabricated a Polish terrorist attack and invaded Poland.
Your about to get a redpill shoved straight up your ass.
>t. history for the goyim
>Muh Jew meemee
Nice argument
On the pros he wanted to exterminate gays, jews and slav untermenschen, but on the cons he was vegan and pretty much into that ecologist bullshit.
Why can't the rest of your country be just like you?
i wish i had some pasta
that pasta looks good.
Where are you when we need you the most?
Because it is extremely hard to break out of the official brainwashing machine called public education. In my case, I probably had the "luck" that I had literally to learn everything by myself since I was young, because no dad available and mom... well because of her dad was gone.
Learning to swim on your own, tying your shoes etc... is just the start. Of course, after the years huge amounts of pages of books add up to your education then... I'm probably now at 70-80k pages in addition to public education. At one point you even want to help others and give them information but at one point, you just become depressed because they don't want to learn, they just want to complain. Thus, posting merchant memes becomes way more satisfying at some point.
>put fluoride in water
>no freedom of speech
>no right to bear arms
What's so admirable about this fucker
>you just become depressed because they don't want to learn, they just want to complain. Thus, posting merchant memes becomes way more satisfying at some point.
Translation: I can't present a valid argument in favor of my position
>>put fluoride in water
What makes you think Hitler had anything to do with what went into the water?
>>no right to bear arms
Neither Germany nor Europe in general has ever had very open gun laws
>put fluoride in water
That was in some concentration camps, not the population
>no freedom of speech
Well you only have that in the US anyway and this freedom only adds to the downfall of your society through ideological subversion.
>no right to bear arms
3rd Reich gunlaws are close to switzerland level, i.e. every german citizen could apply for a gun licence and buy guns. To get the licence it didn't take really long, like a week or so.
Any more memes?
Take my power Hans, you won't convince this Mick faggot but you can try
Was it not 12 million the yesterday? Did he kill them all with his bare hands?
This is the only correct answer.
Honestly, Germany WW1 wasnt that bad, it protected Austro-Hungarian clay. WW2 Germany had the potential but WHY did they have to kill so many jews? It makes me completly unable to like Hitler and his men
>Destroyed Europe
>Made Eastern Europe even shittier by letting it fall under the iron curtain
thats why they tell you he did..
Look at the leaders and the outcome, tell me Germans didn't have good reason to hate (((them)))
>WHY did they have to kill so many jews? It makes me completly unable to like Hitler and his men
>Nigga fell for the Holocaust meme
How is this a bad thing?
I can't dispute that statement OP.... really makes me think that the wrong people won ww2
I know this Sup Forums meme, but its not disputable that he persecuted jews. Obviously the 6-million figure is bloated but the justification for persecutng jews to begin with was, lackluster and disgusting
>Hitler was a good man
As if mass murder negates all the good stuff he did
>hitler didn du nuffin
He was charismatic, yet a terrible tactician. That, coupled with his inability to take advice from his military staff, lead to the collapse of his country.
Good logic.
They had justification, the more you look back at pre-WW2 you'll see merchants fucking with everything.
Hell, look what they did to Russia, nobody else in Europe besides Jews and Commies wanted that.
In my opinion the only bad thing he did was killing slavs
Jews are the Amalekites of the Bible, God wants them extermination, God foams at the mouth praying to Himself "May all ills befall the Jew, my all ills, terrors, plight, and destruction, destroy them in the North, and destroy them in the South, in the East, and the West, accursed is the man who shows them any mercy what so ever, may their enemies be strong and persecute them, may their adversaries utterly destroy them, and may their name and memory be forever forgotten under the heaven, may their eternal torment never cease. Amen"
whats your definition of persecution? he wanted them out, for good reasons. how should he have gone about that?
Would it be bad to carry a picture of Hitler in my wallet?
