>He fell for the nationalism meme
>His ancestors were immigrants
>He fell for the nationalism meme
>His ancestors were immigrants
Don't blame the rest of us for your utter lack of national identity, leaf.
1. They were white.
2. National Socialism is the only way socialism can work, you ought to love it.
3. Niggers.
Fuck off you dumb fuck leaf.
>he fell for the nationalism is right wing meme
Created by a nigger or spic who lives in a shithole
thats something an alien would say
I see lots of borders; geological formations, bodies of water, etc.
What will you do after the election CTR? Go back to flipping burgers at chik-fil-a (lmao) and getting your shitty poli-sci degree from a community college?
We want to get you a real job. Where you can use your shitty degree to make decent money and not be a welfare recipient.
Join the dark side already. Your co-workers already have.
And yet I'm responsible for the actions of my ancestors when it comes to treatment of minorities. Fucking leaf
>not a nationalist
How about I walk into your house take your stuff and shit on your carpet? How would you like that?
Oceans count as natural barriers.
FBI user (who was proven legit) warned that CTR will not fuck off even if Trump wins. CTR has slowed down Sup Forums's productivity by almost 60%, and (((they))) notice it.
Even if Trump wins, CTR will continue to derail Sup Forums and probably hit us even harder next election.
thanks for opening borders you stupid leaf we can get rid of some gipsies now
>fucked up captcha 3 times
>receive "At least you tried" badge from Kek
>"Don't see any borders"
>Gigantic fucking ocean
we are ALL merfolk
Nationalism took us to the moon, invented the internet, defeated communism, invented cell phones, created the largest middle class in history.
Healthy nationalism between various countries promotes competitiveness, innovation, and progress.
Canadians only hate nationalism because their nation has nothing to be proud of
I mean fuck, even Australians have a national identity and a culture
As racists and nationalists get ostracized, it will be harder for them to reproduce and they will eventually just be phased out of existence.
>he didn't get it on his first try
>>He fell for the nationalism meme
>>His ancestors were immigrants
This is the most obvious strawman I have ever seen. To claim that no borders should exist would imply that there is no such thing as an immigrant.
What you're saying is:
>Fuck nationalism, and fuck you because of your nationality.
>created the largest middle class
all slaving for a few elite jews
But gosh darn it I gave it my all
my ancestors weren't immigrants they were settlers and founders
A wise man once said:
>Be the change you want to see in the world
I think this applies very well to your mindset here.
What have you done to "combat" this nationalism?
Have you taken in your home people of other nationality as you?
Exactly, i hope the rest of the world rises up and throws down their nationalist chains to join Canada as trans-national countires. I mean it is 2016 after all.
>he fell for the "a nation is a state comprised of atomized individuals instead of a folk" meme
>his ancestors had a nation
>Implying assimilation has nothing to do with this
Ohh CTR, have you learned nothing?
>implying forced illegal and mass immigration wasn't a psyop in the first place to remove identity and strong nationalism
Fuck off Burger, Leafland has always had tons of nationalists. You do realize that Trudeau's not doing so hot in approval ratings outside of two cities, right?
>I don't see any borders
Rotate over to the Great Wall of China.
>His ancestors were immigrants
My ancestors were conquerers of the native populace, not quite the same thing.
The don't go to Canada, they COME HERE!!!!!
>what is shitposting
>His ancestors were immigrants
maybe your ancestors
disgusting leaf
I don't see any roads either. Fuck roads, who needs em?
Its possible to "all be earthlings" while still belonging to different, separate categories. The fact that we have something in common does not mean that we should have everything in common.
In fact, a logical extension of your argument is this: Everything is made out of atoms. Therefore, every object in the universe should be treated equally. Doesn't make much sense, does it?
Immigrants that came here looking for work that loved the country instead of immigrants coming for handouts that hate it.
Our religion
>cultures don't exist.
>races don't exist
>humans are not tribal
They're all over the Europe begging and stealing because your countries have open borders (you don't need any documents to get in).
Just a couple days ago Canada and EU signed a trade agreement that included open borders for Europeans, including Gipsies.
Since the UK left EU and it's harder to get in, all the thieves and professional beggars will come to Canada from UK.
I see many natural borders, actually.
B-but user, diversity is strength
Just like numbers, we are stronger when we are divided
they say that Lithuanian is the language closest to the proto-aryan common tongue of all civilized peoples. from that chart, I'd say they're right.
>national identity
top kek fucking retards these days
>Immigrated to get away from smelly niggers
>same smelly niggers want in now
Keep 'em out
This picture will only apply after we colonize around a dozen planets or so. The countries will seem less important as the identity that we define ourselves by will be more emphasized on a planetary level.
>Then they'll be too busy shit posting on 40chan about how fat and gross earthlings are while we shit post right back at them.
>Pissing in a sea of piss
>Implying they could ever infiltrate other Sup Forumss
Some of those other chans don't play. They out right perma ban and there is such a hive mind that as soon as someone speaks some CTR shit the get completely fucking shunned.
does your house have a door?
if so, tear it down and go to sleep at night
>Implying Canada has more than two cities that matter.
All these cringey new plebbitfags thinking sage is a downvote FUCK OFF, you only sage when a thread is off topic, and you don't announce a sage
Schopenhauer is a fool. His only good work was his essay on women.
People are nationalists because we love our family, friends, and countrymen, and we don't want foreign hordes to ruin what we have going.
