What was peele thinking at this moment

what was peele thinking at this moment

>this is the last time they spoke as friends

Scrambled egges.

why is skrillex there wearing a t-shirt and a snapback

"My brotha.. we is finally kings"

>Who is this?

this dude smells like onions

>be sure the park my car in a good spo... wait you mean you aren't the valet?

>Who are you?

"Have fun being a 'character actor,' beesh"

that's Corey Feldman who refuses to name hollywood's pedophile kingpins unless we give him money

He didn't even mention Key in his speech

Key is done. Peele fucking can't stand the guy and he's quickly becoming a Hollywood beta orbiter

>"Peele it's me, Yeah dude congratulations on the oscar you know it's been a while since i heard from you i guess my other messages haven't gotten to you. Haha well anyway feel free to call me anytime you know ,noiiice! looking forward to your call. I'm Keegan."

Key was reminding him the the black community still owns him.

This is like the modern Pam and Jim

I'm thinking a more 'Drake and Josh' scenario

>"Jordan-Peele yer home. Qu'est-ce que c'est, man? Message machine broken?"

>i put the pussy ON the chainwax

If a reunion ever happens, it'll be a Peele & Key show.

key & peele is objectively reddit

a lil christoph walken in the backgrund

>"I am the funnier one"


>one is in light the other in dark

someone post the JUST version of keegan and similar pictures

plz keep talking to me that faggot skrillex guy has been trying to get close with me all night

>this nigger got a pity oscar


Is Key gonna start making sad Jenna Fischer like posts on Twitter about the "good 'ol days" when his buddy was less successful?


