This guy is coming over to your place to watch Crank 2 with you whether you like it or not

This guy is coming over to your place to watch Crank 2 with you whether you like it or not.

Can you stop him?

no but my fucking door can

He's a master lockpick who can open any door.

is this a penis metaphor

no but my tommy gun can

a big guy for you, means a bigger target for my blade...

Can we watch something other than Crank 2 though?

Why would I stop this husbando from watching my favorite action movie with him?

Why would I? I haven’t seen crank 2 yet,could be fun.

Ill give him the greatest gift, joining his idols

*licks katana*

Why would i want to? It's a fun movie.


Btw i miss /fit/. Gonna go see what those fags are up to.

Depends on his stats.

/fit/ is dead

I set a trap up infront of my door with all the juices flowing out my vagina from looking at this alpha male and pray he slides off and his penis falls directly inside me

makes u think

Why would I? Crank 2 is one of the best sequels ever made

why would i stop him from watching a fun movie with me

Seems like a bro, I'd hang out.

>Can you stop him?
Yeah, i can say that he is very fat. So she will run out with wet eyes.

>didn't you get my message
The single moment they chose to be realistic was fucking hilarious

i own firearms

How do I get a body like this?


Why would I want to stop him? He looks friendly. I love Crank 2. I'll get some crab legs and let's fire that bad boy up on Netflix!

Do pushups every day.

No, but I'll sneak into his place to watch Demolition Man instead

kill yourself faggot.

>Can you stop him?
My AR-15 gives him a nice hello shooting him in the head.