Turkey appreciation thread

Reasons to love Turkey:

>beautiful Istanbul
>only secular country besides Israel in the Near East
>our ally and a member of NATO
>beautiful history
>Ottoman culture superior to Balkans culture and Arabs culture
>bravely stands up to Russia and ISIS

Turks are bro-tier and they deserve to be in EU.

Other urls found in this thread:


Turks are white and based

They were the first caucasians.


You see, these Turks love Turkey so much that they don't even live there! youtube.com/watch?v=6YqcIFIzOPA

They were once our guests. Stayed for 500 years. Great times.

Turkish girls are cute

Stopped reading your bait right there.

Fuck off you filthy vermin, it's Constantinople, no matter what you maggots call it to fit your invader narrative.


Op, almost all of your points are complete shit.

Turkey was (arguably) secular until Erdogan faked a coup that was actually an Islamist government purge.

Reasons to love turkey
>koksal baba

That is all




Byzantine empire sucked they couldnt defend it so they didnt deserve it. Now is Istanbul, you gypsy fucker.

>makes no counter-argument
>just ad hominem

Is German education shitter than America?


I think the Turkroach hate meme is fucking retarded. It has good sides and bad sides.

Hating on Turkey is like hating on "might makes right", in which it makes you a cuck.
But defending Turkey makes you a defender of subhumans.
It's a real dilemma that Sup Forums, and Sup Forums for that sake, should try to think about for once.

>so they didn't deserve it
Thank you for admitting you stole the city you worm. I always knew your species was mentally retarded but to spill out the truth in such an obvious matter with years of indoctrination bestowed upon you, truly is a once in a life time.

Fuck off you dirty Muslim. Based Catholics made your best city since you muslims were too busy fucking goats

>Ran by megalomaniac that sucks Isil cock, has temper tantrums when Isil is utterly destroyed by based Syrian Kurds
>Sat on their hands when Isil was slaughtering its way across Iraq and Syria
>Did nothing about Isil snuggling all manner of oil, gas, weapons, and TERRORISTS by the dozens of trucks every day
>Protects al-Qaeda and Isil members, giving them hospital treatment

Yeah, bro-tier. Sure bud.

The people, food, culture, and history are alright though, but to be in EU? My fucking sides.

>Pic related.

Canadian boys are cute af
The constant winter is beautiful
Too bad your personalities are shit

slide thread, sage

I think Turkey is a pretty cool guy. eh kills aleins and doesn't afraid of anything...

They make some good pr0n and have nice looking bitches. Would bang lots of them. Food is pretty cool.


Lokum and Baklava are God's work tho. Best comfort desserts.

Wish to become an indian villager one day, smoking hash making natural curries all day

>Reasons to love Turkey:

I prefer roast beef...

I don't. Why are you?


>istanbul built by byzantines
>no longer secular under erdogan
>nato relevant for maybe another 15 years
>history of pillage and subjugation of your neighbors until getting assraped in WWI
>turk culture niggerized by islam
>allied with isis

In short, fuck you roach and fuck your roach country.


dont forget the cosplay whore that you can hire to fuck anzu

Literally kill yourself. Even niggers aren't as bad as shitskins. They ruined the whole europe continent and the byzantine empire. Wose than gooks, worse than jews, worse than niggers.

>ruined byzantine
crusades ruined byzantine you irrelevant slav.


you are roach trash. get that through your head

You made me do this.


>United europe under christianity
>Kept Muslims at bay
>But oh no user, they killed a few pagans.
Thanks for the shitpost.

thats a male

>literally sacked christian byzantine
>a few pagans
Nigger can you read?

>Your ancestors killed my ancestors 6 trillion years ago
>Hence, i hate you
you're max 16 years old



based Turk genes :^)

My ancestors didn't sacrifice themselves to btfo islam from europe and stop them from poisoning the germanics and celts with their shit genes so you fucking leaves could bring them back. Go fuck yourself


Had some turkish friends from different parts of their country all are really cool guys. Before that I really thought they were just arabs living in desert lel.


Fucking subhuman. Your nature of your people has showed up again in July
Killing innocent 18 year old conscripts with so much hate is beyond me
Fucking savages

Favorite foreign country and I've visited: Britain, Canada, Scotland, Hong Kong, China, Australia and Russia. Best food and amazing history.

