Is this the start of crashing of the US stock market?
Big crash coming?
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Election time, baby!
Pots a pick where Its already happening
No, but it will. It's cascading now.
Software always does what it's told.
This will be like Brexit. Trump will win, and it will piss (((them))) off so the market will take a hit. It should rebound after a few weeks.
Well see looking at oil prices still incredibly low, uncertainty in the election, plus the Germany banking sector in bad shape. I think were in for a 2008 or 1920's scenario very soon.
Kek wills it
that's barely a 1% drop
calm down, schizoid
chaos will reign
>caring about jewish colouring books
This will be so good if it crashes before the election
Good for who?
People who want to get into the market for the cheapest price possible.
That actually made me smile.
Like a real smile. A happy smile. Not just a smile you make for people.
Thanks, user.
lol that last response was epic
Congratulations to this motherfucker.
Good time to get in, it's gotta even out before hockey sticking up due to gdp increase.
Short the dollar on election day for two days
Get ready for interest hikes and a stock crash.
stock market going down from 10am to 2pm means a market crash according to the rooskis.
Jesus christ you make me want to vote for clinton just so we can blast you folks back into pure communism.
CTR pls go
kek i almost capped that one too
Okay guys, pretending that we support Trump was funny and all, but can we PLEASE stop this before we do something irreversible?
I have 8000usd saved up, should i invest in something? Im planning on spending it in 4-8 months on a project, but until then, is it worth having it stored up in something else than in bank?
Im afraid the same thing as Cyprus will happend, government will clean my account.
Gold? Silver? Bitcoins?
From about 2 weeks ago
safest option is to buy Renminbi. its value is pegged to the USD. worst case scenario it davalues with the USD. best case scenario china ditches being pegged to USD and turns to being gold back or replacing USD as petro-currency
software can make it go up real fast, but it can't avoid a crash when it all gets out of hand and over-inflated.
>Buy "Gold, Peace and Prosperity" by Ron Paul
>Parcel half the money into units of tree-fiddy to placate any giant paleolithic crustaceans
>Convert remainder into dogecoin
Love, /biz/
This is the stock market reacting to the shift in the election towards trump.
>Parcel half the money into units of tree-fiddy to placate any giant paleolithic crustaceans
That sentence made my head spin.
Economy will crash when trump wins, not because of his policies which are good for business, but because the single key factor is expanding money supply, all they have to do is shut the credit Windows which can be done by the federal reserve alone.
nah it's been skimming along for a while now. The crash will come when it's politically useful.
They will crash it on purpose and blame it on Trump
theres gonna be a big contraction in the stock market anyway once the BOG of the fed starts getting replaced to people that are willing to raise the fed rate. we've been running on fumes for years
Ding ding ding! American capital markets are a ponzi scheme based off of endless credit creation and securitization.
>safest option is to buy Renminbi
you are retarded
Safest option is to diversify into an even mix of blue-chip global dividend stocks (think JNJ, PG, TOT, etc...), cash, gold/silver (physical), and affordable rental homes.
Seriously though, tread carefully when dealing with the gold meme. Especially if the USD begins approaching deflation or we see a worsening commodity crash.
beefsteak futures, look into it
Nothing right now.
It's just a reaction to the fed meeting.
It won't burst until they raise rates.
Reminder that not a single one of these faggots has significant money on what they're saying
Just like no-one on Sup Forums actually believes trump will win to the point they put real money on it
Some notes are gold-backed but can't be traded for dollars.