Based Mel
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Why the fuck would they want to destroy him?Who the fuck do they think they are, if they hate white men they should cunt off to Somalia. They give nothing of any worth to this culture anyway.
>Why does Hollywood heavily owned and ran by Jews want to destroy an open Jew hater
Hmm that's a tough one
I suppose it hasn't occurred to the pudding faced "liberal" blob that Mel Gibson is versatile, has a wide appeal and a modicum of talent, whereas Winona was a meme who fell out of fashion after her overacting in Dracula.
Just fyi Hadley Freeman is a full on zionist.
>called "them" out
>is somehow still able to stay in hollywood and make kino
How does he do it?
pick one you alt right piece of shit
They only care about money. He makes them money.
Hackwas was a pretty decent film.
He's an unstoppable force, a juggernaut of sorts. New Passion in the works, Jews are powerless against him. Mel furthering the radical Catholic message to the world, unscathed by international kikery
>why is this director whose political views don't agree with mine allowed to make commercially successful movies?
Truth is bulletproof, my jewish friends :^)
>he's getting away with it because he's straight
what the fuck are these roasties even on about
back to Tumblr town fag
He's getting away with it because he's white.
That's why he brings up Nate Parker.
>saying mean things in a private conversation = rape
>all this focus on Mel when Wahlberg, the guy who actually assaulted people in racially charged attacks, was in the same movie
At least Mel can produce interesting movies. Wahlberg's only distinction is being "that guy who everyone confuses with Matt Damon but who's somehow even worse at acting"
>alt right false flagging a Sup Forums thread
happens more often than you think
What has he done to deserve having his career destroyed?
Matthew Broderick killed people drink driving, John Landis killed a man and two children through negligence, Roman Polanski sodomised a child. I don't see her clamouring for their careers to be destroyed.
Is Vince Vaughn red pilled? I'm too scared to check his Twitter in case I see it riddled with lefty garbage. Happens to a lot of actors I like, I finally muster up the courage to check out their Twitter and immediately despise them within the first five posts.
Vince isn't remotely lefty.
Christ what a snowflake.
Fuck off soyboy faggot. Wark is /ourguy/. He beat the shit out of a chink who looked at him wrong.
Back to where the it is red you go, libcuck. Seven more years. :)
It starts with a "J" and ends with an "ews."
>Wark is /ourguy/
Far be it from me to deprive the only people in the world who could possibly want that.
>“Freeman was born to a Jewish family in New York. Her father worked in (((finance))).”
Every time. Typical kike behavior to change ones last name to avoid suspicion.
You're trying too hard, user.
>They give nothing of any worth to this culture anyway.
according to that logic you ought to be niggering it up with your fellow niggers in niggerland as well, nigger
>soyboy reaction image
Checks out.
Yeah, like that.
Great argument. Get back to chugging that soy.
Talent is bulletproof, even (((they))) can't do shit about it.
Also, what happened to "seperating the art from the artist"?
>what happened to "seperating the art from the artist"?
whatever it was you're not gonna find out on Sup Forums
You can't do that anymore. Every work of art is political and impregnated by its context.
I dont even need to check anymore
He's a Ron Paul guy, Libertarian as fuck
how many times does that make it for you personally, OP?
Identifying a Jew eventually gets like cooking a steak. You can judge it by eye and feel alone.
The fucking dont give a shit anymore, dont they?
Freedom of opinion be dammed, they publically call from character asesination now, and they complain full of thenselves when it doesnt work.
>Is Vince Vaughn red pilled?
yes, user. he lives in a similar state of pants-pissing hysteria to you and assclowns like you, that what you wanted to hear?
whenever I think of mel gibson I see him with my inner eye, a crazy bearded man with a wild smile on his face. that mental image alone is what saved him I think
>implying irishmen are considered white
"Publicly call for character assassination", user. After which I think you're trying to say they "complain full of themselves" if it goes to shit.
He's half Irish, what the fuck is with Americans? Are albino Africans white to you weirdos?
is straight white man supposed to be an insult?
wasn't this written by a straight white woman?
or is this one of those cases where she gets to be a jew when she is *oppressed* and white when she isn't *oppressed*?
if it weren't for straight white men she wouldn't even have the convenience of making these worthless little articles on her facebook machine, or have a cell phone, or have internet, or be able to live in any white country (which happen to be the best countries on earth), she wouldn't even have rights if it weren't for straight white men.
since when did the media turn in to fucking tumblr?
t. soy boy
You're a brainwashed sheep, Generation Zyklon will save western civilization, pathetic low IQ subhumans like you are a laughing stock.
It's sad that we let liberals destroy people's livlihood
t. 2000s kid
Keep swinging, Tammy.
Wahlberg is a waste of Human Meat
>Generation Zyklon
You mean the generation that forgave Muslims bombing them at a concert while listening to a half-naked whore sing about getting fucked by a dick so big she could barely walk?
I can think of at least one sadder thing.
>Blacklisted for 10 years btw
>the media accurately represents what generation zyklon think
Poor soul. At least you reinforced your brainwashed status.
Is that image a lefty meme? Is this what lefties consider a sick burn?
Mel verbally attacked jews
Third nipple smallberg attacked an asian guy on the streets.
It will be, user. It will be.
Someone post that video where Robert Downey Jr is giving an award ceremony speech and basically credits Mel for getting him clean in rehab and essentially forces the entire audience to apologise to the man. I wonder how much pressure RDJ actually has behind the scenes in Hollywood.
>basically credits Mel for getting him clean in rehab and essentially forces the entire audience to apologise to the man.
that doesn't even exist unless you're determined to believe it was all in heavy code. jesus christ
>Is that image a lefty meme?
You really are one simple son of a bitch.
Says the brainwashed libcuck.
It’s real brah
They want to destroy the Symbols of Masculinity.
The fact that Mel Gibson was forgiven is a big no no
Im Feminismus bist du Gut oder Schlecht. Es gibt keinen Mittelweg.
>Heil Heidi!!!
they are attempting to turn the world into Roastie Heaven.
that means to get rid of YOU!!!
blacktivists, feminists and all other shitty SJWs are attempting to get rid of your Heroes because they cant stand to live in a world not RULED by THEM.
i actually like him in the roles he plays.
not saying he's a great actor but he's good in the roles he does play.
this is so American
I love Mel Gibson more than most but don't talk shit about Dracula. That movie is objectively perfect in every way. The melodrama makes it better.