>Milennial butthurt


i appreciate how thy are the only racial group that evolved to survive nuclear fallout


It's constantinople

Non islamic turks (that 10% of em) are ok tier. The moment erdogan goes kill and islam is turned into a non state religion (literlay wont happen do) is the moment turkey stops the roach capital of the world. Applies to all islamic nations right now (with the exception of maybe Saudi arabia since they push this shit and need to be punished for their sins)



thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=Wcze7EGorOk

>beautiful Istanbul

beautiful Constantinople.

Yeah I love Turkey with cranberry sauce.

I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving haha gobble gobble leaf friend.


The most retarted empire in history
>Were number one on arab slave trade selling White europeans even fucking icelanders
>Raped and race-mixed so hard we can't even tell anymore to what race they belong
>Practised homosexual and pedophila as a norm
>Didn't even have their own army and had to rely on white balkan slaves(janissaries) to fight until they said fuck off and turk disbanded em.
>Funny enough that's the time when Roaches started to suck even more

Shame Russians didn't genocide you the same way Vlad did, just for fun.
Literally cancer of not just to europeans but even to fucking shitskin arabs and persians.

i want to see her naked, and not for sexual reasons, just because her body must be bizarre

Country itself is nice, however people are fucking retarded and getting more religious and stupid over time.
Government is cancer and determined to make a middle east country out of Turkey.
Government helped ISIS before, now they're just pretending to oppose ISIS.
Also Germany pretty much imported rednecks of Turkey to do grunt work. Now they have 3rd generation roaches there.
I can understand the hate about them however not even we like them, they usually speak broken Turkish and act like complete mongoloids.
I wish we could purge Islam from this country for good, then it would be a lovely place to live. As of now, nobody wants to stay here unless they are government shills.

what went wrong


You mean Thracia =D

Gotta go further back in time m8.

I want to see her naked for sexual reasons.


You mean Constantinople?


We will take Constantinople soon mudslim scum

No it's Istanbul, not Constantinople.

It's Istanbul you cucks. Byzantine lost it fair and square.

>cuck who needs impaling detected

So salty because of a joke...

I was just quoting the song.

>t. Cuck crying over "might makes right"

>Tasty as fuck
>You can make amazing sandwiches afterwards
>Then you can make a delicious soup with the carcass

Plus, what else would you eat for Thanksgiving and Christmas?

Don't care about Constantinople
Just want to genocide roaches from this earth
They ain't even human
Constantinople can be nuked just for kek's

My dibs confirmed turkroach ain't human

May Ataturk's spirit live on through you.

You bring me shame, fellow amerifats


you hate me ?

Fuck off Ahmet, you aren't fooling anyone. Also " Istanbul " is called Constantinople.

Ataturk was a jew

WTF is this roach shill bread
normally I wouldn't reply to a leaf but this argument is wrong on so many lvls
>inb4 butthurt

Just some mehmet roach tries to make insectoids look based.

>deserve to be in EU

Turkey being admitted into the EU was a good Brexit selling point, nobody wanted open borders with 70 million mud faced pedo worshipping goat fuckers. So there is that to praise Turkey for, thanks. lol

Most Gay'ish Country ever existed.
Those guys always happy to take in ass, if there is no goat around.

Have you noticed that raoches have multiplied since the coup? Seems like Erdogan has a dedicated shilling team to ensure his regime

Of course it had to be a fucking leaf...

Nope. Also how is something that happened a thousand years ago relevant ?

ITT: Sliding important issues away by diverting Sup Forums's attention.

4D chess. Kudos, shills.

You must be in Islamist to claim this. Why would he fight in WW1 for Turkey if he were a Jew scheming against Turkey?

I like all the roaches

Like the armenian genocide. But it seems pretty irrelevant, isn't it?

Most definitely

He was a officer-general during WW1
Cuz even german jews fought in WW1
The fucking stupidest question of all

your points are fucking gay. Turkey should practice Helenotürkizm, give all of European Turkey to Greece, let Greece and Serbia rule the Balkans and then double back to let Turkey control the entire Arab world with Greek help. Turkey joining the EU is retarded because they're giving up so much power.


If Turkey is ever formally integrated into the EU against the wishes of the majority of basically ALL European countries the people will rise up and the EU will be destroyed.
But not before some damage has already been done.

You moron, Germany wasn't against Jews in WW1