Atheists are stupid.
You cannot hate God yet not believe he exists.The time of His return is at hand, repent and you shall be saved.
>protip, you won't
Atheists are stupid.
You cannot hate God yet not believe he exists.The time of His return is at hand, repent and you shall be saved.
>protip, you won't
Other urls found in this thread:
god isnt real, check my digits
damn, almost, reroll
>You cannot hate God yet not believe he exists.
Yes, good job. What the fuck does that have to do with anything?
>The time of His return is at hand,
Yes, just like it has been for thousands of years. Shouldn't you retards get tired of this shit? Isn't it tiring to always think the world is about to end and keep being wrong?
Christfag RP threads are gay.
>pretending to be religious
Autistic as fuck and insulting to people who really believe.
>Conflating God with religion
Have fun turning to dust over centuries faggot.
a person who denies or disbelieves the existence of a supreme being or beings.
Can't see the word hate anywhere in there.
That's stupid logic, in fact, it's not logic, because it doesn't make sense
I don't hate God
I just hate the "Sup Forums is now evangelical Christian" meme
Sup Forums being Christian is just a reaction to the fedora'd gentlemen meme and the autists who made atheism lame by being pretentious faggots
Devs Vvlt
I don't hate Yahweh anymore than I hate Mickey Mouse
I don't hate god. I just don't give a flying fuck one way or another whether or not he exists, and am not going to waste my life trying to figure out what happens afterward.
>You cannot hate or like something you know or believe to be nonexistent.
Sure you can. Have you ever read a book or watched a film before?
You're talking to people on Sup Forums here.
t. Brainlet
Only by doing what you are doing now will your life be wasted.
Sometimes i wonder if these threads are made by atheists to make Chrsitians look stupid.
The whole Christ-chan meme seems like satire, especially considering how much porn of the character there is and how "don't be racist" is a fairly prominent Christian value.
There are too many levels of irony operating on this board.
>Yes, just like it has been for thousands of years. Shouldn't you retards get tired of this shit? Isn't it tiring to always think the world is about to end and keep being wrong?
No one was wrong newton predicted the end at 2060 when he studied the bible
nice flag
>You cannot hate God yet not believe he exists
Who said anything about hating God?
I'm not really religious but I find the spiritual beliefs of others to be fascinating, no h8.
>He thinks fedora tier atheists who actually believe in God but hate him are really atheists
M'Jesus *tips fedora*
>don't be racist
Wrong. Don't be racist to other Christians would be correct and I would give that to you.
>don't be racist to other christians
>putting religion over race
This is why the west is going to shit.
No, the west is going to shit because of niggers.
Religion over race. The opposite is fucking retarded.
Does one guy's prediction in a long line of such invalidate the earlier and later ones? The point being made was that Christians have always been saying "the end is nigh". There have even been popes who endorsed that the end would be in a few years. It's getting old.
>the west is going to shit because of niggers
Because retards like you think they're the same as us because JEBUS. We have to let them in because they're our brothers in Christ.
>Religion over race. The opposite is fucking retarded.
You are retarded.
Did you not read my previous post you idiot?
>We have to let them in because they're our brothers in Christ.
No. I'm not some heretical evangelical or satantic cathocuck.
They are only brothers in Christ if they are CHRISTIANS. And if they act like it, i.e., get a job, start a family, and don't act like fucking niggers, and be a productive fucking member of society, with no hyphen before the American, they can be here.
>hates atheism because le jew invention
>likes Christianity despite bible being written literally by jews
explain this christcucks
Most niggers are christian though, the Bible Belt is where the highest concentration of niggers is. Congratulations, you played yourself, cuck.
No, they shouldn't be allowed here because they aren't our people. It doesn't matter how they behave or what superstition they buy into.
This is the problem with you christcucks. You think as long as they PRAISE JEBUS it's fine to be flooded with niggers.
Considering how many African countries fell to Muslim conquest, I don't think your assessment is accurate.
christian is more like the term 'patriot' rather than 'american.'
you're not christian just because you say you are, or just because you go to church.
no more than standing in a garage makes you a car.
44 Ye (Jews) are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
t. Jesus
I see you ignore the constitution. So go and fuck yourself, you stupid nigger.
If you want me to debate you then first you have to refute this ;^)
First: We're talking about American Niggers, those who live in America.
Second: North Africans aren't Sub-Saharan Africans you moron.
I'm not the one putting religion over race.
>t. Nigger
i don't see how that relates to what i said.
>t. Albanian
It has nothing to do with the constitution
No serious prediction have been done atleast what i know of .According scripture only newtons seems to be some what legit in time frame , a pope does not even read the bible
Did you say "American Nigger"? I don't think you did.
As to your second point: Northern Africa isn't the limit to the spread of Islam across Africa. Africa has a huge population of black Muslims.
>claims to be redpilled
>worships a kike
Please explain how the fuck this makes sense.
>t. (You)
Deus vult
>You call yourself an aerobic organism, but you only breathe one gas! Do you know how many gasses there are in the universe! You're just as anaerobic as any anaerobic bacteria!
