real life adaptation when???
Real life adaptation when???
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Not until an Inferno Cop adaptation
This is probably as close as you'll get bud
why can you fags be content with the nine boards they have for you?
They've already cast her
It's live-action adaptation, you mongoloid.
She's way too cute for real life
There’s no good anime-to-live-action adaptations that aren’t directed by Takashi Miike
Teenage Warhead for Ryuko. She can look pretty AND pissed, it's the two basic traits she needs.
But who can play both adorable and retarded for Mako tho?
>semen demon
Who’s this? I need to look up more of her.
Anyway, there’s plenty of decent Ryoku cosplay for inspiration.
Nevermind, found her
Dat's actually a good pick for RILEY MATTHEWS if you gotta change the setting to the USA
All attractive anime girls are just modeled after white women in the first place.
I’d WHITEWASH her, if you catch my meaning...
>this would not fucking surprise me
that absolute state of hollywood
Eww, no
There has never and will never be a good live-action adaptation of anime. Not only that, but no 3DPD whore could ever be cute enough to believably play a 2D waifu. I don't fucking understand why people want IRL version of anime shit. It will NEVER EVER work.
Don't even fucking joke about that holy fuck
is this like some edgy reboot of Sukeban Deka?
Why did Hollywood start casting ugly people in major roles? Back in the day everyone in the movies was hot.