>implying you'd read information about actualy history
If you want to inform yourself, it takes a lot of time. "beginner" books which usually are a good wake up call for beginners:
>Tragedy and Hope by Quigley
>Truth for Germany by Walendy
>The Ruling Elite by Spingola
>The War that had many Father by Rhonhof
>Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War by Buchanan
Further down the road:
>The Creature of Jekyll Island by G. Edward Grin
>Web of Debt by Ellen Hodgson Brown
>The Chief Culprit by Viktor Suvorov
>Hitlers Revolution by Richard Tedor
>The Second World War by Antony Beevor
>The Culture of Critique by Kevin Macdonald
>Love Letter to America by Bezmenov
inb4 I don't care about your neo-Nazi authors, kys
Anyone who gets his knowledge from school books or youtube needs to be hanged anyway.
If wanting jews out of germany was for good reasons, were the Poles also in the right for wanting Germans out of their clay?
>Because it is extremely hard to break out of the official brainwashing machine called public education. In my case, I probably had the "luck" that I had literally to learn everything by myself since I was young, because no dad available and mom... well because of her dad was gone.
He did nothing wrong.
Hitler had every right to rid Germany of the kikes. Throughout history, Jews have been exiled from every nation they resided in for financial crimes and unfair trades. The Rothschilds banks were ruining Germany's economy and they sold them out in world war 1. They hated the Germans more than the Germans hated the Jews. The cultural impact from the Jews running a pornography and prostitution ring were a major issue as well. You could walk into a pharmacy and say how long you suffered from an ailment and what color of pill you needed and you'd receive this 'pill' was code for sex with a child. How long your ailment lasted meant what age you desired. Pill color was of course hair color you preferred. Google 'sexual decadence of the Weimar Republic' and go on Truthseeker's website.You'll see all the calibers of hookers and what the Jews dished out as entertainment against our Western culture.
Yes, every nation should have the right to evict/remove unwanted individuals. Germany just had a better army.
I wish he didn't kill so many slavs, though
Find me a speech in which Hitler mentioned those people. Go ahead and do it
When Trump loses, the Sup Forums tears will sustain me for weeks, maybe even months. I shall descend upon this board like a wolf upon a lamb, and bask in the unending impotent rage that this board will pump out. I will gaze upon the suicide threads and rage posts, and drink deep of their whining. When they actually start livestreaming their own suicides and self-mutilation, I'll know true ecstasy.
I don't think my penis will ever be harder than it will be when a million Sup Forums tards cry out in itty bitty white boi penis fury simultaneously.
They'll try to convince themselves it was a rigged election. They'll try to convince themselves that the Jews had pulled a fast one on them.
"We will riot!" They will say. "Race war!" "Day of the rope!" they will cry.
Time will pass, and they will do nothing because they only talk. They are too cowardly and weak to do anything
But best of all, none of their bitching will balm the pain of knowing that their God Emperor, their hero, will go down in history as an embarrassment, as an amusing footnote at best, as the loud obnoxious asshole who lost to the first WOMAN president. The entire nation KNOWS that Hillary is a literal criminal, that she's practically bathed in the blood of 4 dead Americans, intimidated Bill's rape victims into silence, and her administration will surely be mired in constant scandals and ethical breaches. But all this only drives home just how little the American people think of Trump. After all her bullshit, her crimes, her lies, they STILL see Hillary as being superior to Trump. When the denizens of Sup Forums come to this realization, they shall know true, soul-crushing, all-encompassing despair. Exquisite shall be their pain. I will look into their eyes and watch their spirit break, and won't reach my climax a moment sooner.
I need to fap.
Go home, Antifa.
>lackluster and disgusting
Not really, anti-Semitism was rampant in most of Europe at the time, Germany wanted them out for their involvement in the revolution during WW1 and buying up all the German businesses and their attitude towards the war/german people in their newpapers.
Once the Jews started leaving Germany by force or by will other European nations wanted nothing to do with them, there was even talks of sending hem to Madagascar or to Palestine to get them the fuck out.
then outbreak of war happened and now you have a bunch of them in your country that you can't send anywhere and remembering how they fucked your nation in the first world war you throw them in concentration camps until further notice (like the Nips in NA).