>people believe many different mutually exclusive things about X
>therefore, X doesn't exist
that's stupid, you shouldn't get your philosophy/theology from a comedian, freethinker.
>person A believes the moon is made out of cheese
>person B believes the moon is made out of plastic
>therefore, the moon doesn't exist
people are only for like 80 years at most, then they die (without being proven wrong at the end) and other people keep it on, thats how they dont get tired of it.
>t. Actual nigger
The Implication is since I'm talking to an American. 2+2 equals 4 burger.
>north Africa
Did you believe the WE WUZ EGYPTIANS bullshit? Yeah North African went muslim but the other part, the part where there is niggers, is all christian.
Stop using my comics you fucking faggot
you didn't build that, what was the name of the guy who did? chappy? chammy?
Deus vult!
I bet these atheists believe the Earth is a sphere too.
You're invoking the power of Kek while claiming God isn't real?
Deus vult
It does you faggot. We are possibly the only country in the world where a fucking nigger can actually make something of himself and break the cycle. Look at Ben Carson.
I Think this all stems from a misunderstanding of what you think I meant though.
Here: Whites > Blacks, White pedophile < Respectable Christian black man like Dr. Carson
That is what I meant, I will look past race as a default depending on the circumstances, but only if they are Christian.
Other than that fuck niggers.
Everybody play nice ok?
Really? So if I'm talking to you and I say "Dog", does that mean that I was implying "Albanian dog"?
1/10 bait. This reply is just out of pity.
>People actually think that pic related is smart
Having multiple people claiming to see God doesn't make the concept not exist. I also don't believe in other gods because my religion says no other gods exist, so I have reason to reject the other Gods. He who follows no religion has to reason to reject the other gods.
>There have been many theories in science that contradict therefore science doesn't exist
>Jeremiah 9:23: Thus says the Lord: “Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches
I'm Christian but this stupid
>I'm a Christian btw
isn't any better than a vegan telling you that he's a vegan all the time
Atheism is a disbelief in God.
"atheists" such as you find on reddit, constantly attacking Christianity are merely posers - children who never grew out of their rebellious phase. They're like the retards who argue vehemently about which video game console is better. A real atheist doesn't play at all.
>false flagging this hard
I've been thinking lately.
Do Christanons think leftism is the work of Satan? Really, have you ever seen more soulless, empty people in your lives? People so corrupt, so devoid of any goodness or righteousness? It destroys minds and rots the very spirit of people into nothingness. And most leftists are atheists.
I don't think the Devil himself could create a better mindeset and ideology to insidiously destroy a person than leftism.
Even the black "christian" communities put their blackness over christianity (praying for their criminal family members to do well in trial as opposed to justice being served.) so they are piss poor examples of christians. The only other race that gets it right besides whites are chinese.
You're doing some obvious context denial there.
Reminder that Yahweh killed tons more people than Satan ever did.
Your god is a dick, why worship him?
>All hail the all powerful dead sky kike on a stick
Is not that I hate god, I don't even hate the Catholic church and it's full of pedos, I just don't belive in God, sin and Mary being a virgin who gave birth to Jesus. I get why people believe in it, but I don't think it's real.
If it's all real, if the bible is legit and Christians are right when they say I'll go to hell for being an atheist, well, tough shit, you should be glad you'll get to say "I told ya"
That isn't true. Christianity is the dominant religion in Sub-Saharan Africa, but Western Africa has a strong Muslim history. Christianity today makes up 45% of the religious demographic while Islam makes up 40%. Muslim Africans make up a full fourth of all Muslims.
>A real atheist doesn't play at all.
citation needed
Only retards don't consider their place in the universe.
post lewd christ-chans
You're also a Mudslime Albanian so idk if you have a proper view on religion.
Yes, in other words they are still niggers.
There are a few exceptions.
It's almost as if OP is onto something.
you should finish reading the story, something really interesting happens after He dies.
Fear not
>Le ebin myslim maymay X-DDD
Satan dammed millions of people. Your close minded attitude is pretty pathetic.
He killed people that deserved it. Something we as a country ought to do a lot more of.
Just curious, are you specifically mentioning the flood in the post? If so I have a different response for you. Just need you to confirm.
She's a friend.
>You cannot hate God yet not believe he exists
you're the one who thinks we hate god. we actually just hate you because you think god exists
What's this garbage? Go fap alone faggot.
You're full of shit. You're autistically assuming that your assumptions are law. Go back to the first post that mentioned "niggers". Does it say "America" there? If the answer is no, then you're a fucking nigger.
You're an Atheist.
Stop pretending you believe.
>we actually just hate
Who are the two right people? I see them sometimes, but I have no idea who they are.
I mentioned the Bible Belt. Where the fuck do you think the Bible Belt is? Again, 2+2 equals 4 burger.
Did you know that God is a girl, and His name is Eris?
I don't hate God. I hate all the idiots who think God is real and male their delusion a part of my life.