I don't see any humans, do you?
Fuck humanity, all hail our aliens overlords.
But there is a perfect answer to that
Somebody could take a picture of a random person and write "I don't see any human rights, do you?" and then "Fuck brotherhood, we are all of our own crew"
Literally the same reasoning, except borders and skin colors do exist.
I don't see any people either, therefore I think we should all kill ourselves.
I'm fed up, they are always and in the entrance of churches and museums crying while they ask for money.
If all counties were equal I suppose I could get on board with globalism.
Unfortunately most country are utter hell holes. Why the fuck would I want people in my country who make their own country a shit hole? They're going to make my country a shit hole. Guess what? They already are making my country a shit hole.
Canada's only area of culture that deviates from our own (read: that isn't a lazy American knock off) is Quebec.
I don't see any poverty and starvation either.
Abolish development aid guys!
>I don't seen any consent from space, do you?
>Therefore I didn't rape you.
If you look at Earth from let's say, 50 km, you'll see fucking borders (maybe not in Africa but fuck them)
Kys newfaggot scum
>a fucking nameless faggit shitposting on a China-man cartoon weeeaboo image board sitting around all day calls a famous philosopher fool
I also don't see any muslims from there either.
I know this is a bait post, but people actually unironically share this shit on facebook and reddit. Holy shit I can't believe people like this exist.
Both grandfathers were SS. Dont fucking tell me, that im a immigrant.
Don't talk shit about the best fast food joint in the nation you faggot fuck.
Post-Nationalism is retarded. Nations, united by a common history, culture, and geography, are not perfect, but they are the most effective way to represent groups of people within the global community, and they are the best way to order societies because you need fewer laws and less bureaucratic infrastructure when everyone has similar ideas about how people ought to behave and what it is the government should do. Less bureaucratic infrastructure means a more efficient, less intrusive and less expensive government.
Post-nationalism generally, and multiculturalism specifically, has the effect of eroding the bonds of nationhood, fracturing communities, and requiring the government to act as an intermediary in everyday interactions more often.
I'm not saying all government is bad, but if you look at the United States, we spend a lot more per capita on government services and get a lot less out of it than most countries, because a lot of that money is wasted on cultural gray-areas.
Also, free movements of people has the effect of letting third world human garbage destroy nice, safe, prosperous societies. I want to make the world a better place. We cannot make the world a better place by making the nice parts of the world shitty. We need to make the shitty parts of the world nice.
kys newfag. Zero-effort slides should always be saged.
What's a downvote? We don't do that here.
>refutes with HURRDURRL ad hominem
Try again faggot
When I look at your house I see a house just like mine, so don't be surprised when I just walk right in and take everything you own like it's mine.
Yeah, I feel for you.
I remember watching a hidden camera news report back from 2010 where it showed how gipsies were begging professionally, basically, they had a house, they had time to get a job, they have opportunities but when asked why they chose to beg instead of working they responded with "it's easier".
Romania was INFESTED with beggars, literally everywhere you went you saw some gipsies begging up until like 2014 when they made it illegal to beg (you get fined).
Jesus fuck iPhones are awful. I'm ashamed.
When more than half of our population doesn't even like Trudeau that says a lot, Burger.
The only place left in the USA with any sense of homogeneous, white culture is New England, which are all almost exclusively white.
The whitest parts of Canada has one of the most fun white cultures, it's very celtic and full of pride (not for Canada, but for the celtic parts of Canada. ie Cape Breton, Newfoundland, and various white towns further west)
Wrong. Name a single American state with a culture similar to Nova Scotia or Newfoundland, both of which are very celtic and have been relatively isolated from the rest of the world for centuries solely because of how out of the way they generally are, allowing them to develop their own unique brand of celticism on their own which isn't overly modernized.
>somehow natural borders don't exist
Fucking leaf
>There aren't any real borders!
Then would you Canadian mongrels finally submit to the superiority of our systems of law and government? No? Then enjoy the arbitrary line you savage rape babies.
Do you have to be racist to be white nationalist?
We evolved to have in and out groups. That is the way Earth created us.
Fucking leaf.
>couldn't come off with a better idea
Your desertland is irrelevant anyway..
The corruption will be uprooted, just as it was ages ago. Only this time, we remember.
Don't worry, pal. One day we'll just move our northern border 100 miles to the north and you'll all be Americans.
Newfies are like our Down's Syndrome Special Olympians.
In my opinion, the success of one unified global community is based on the assumption that the vast majority (>96%) would have to
1) see themselves, not only as a member of the global community itself, but actually disavowing membership in any of the "lower tier-ed" groups. Therefore, a black man is NOT black. NEVER identifies as black. A poor person NEVER distinguishes between themselves and a wealthy person. A christian NEVER sees atheists or any other religion as different from themselves.
2) It smacks of communism. Everyone in it together for everyone else. Self-sacrifice becomes a virtue instead of a vice.
We would martyr ourselves out of existence, whether globalization was accepted or not.
>what are oceans
>what are mountains
>what are rivers
Basically this.
I know the OP is never going to respond because this is a bait thread, but whatever.
Most borders are natural borders: oceans, seas, rivers, mountains, desserts, sometimes even canyons.
Borders are one of the most normal things in politics.
Yes, the city centre of Madrid has become their new "workplace".
This is a very long video, but you can see what gypsies kids do in the mornings in the city