What am I in for?

What am I in for?

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A great action adventure film with a cool twist in the end.

Also it's better than the book

you missed it, the minority report was 2 days ago.

read letters on the top
and you know it gon b gut

there's like a 10 second shot of his erect dick in the opening scene.

I try to hate spielberg, but this is one of the best science fiction, action, and thriller films of the past decades, the neo-noir thing is really cool too; spielberg was at the top of his game here.

This is pretty good flick, but they should remove last 10-20 minutes. That last part makes this movie too obvious.

one of the best philip k dick adaptations
>tfw saw minority report and lilo & stitch back to back at the mall

9.2/10 nearly flawless movie, 10/10 writing, 10/10 action, 10/10 twist

only flaw is the ending is rather happy considering the movies dark and bleak tone

The fuck? I don't remember this from when I was 11.

Based Cruiser and Based Mel are the only actors who if they star in a movie you know the movie will at least be enjoyable but most likely a rip roaring good time

you have to really look for it, deep in the darkest corners of your imagination.

they are also hated by jews witch makes movies twice more enjoyable

>try to hate Spielberg

I know that feel, man, but I just gave up. Regardless of what I think of his politics in recent years, his career is full of absolute kino that I could never bring myself to not love from the 70's up till the early 2000's, and he was never obnoxiously political in that time, just cranking out one kino after another, and the movies themselves were always nice, with good values to their stories and themes, and excellent craftsmanship. His career during his prime is like the absolute example I hold of up "why I used to love movies" vs "why they fucking suck now." Just one classic blockbuster after the other. I'd fucking love for Spielberg-style blockbusters to come back and save us from the absolute scourge of ADD retardation that guys like Abrams have brought upon us.

>hate his (((politics)))
>love his 70s-00s kinos
yep, my situation exactly; feels conflicted mang

an agro manlet acting badly amidst a background of propaganda?

This film has Scientology undertones.

So do your underpants.

one of the best sci-fi films ever

stay on topic please

good scifi

i said please stay on topic! we're talking about minority report.

best scifi of the 2000s

blows it in the last 20 minutes and has some regrettable slapstick moments peppered throughout, but everything else is top shelf.



all of your mothers look like precogs

The mystery and wonder of Jurassic Park vs "It's good to kill each other for us, goyim" Saving Private Ryan.