War comes to a close and you find a bunch of sick starving jews/POWS in the camps do to their handlers being fucking losing a war and being dead.
Hitler had every right to rid the Jew from Germany. Throughout history, Jews have been exiled from every nation they resided in for financial crimes and unfair trades. The Rothschilds banks were ruining Germany's economy and they sold them out in world war 1. They hated the Germans more than the Germans hated the Jews. The cultural impact from the Jews running a pornography and prostitution ring were a major issue as well. You could walk into a pharmacy and say how long you suffered from an ailment and what color of pill you needed and you'd receive this 'pill' was code for sex with a child. How long your ailment lasted meant what age you desired. Pill color was of course hair color you preferred. Google 'sexual decadence of the Weimar Republic' and go on Truthseeker's website.You'll see all the calibers of hookers and what the Jews dished out as entertainment against our Western culture.
This "direct propaganda" was basically given to Goebbels. There is a speech by him, I think it was the one in the sportpalast, where he mentions the doing of Karl Liebknecht.
I do, why so the need of authoritarianism? And the blend of corporation and government? Im not a commie however I hate it and it just isnt necessary, how was it different than the corporatist USA nowadays? (Besides the fact one was Jewish the other one wasn't)
He was a beta
It's not about what Hitler said about them, It's about Germany's attitude towards them. It happened in 1918, he wasn't going to talk about it AFTER the Weimar republic was replaced.
The point is, Germans absolutely hated Jews for starting a civil war months before WW1 ended. It was opportunistic and sleazy, and spearheaded almost entirely by Jews and Commies.
Hitler was not a good man. He completely blew it. He's much more responsible for our political correctness, securing our borders and the fact if even a Churchill like figure would run for elections he'd be almost beyond the pale.
>Using MUH BIBBLE and MUH GAWD as a justification for your hatred of Jews
There are far more reasons why you should hate them that are grounded in facts and reality than just what your Bible nonsense says
While I may not like Hitler, I do not like Jews either, and I do consider myself a National Socialist. What these Hitler cucks like Germanon do not seem to understand is that I hate Jews just as much as any of them.
However, I still choose to acknowledge that it was Hitler who started World War II, not the Poles or the Jews as the cucks here would have you believe. Anything to defend their beloved Autistic furher
>Anyone that takes anything at face-value is a sheep and should be hanged.
>Here are some books that agree with my position, take them at face-value.
Sweet jesus, just realizing I wasted time respond to a tripfag.
he was a manipulator
gay (0 relation with women)
you yourselves are cucks that got manipulated into cool mr hitler guy meme
He's just looking for the chance to dump some holohoax propaganda
>Germany wanted them out for their involvement in the revolution during WW1
source? Anti-semite feelings where much more older then that.
> and buying up all the German businesses
>how they fucked your nation in the first world war
What? More german jews fought in WW1 per capita then germans themselves
>Throughout history, Jews have been exiled from every nation they resided
Exactly like whites. Whites were kicked out of pretty much entire continents
Hitler did nothing wrong ever in his entire life
prove me wrong
pro tip: you can't
he didnt want war with poland, just a connection to the eastern german territories. hitler was trying to do for europe what prussia did for germany, some people arent going to play nice but i think in the end everyone would have been better for it
He liked Islam, thats where my tolerance ends!
So you think you can find me ONE speech about Karl Liebknecht. If that revolution was so important then why did Hitler only dedicated a few minutes in one speech about it? Hitler made speeches for almost 20 years, and was very active. Hmmmmm, something seems sketchy about this
>Germans absolutely hated Jews for starting a civil war months before WW1 ended
> It happened in 1918, he wasn't going to talk about it AFTER the Weimar republic was replaced.
The thing is, he pretty much never talked about it save for shaddy references
1-He ruined the German Conservative Revolution
2-He wanted to destroy all the Slavic nations
3- He projected to destroy in his later life 50% of English and French
4-He wanted to blow up Paris during his retreat.
5- The holocaust,
>Hitler did nothing wrong ever in his entire life
being a vegetarian
>he didnt want war with poland,
>but he invaded Poland
nice stormfaggot logic
Irish are much like blacks and Jews in that they always bitch about being perssecuted victims of the White man and going on about the potato famine genocide.
Why can't I ever get an answer on this? Are some of yall this freaking blind?
>germany will never be great again
Why live?
lol gtfo you ruin every thread with nonsense
You are great though.
I consider dutch and germans "honorary swedes"
A reminder that the (((Irish))) should have been killed off. I do apologise that my forefathers never finished them.
I would disagree because he got fucked up on drugs and let his ego cause the unnecessary deaths of 500,000 men at Stalingrad
He ruined nationalism for ever.
Fuck this cunt.
Yet it's returning with Trump.
Non-Whites shouldn't post on here...
>Stefanie was born into a family of high social status. Hitler fell in love with her after she passed by him during her daily daughter-mother stroll in Linz, glancing at him. Although madly in love with her to the point of suicide, Hitler never once spoke with her, and she later married an Austrian army officer.
Hitler was just an early form of the Beta Uprising
He was never a vegetarian. His doctors advised him to not eat as much meat.
>Falling for Anglo racial propaganda
Why are Stormweiners so pathetic?
Us Irish have literally infiltrated to the top levels of American society and many of us have been presidents
>He ruined nationalism for ever.
He didn't. His defeat did.
Wew he was a fucking manlet.
>t. Alberto Barbosa
Hitler was a jew himself hahahah. Tried to get fucked hard by eternal Russian Bear, by trying to play hard, nasty and dirty. that claim rape as The russian go over Germany as typical as possible.
Stalin purges army, fights coalition forces. Hitler comes in and Stalin Ctrl-c's german advanced tactics in matter of months germans do not understand war of attrition. if the enemy can not advance we will and as long as we advance they cannot.
Hitler shouldv bitch slapped mussolini, and take over rome.
so why are you here Ahmed?
Is that a pray call ? Yep. Back to Londistan faggot.
>Red cross says 270000.
I'm serious they were let into the camp's from march 1945 and they only ever confirmed 270000 Jews and a couple thousand gypsies.
>the bloodiest war
You russians and your short term memory. You already forgot the mongols and your own bloody civil war.
Yeah but you still complain about it a fucking lot. Almost every time I come across an Irish lad he's whining about the Brits, or about the famine, or trying to speak Irish Gaelic through google translate. You're attention whores, just accept that.
Watch the documentary about his doctor Theodore Morell. Hitler was a hardcore drug addict.
What was wrong with the holocuast?
a nothing
b non-environmental friendly large co2 footprint
c mathemathical equation does not stand
>Us Irish have literally infiltrated to the top levels of American society and many of us have been presidents
Why do you think America is such a fucking Wicked fuckhole. The rootless paddy and the Jew are a the core of the parasitic infestation of America. Every Irish descent kid I knew in school was wicked and arrogant, caring only about selfish desires. The rest are autistic Irish pride faggots. We can have Celtic pride but not Germanic pride? Germanic pride is fucking unheard of, I am part Irish, French, and German and it bothers me to no end you mongrel fucking potato nigger scum. Hail and Bless Germania! Anglo-Saxons Hail!
Yeah and he was a small-dicked no-dicked 1 testicle-no testicles syphilitic retard with an IQ of 15. He fucked his mom and his dad, raped women but also couldn't because of his lacking penis.
he was a monster who personally shoah'd over 6 gajillion of the chosen people. We know the story...
>being this mad about the irish when you are part Irish
Also if you're going to go anecdotal on us, all the German Americans I knew growing up were autistic manlets
I was on the phone with Rosetta Stone customer support and some psychotic Irish bitch butt all butt frustrated because I said no one speaks Gaelic Irish anymore so why not have Sanskrit and Latin too. Irish are also fucking ugly as shit.